Unique Energy, Your Set-Ups and Plans.

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I know its doesn't seem like much but I want to find something to do with the 2 stack of wither skulls I have....
Well, I suppose that's one way to use them.

I suppose that could work pretty well. Still seems a bit low, though.
To be fair, in a modpack like FTB both wither heads and nether stars are easy and not dangrous. They can even be fully automated (soul shards, turtles and xenos reliquary)

You could combine a wither skeleton farm with a witch farm, which would give you infinite redstone and glowstone, then use Xenos reliquary to make infinite wither skulls automatically... (Are there any components I missed?)
Or, you could even pull up one of my old threads about how to completely abuse the Alkahestry system for infinite stuff, and make the redstone and glowstone that way, with all sorts of lovely byproducts.
Or you could just use alkahestry for your power needs... I've had the idea of using the netherrack centrifuge exploit to make infinite coal, and combining the coal with uranium from radioactive bees rattling around in my head. Should be quite fun to do. :P

Oh, also, while I'm here, might as well throw this out there as well.
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You could combine a wither skeleton farm with a witch farm, which would give you infinite redstone and glowstone, then use Xenos reliquary to make infinite wither skulls automatically... (Are there any components I missed?)
Or, you could even pull up one of my old threads about how to completely abuse the Alkahestry system for infinite stuff, and make the redstone and glowstone that way, with all sorts of lovely byproducts.
Or you could just use alkahestry for your power needs... I've had the idea of using the netherrack centrifuge exploit to make infinite coal, and combining the coal with uranium from radioactive bees rattling around in my head. Should be quite fun to do. :p

Oh, also, while I'm here, might as well throw this out there as well.
...I miss my Reliquary now on 1.5.1...
I'll have to hurry up on my stereotypical evil base. It should be fun to show off how I take the souls of stray chickens and pigs and generate enough power to run a max size force field to keep the village I'm living in safe from monsters.
...I miss my Reliquary now on 1.5.1...
I'll have to hurry up on my stereotypical evil base. It should be fun to show off how I take the souls of stray chickens and pigs and generate enough power to run a max size force field to keep the village I'm living in safe from monsters.
... What pack are you using?
... What pack are you using?
I call it "Utter Bullshit" because of the amount of bullshit I've dealt with getting it working, and it's still not done throwing said bullshit at me.
It's the third in a line of my "Bullshit" series. My first one was "Complete Bullshit", which was a attempt to jam enough mods into the game that I run out of id's. Despite how fun it was, it was on 1.4.7, and thus it was REALLY LAGGY. My preliminary attempt to update to 1.5.1 was called "More Bullshit", and it took me close to a month to figure out what went wrong with NEI in that install and I ended up deleting it in a fit of rage, only to realize my issue could have been fixed easily.(and now when it crops up I can fix it in seconds)
"Utter Bullshit" is super alpha duplex turbo tigerblooded edition and even if I had permission to release it(which I never will due to having a closed beta in it which I can not consider removing due to how fun it is), it's a personal build. I can help you locate any mod which I am using in it, and maybe even help you get the various mods working, but it's not something I can distribute.
. I can help you locate any mod which I am using in it, and maybe even help you get the various mods working, but it's not something I can distribute.

Just release the config pack and the links to the downloads. That is essentially the build. The config pack is where all the hard work is at. That's what most of us had to do before Tekkit FTB. MultiMC is your friend. Much, much easier to build with it than manually dealing with Jar mods and such.
Just release the config pack and the links to the downloads. That is essentially the build. The config pack is where all the hard work is at. That's what most of us had to do before Tekkit FTB. MultiMC is your friend. Much, much easier to build with it than manually dealing with Jar mods and such.
...Very well.
I'll have to finish it first, mind you, but it's getting there. Just need to get Pams Harvest Craft to not grow weird plants and get Metallurgy 3 to not use the same blockID for more then one submob's ingot blocks, and it'll be ready to be compiled.
I'm currently using ID Resolver to set up the IDs, but that's just a temporary way of configuring the IDs.
Well, I was just curious what mods adds what I presume to be Harken Scythe mod's souls as an energy source.
Actually it's NetherStuffs(but you can use Harken Scythe with NetherStuffs to gather your soul energy, which is what I'll be doing).
Here it is. This is probably the most inefficient method of producing power possible. 10 "fuel" cells net about 14k eu. :)

Can anyone guess what this is?



An exploit? and one that is already fixed in the most recent versions.

Yea, just checked 1.5.1. GT now has electrolized water cells at 25k eu up from 16k. no infinite energy now, not that this is even worth it in 1.4.7. I'd be a lot better off burning charcoal in a generator, but someone mentioned this exploit in a post and I wanted to see if it was possible. Greg really doesn't like energy loops. He makes you work for them.
Pumpkins and melons are actually surprisingly good methane fuel. Every pumpkin nets you a neat, simple little profit of 1250 eu each, while melons are more random but will, on average, yield 1562.5 eu each.
It does take awhile for them to centrifuge, though.

Not really a 'unique' method of power generation, but it's certainly an easy option.
OK, so I've figured out how I'll be powering the majority of my base(one day...).

That's a soul smelter. Take souls from Harken Scythe, make sure they're in a keeper or vessel, and insert into the top left box on the following image.

That's the GUI. The bar is for liquid soul energy, which you can get from killing things with special blades with NetherStuffs installed, from soul draining machines, or simply by using the soul smelter. As I am a fan of burst energy, this suits me well.

That's five soul powered BC engines. They produce 1 MJ/t, but don't need to heat up nor will they screw up(much like DartCraft Force Engines), so that's like 5 MJ a tick.(no connections aside from a energy cube = no loss from that set IIRC, yay 1.5!)

Will produce more images later, got a meeting to get to. This is just a 5 engine cluster. A few souls won't power it for super long, but I'm looking into ways to increase my soul output.
Is Harken's Scythe any good in mixed modpack play? I've been eyeing it but had other priorities first.
Is Harken's Scythe any good in mixed modpack play? I've been eyeing it but had other priorities first.
Most of it's self contained, but there are two things to keep in mind; the Harbinger spawns during new moons(IIRC) and is pretty tough, and pretty much every mob gets a boost during new moons IIRC. Aside from the Harbinger and his asskicking skills(including raising dead players as his minions in a way), it's pretty safe to add to any setup. No world generation to boot.
NetherStuffs on the other hand has plenty of world generation, but it's in the Nether only. And most of it can be safely turned off. Not all of it, though, as you need the trees for various things, and you need the demonic ore to get anywhere in NetherStuffs. All of the other worldgen for it is types of nether ores, so I turn all that off anyway.(except the encrusted stone, which lets you get cobblestone in the nether, and the Obsidian, because it's really handy to have a source of obsidian in the nether without finding a way to turn lava into obsidian now that oil is inflammable)

If you're adding Harken Scythe, keep in mind it's still being remade into version 2ish, so not everything is added or balanced correctly.
So, just found out(not really, but it was today) that GregTech can make EU with that Ars Magicka Vintenusahj dust stuff, both refined and not refined. Clearly refined is the better choice, so I'll make a farm soon.