wolves do attack skeletons IIRC, it was in a snapshotstill wondering why Mojang hasn't changed it so wolves attack skeletons and only villager zombies drop potatoes or carrots...
also baby villager zombies... I'm fine with the speed buff, but they should really have less health and should also burn in daylight
Not sure I want to know what you are getting out of this then...The unfortunate phallic symbology of creepers.
Yes, if you make every wall and ceiling 3 meters thick![]()
wolves do attack skeletons IIRC, it was in a snapshot
Pssht, design, thought, and ingenuity. Don't you know the point of the game is to climb tech trees using canned, out of the box solutions to invented problems? </sarc>With a bit of design, thought, and ingenuity you can make anything work- thats the beauty of games like minecraft.
Pssht, design, thought, and ingenuity. Don't you know the point of the game is to climb tech trees using canned, out of the box solutions to invented problems? </sarc>
It bugs me that some people seem to think exclusively in those terms in modded MC. They'll spend days holed up in their base watching their processors trace out the same old predetermined paths, with barely any thought put into it. Then they reach the top of the tech tree and get bored. Sadly it's an easy trap to fall into, what with all the flashy endgame stuff nowadays... I myself have fallen into that sort of thinking a few times so I guess I'm not one to talk.
Seriously though, any advice to break the mould?
Industrial TNT? What are you, a pansy? If you aren't using literal black holes, then you ain't doin it right.fixed
how about ICBM?Hungry node then? I'd say nuke, but if I remember right, those now have an inventory you gotta fill.
I do this. A lot. I can't help myself I'm a ... Tech-aholic*cries*
Seriously though, any advice to break the mould?
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I've always enjoyed playing anarchy servers and building structures for players to "interact with"......Leave your base and do something outside? There are lots of mods that add really cool worldgen stuff nowadays, there's probably a decent amount of exploring to do, especially if you're playing with Biomes-o-plenty or something.
If you're playing multiplayer, go make some stuff for other people to use/interact with/look at. It doesn't have to be practical at all.
Also, I will concur that Forestry is good for encouraging you to start building mechanisms in world. Throw in your favorite pipes and overly-complicated redstone wiring for added fun.
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