Those little things that irk you about Minecraft

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
it irks me when...

I get stuck in the ground when I use a portal gun.

that Glimmers of light always decide to park themselves right in the way of my ME terminal which causes me to place a brick on it.

that I have to stand as far away as possible when breaking said misplaced block or run the risk of tearing half my house down because my pick is too fast.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Creepers, definitely creepers. I had just made it to the Applied Energistics phase, otherwise known as the NO MOAR CHESTS!!!! phase... and was packing everything into AE for my big move (my big expedition to go find a suitable place for a permanent base)... however, I forgot to put the 2 blocks of cobble to shut my front door, and I lost track of time in my little temporary cave and didn't see it was now past sundown... I turn around and what do I see? A creeper, standing right next to my AE setup. Oh yeah - he didn't come right at me, I swear to goodness that madman went right for my AE as if he knew it held everything in my entire world... literally.

I tried to dash at him while pulling my sword, but it was too late, it was inevitable... my entire world, everything but my own life, went up in a big BANG! When the smoke cleared, I saw my 6 hard drives lying on the ground and I gathered them up. They were safe!! But... I had no ME controller, no ME drive, and no ME access terminal. They had evaporated in the creeper attack. Same with the redstone energy cell and most of the redstone conduit - gone. And all my TE3 machines and ingots were on the hard drives. AARRGGGHHHH!!! lol (Epilogue: I had enabled cheats when I created my world so I just went to creative mode and "re-obtained" my items that I lost. No need to fret. It's still a funny story tho!)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah creepers are the worst. Sometimes I think Minecraft is a bit too hardcore considering its nature. Its been forever since a creeper blew up anything important of mine but yes Ive had them destroy my chests. One of the first things I do now is fence in a huge area and light it up with torches. Hit f9 to get a mob spawn overlay that shows you where its dark enough for them to spawn.


Jul 28, 2013
Kidding, right?

I love creepers. How else would I feed the voracious appetite of my world-annihilating super cannon, the Schwerer Bloketav?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Glimmers of light always decide to park themselves right in the way of my ME terminal which causes me to place a brick on it.
This. I find some of the Mek stuff makes you place blocks on it rather than opening it's GUI and most of the stuff ignores you if you're holding a torch. Picky bastards.
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