Unique Energy, Your Set-Ups and Plans.

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I'm surprised that two 11x11's can support that many boilers.

I don't know that my 9x9 could support anymore than say... 6-7~ of them. I'm not actually sure, actually. That's also not considering boilers running on the wood... hmm...

I have those two 11x11 and I have 2 Steve's carts treefarms, the MFR treefarms completely blow the Steve's cart farms away. I'm currently at over 1 million surplus charcoal, 2 9x9 railcraft tanks are constantly full with biofuel, so it can easily handle more. MFR farms provide more than adequate resources, being able to process and deliver them as fast as you get them is key.

If you have a sufficient production of fertilizer, a 1x1 MFR treefarm can power 5 solid fueled boilers. Certainly more, its just that I only built 5. Thousands of extra wood every day.

The saplings, I don't use at all, so that's another few boilers.

I run half biofuel and half charcoal but I don't use the saplings to make biomass, I use the shear leaves function to get leaves to make plantballs and make them into compressed plants, I then use those to make the biomass.

Here's a video I made last week when I got my system up and running.

Well, glad to see another chap using MFR farms.

I'm in love with them, myself. They're way beyond what I'd expected. Of course, instead of making plantballs I just straight turn the saplings into biofuel with the bio reactor.

Probably not as efficient as your set up, but I get enough out of them. Not to mention that it more than pays for itself, so I can expand upon it infinitely with no repercussions.
I run half biofuel and half charcoal but I don't use the saplings to make biomass, I use the shear leaves function to get leaves to make plantballs and make them into compressed plants, I then use those to make the biomass.

I can see the use of sheered leaves to make the compressed plantbals for biomass. But wont your planters run out of saplings in time? They can store 9 stack and you can have a auto refilling system. But if you dont break the leaves you get no new saplings. How do you handle that part? Beside that part it seems like a solid setup to me. I acually considered a very similair setup myself but the lack of saplings kind of stopped me.
I can see the use of sheered leaves to make the compressed plantbals for biomass. But wont your planters run out of saplings in time? They can store 9 stack and you can have a auto refilling system. But if you dont break the leaves you get no new saplings. How do you handle that part? Beside that part it seems like a solid setup to me. I acually considered a very similair setup myself but the lack of saplings kind of stopped me.

I used to alternate shearing and not shearing and keep an eye on the saplings, the sheer amount of compress plantballs you make is quite a lot. Now I just have one farm for saplings and one for leaves.

Turns out, it is just better to not use as much industrial fertilizer, it seems I get more saplings and apples that way and you don't burn through saplings like crazy.

The real problem is the apples, I've had to supplement with apatite recently, but an orchard can easily solve that.
I have no need for apples, so I use redwoods in my MFR farms. For the 4 saplings each tree requires, you can easily get half a stack of them or more from the leaves. On top of that, the wood returns are massive.
I recently made the jump to 1.5.1 and grabbed a bunch of new UE mods and one has a Single Point Generator. Infinite energy at a decent ratio without much effort! The catch? Has to be placed at 5000, 60, 5000 to work. Well, any of the four 5000 60 5000 points.(so -5000 60 -5000 can work, as can 5000 60 -5000 and -5000 60 5000)
My plan is hindered by the fact that PowerCrystals hasn't updated power converters yet.(that and I will need railcraft again to travel back and forth, or a damn good teleporter setup)

Ideally I'll have those set up at all four points to maximize energy gains. But from what I understand, they still rock having even one. Kind of the goal on a server with that mod and PvP is to secure one of those locations and reap massive profits.

Assuming that it's been added by now, I may just use Harken Scythe's soul generator to run my whole base. Best way I can think of getting power really.
I have no need for apples, so I use redwoods in my MFR farms. For the 4 saplings each tree requires, you can easily get half a stack of them or more from the leaves. On top of that, the wood returns are massive.

The only thing I use apples for is squeezing into mulch to fuel the fermenter, I like having a renewable source instead of hunting down apatite.
There is a huge array of possibility about producing energy.

The most simple one is lava nether pump linked to Geothermal Generator / Magmatic Engines.

Then some weak renewable ones : Peat Farm, Water/Wind Mill

Some very interesting options for starting out : Hobbyist Steam Engine (extremely fuel efficient if you keep it running non stop, a stack of coal and run it forever) / Steam Engine

Then when you get some copper, don't hesitate dwelling in Nuclear Power. It's quite easy to setup and as long you as you make it safely, there will be no problem. Without any chamber you can already have very safe setup that output 100 eu/t and runs of up to 6 uranium cells that last hours (gotta use em some time)

Medium Power : LP boilers. When you get an good constant income of burnable stuff, don't hesitate making even a small boiler. A single full automated peat farm can power a 2x2x2 LP boiler for a total of 18 MJ/t

Then overkill mode : Solars everywhere, Fusion Reactor, 36 Hp boilers...
Step 1. Make pumps, Waterproof pipe/liquiducts ect, Liquid Tesseracts, Iron Tanks, and Geothermal/Termal Generators
Step 2. Go to Nether. Places pumps, gather Lava.

He was asking for unique energy setups. Although I agree "unique" is almost impossible I'm quite sure this one doesn't come close :D
hmmm, the main problem of unique energy setups is, that they are usually not used because they are not overly efficient.

suggestion for a system:

take a autocrafting-system, that crafts one insulated copperwire (cheap with the GT wiremill), one mercury-cell (takes 1 tin and 1 cinnabar ore) and one piece of redstone together. and this generates 32 single use batteries. 32k EU...

same recipe: insulated copperwire + sulfuric acid cell + lead dust. gives also 32 bats and thus 32k EU. since the GT-distillationtower produces 16 cells sulfuric acid, this means 512k EU extra energy besides the 4 million netto energy produced by the distillationtower...

does crafting on an electric craftingtable (never used that thing) give you back the tin-cell? because the cell is more or less the most expensive part of that...
Then some weak renewable ones : Peat Farm, Water/Wind Mill

Excuse me, my farm would like to disagree with you. 2000eu/t feeding a Matter Fab and 40 MFSU's ;)

Excuse me, my farm would like to disagree with you. 2000eu/t feeding a Matter Fab and 40 MFSU's ;)

How... is this working?

I thought windmills decreased in power with every nearby block within like... 9 blocks of them. Is that not true anymore? I actually just looked for where I'd heard of that... and I have no idea. That's really weird.

Well, I found part of it. From the wiki: "Calculation is: power = s * (y - 64 - c) / 750; 's' is Wind Strength, 'y' is Block Height, and 'c' is number of blocks (not including the windmill itself) in a 9x9x7 area around the windmill."
How... is this working?

I thought windmills decreased in power with every nearby block within like... 9 blocks of them. Is that not true anymore? I actually just looked for where I'd heard of that... and I have no idea. That's really weird.

Well, I found part of it. From the wiki: "Calculation is: power = s * (y - 64 - c) / 750; 's' is Wind Strength, 'y' is Block Height, and 'c' is number of blocks (not including the windmill itself) in a 9x9x7 area around the windmill."

With a proper overworld windmill tower design, you can get a maximum of 1.6 eu/t average without a chance of breaking. (due to the nature of tower designs, however, you'll probably get something a bit lower, such as 1.45 eu/t each for a 16 block high tower)

However, his towers are in the End, which is actually better then the overworld due to its consistent lack of weather, which means you can pretty much put any tower design you want as high as you want, without having to choke the output to account for the odd thunderstorm. The end can get you a maximum around, I believe, 2.25 eu/t without any chance of breaking.
Ah, alright. So it was the IC wiki that gave me that information.

And, I suppose that works. By 'effective height reduced', does it mean that you can have a windmill above the 'safe height', and still be considered safe if there are an appropriate amount of obstructing blocks near it?
Yup. All that obstructing blocks do is basically lower its height level.

Also, I edited my last post.
Yup. All that obstructing blocks do is basically lower its height level.

Also, I edited my last post.

Yeah, just read it.

That's pretty nifty. Windmills aren't awfully hard to make, so that wouldn't be an unreasonable power supply.

I still stand firm that windmills are terribly, terribly underpowered, though. They could be so much better.
One power source that I highly doubt any one uses, a couple of Industrial Electrolyers, HP maxed sized boiler, supply of H20, Liquid tranpostors, and a Powercoverter setup to suck up all that steam into eu to refeed the machines and also have a bit of power leftover. It's a cool idea but sadly not worth the mats to power a boiler on water alone. Methane can get you better "bangs' for your bucks probably but 60k eu per cell isn't going to cut it for at least me.. Cause we're are equipped with 2 fully auto Fusion reactors and almost 64 USPs!
Hey, Mash, what about water mills? They are cheaper and can be automated for 2eu/tick each.
The recipe is terribly cheap, and with RedPower 2 and an infinite water source you can generate as much as 4 solar panels with a lower production cost.
And that is if you only automate 2 of them.