Those little things that irk you about Minecraft

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What is wrong with Minecraft and its lag, it's the laggiest game I have ever. If anybody uvnedetstanf then tay

Sent from an iPod 65, illegally talked about because of partnership. iPod 65 teleports through years like Back to the Past (Sequel to Back to the Future except in 2096).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It's bad at handling entities...
That reminds me of the tnt, it was lagging so much that I 1.9 they changed it

Sent from an iPod 65, illegally talked about because of partnership. iPod 65 teleports through years like Back to the Past (Sequel to Back to the Future except in 2096).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If you think RF has just gotten to the "why bother?" point, why not try a tech mod where things matter? Gears and Shafts (RotaryCraft), Flower Power (botania), Sand and Brass (Clockwork Phase), etc.

I can't help but agree that the power creep in RF has jumped the shark. Hell, even a Big Reactors Turbine spitting out 27kRF/t is pretty insane (that's infinite ore generation with a MFR Laser Drill, plus 7kRF/t to process it). Other than using 20kRF/t on a Laser Drill or an absolute beast of an ME system, what do people use 20k+RF/t on, anyway?

Well, how much RF does it take to run a bedrock breaker at 1 operation per tick? Don't forget that the RF to shaft converters need support at that level, and that support is going to require machines that need RF, which will require more support ...

The way RF is going, you may as well just place down the machine, and it works. No fuel, no power, no cables. Just. WORKS!

You mean, just like Vanilla?

Seriously. Why power? Vanilla has a wonderful thing: machines that take power take either a redstone signal, or a piece of coal/charcoal. Why require a squeezer to have a special power block? Why require a farm planter to have a special power block?

(Furnaces; furnace carts; pistons; dispensers; droppers. Did I miss any?)
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
RoC treats RF like a stopgap method of transferring shaft power to various locations. So long as the RF was generated from RoC/ ReC sources I don't think there's much of a loss.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
RoC treats RF like a stopgap method of transferring shaft power to various locations. So long as the RF was generated from RoC/ ReC sources I don't think there's much of a loss.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
Reika himself has said that the RF-to-shaft converter was only to teleport power in absence of ChromatiCraft and/or significant progression in said mod. By default, there's no loss in either direction, but it also comes 520:1 watts to RF ratio and the one that makes shaft power consumes liquid nitrogen on, I believe, an exponential scale.

Seriously, though, if you're adding Reika's tech stuff, I highly recommend adding ChromatiCraft, as well. It ties in with the others exceptionally well and provides a lot of different utilities (not to mention the insanely useful World Rifts) to make your life working with the tech side of things a lot easier. Plus, its also got things for other mods, like the infinitely useful RF radiator (think EIO wireless charger, but for machines).


Active Member
Jan 7, 2016
You mean, just like Vanilla?

Seriously. Why power? Vanilla has a wonderful thing: machines that take power take either a redstone signal, or a piece of coal/charcoal. Why require a squeezer to have a special power block? Why require a farm planter to have a special power block?

(Furnaces; furnace carts; pistons; dispensers; droppers. Did I miss any?)

Several mod packs take this approach, and I do like the simplistic approach. Pam's Harvestcraft has squeezers, kitchen sinks, and assorted pots and pans; none take power. Admittedly, the oven takes cooking oil, a byproduct of the squeezer, but that's about it. Apple&Tea&Milk has a mix of non-powered appliances (tea maker), and powered ones (food processor, evaporator, crusher), but you can pick and choose what you'd like to use, none are required to enjoy the pack.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
There's not a single (tech) mod that you can combine with it without rewriting completely said mod.

This is the big problem. It is not just Reika; he's just the most obvious.

Every tech mod so far has basically had some sort of power production, transfer, and consumption.

What's a tech mod? Is it "Uses RF"? I don't think so.

Last night I found about an exception to what I am about to say, at the highest end of blood magic. Excluding that, this still holds:

Magic mods all require you to personally progress in the mod before you can make use of things. You either need a personal life pool, progress in a thanomonomicon or chroma journal, etc.

Tech mods all have the property that you can make the various blocks, hand them to a brand-new player, and they can be placed and work. Most are "owner-less" -- you can put the blocks down, step aside, and someone else can throw the switch and it works.

This is not new to minecraft. The idea that "If anyone can flip and switch and it works, it's tech; if it requires personal investment, it's magic" goes back to either Clarke or Asimov (I think it was Asimov, but I'm not certain).

Now, sharing power?

Some mods have been based around rotating gears (two of them now; rotarycraft is NOT the only one). Others are based around air pressure, or "bursts" with transmission loss, or this, or that, or the other thing. And one is based around "magic cables" that have zero loss, perfect transmission, perfect conversion, and production blocks with perfect capacitors inside them to make things easier.

Guess which of those became popular? Suddenly, other mods had the choice -- lower usage rates, or adapt to the perfect transmission and capacitance mod.

Botania somehow generates power from plants. Once generated, it uses wireless cables (*) to transmit power, storage blocks, consumption blocks, etc. No different -- it's own transmission, etc.

Can you "share" progress in different magic mods, so that manipulating mana in one method can run a block that wants a different method? No, and no one is surprised.

Can you "share" progress in different tech mods, so that manipulating power in one method can run a block that wants a different method? Sure, and people expect that because "Energy is energy. It can change form, but it cannot be created or destroyed".

So, air pressure to watts to torque to x to y to z? Makes logical, physical, "real-world" sense. Expected.

But lossless conversion from one form to another, with no heat loss, no friction, etc? Someone look up the carnot cycle, and do some research on the whole "you can't get 100% efficiency" thing. Heck, if I remember correctly from 1st year college (last time I had to work with it), you're lucky to get 35% efficiency.

Any sort of "common power system" is going to have this issue. Some mod is going to have a lower cost to convert from CPS to it's production blocks. Some mod is going to have a lower cost to generate CPS from it's power source. (You give 80 units per coal? We give 120 per coal!). Etc.

What would you think if there was no inter-tech-mod conversion -- if, in order to use a forestry farm block you had to have a forestry power source; to use a gendustry machine, you had to have a gendustry power block; to use a rotarycraft flood light you had to have a rotarycraft engine; etc? Can you imagine the complaint of "I got this far in this mod, now I have to start over in that mod"? Sure you can -- look at the magic mods for exactly that.

Which of these two statements would you say defines a tech mod:

1. Tech mods are defined by power being convertible from A to B
2. Tech mods are defined by "anyone can flip the switch / place the blocks and it works".

#2 is the better definition.
#1 is what people expect.

(*): Wireless cable? Sure. Fiber-obtic cables for transmitting light is wireless. Note that if you transmit through the air itself, then you are cableless wireless cable. Technically, that's radio or Botania. Is there a radio tech mod? (**)

(**): Well, there's wireless power transmission via tesseract.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey I know the second one, it's Cogs of the Machine right? Yeah, I remember that from back when I was reading the modlist and it was not completely usable yet...
Yep, that's the one.

(Mana not being convertable between magic mods) Well, I am surprised. Well, not actually surprised, but disappointed because that's one thing I really need to happens before I can make a magic only pack make sense to me...
It ... is strange. Some mods have many different types of mana internal to them, perhaps with some partial conversion (nb: I admit to not really understanding, nor using, Thaumcraft, but it has a bunch of different ones, and two flavors of each?)

(power being convertible, and progress mixable in tech mods)
It make sense, especially from my definition of a tech mod.

I defined a tech mod fairly simply: :cool:
To be a tech mod, it needs to be somewhat possible to exist following a set of rules that are based on the "real world" and of minecraft. (infinite water, putting >1m^3 in a single block, partial gravity...) (okay, maybe not that simple actually :oops:)

But what kind of "real world"? Something that is beyond our current technology might still be possible, and if implemented might seem like magic. At one point, turning coal into diamond would have been considered silly; later, possible but not yet within our technology. Today, it's doable, but the energy cost is ridiculous. As a quick example, let's say someone had a power distribution network that was based on linking black holes, transmitting stellar power through a black hole network, and holding a black hole captive inside a variable sized box. Yes, you would need a huge box, but you can make it smaller on the outside.

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." Or, "Any technology that is not magic is not sufficiently advanced".

So, in that set of rule, it makes total sense to be able to convert pressure into rotational energy and then into heat energy and maybe into electric energy, so while it's not expected of tech mod to work that way, it does make total sense, so it's of course better if they can.

However, there is absolutely no need for a common power system. Rather, two machine for each power system, each capable of doing the conversion in a single way. Kind of what reika did with shaft power and RF. Of course, with loss, and according to the various tier if needed.

But this doesn't scale. Worse, it means that each mod would have to make power gen appropriate for, and understand, potentially a dozen different other-tech mods. Lets say it was up to Forestry to make a "forestry power to Reika shaft power" converter. What would it use?

Reika said, "My system isn't going to be understood and balanced by others, so I'll do it for them". Another mod based on strength of a packet and frequency of that packet (how I understand the old forestry power system to have worked) would have to replicate what it does for each power system. A simple mod that says "Burn this fuel for this power per tick for that many ticks" might have a very different idea as to the conversion, and would not be expected to get it right in complicated cases.

But in that logic too, we shouldn't have 20 copper and tin type either.:rolleyes:

Off-topic, but I really hope that in 1.9.4 we can have a single universal mod that manages all instances of every add-on ore. So that we don't have six different mods adding tin, but one mod adding tin and six different mods using tin.

(If there was no inter-mod power in tech)
I guess you can kind of guess my answer there from what I said above. While it's a logical default behavior, it doesn't encourage modpacks at all, and it doesn't make any sense from my definitions of tech mod. So I would be pretty pissed off, ...
Yep. People expect and want conversion between tech mod powers.

So, lets say I had a tech mod that had a system for draining the "stored solar essence out of plants", and transmitting that "solar energy" as "beams of light", that could travel straight lines as long as there was a line of sight to a receiving block? Would you claim that it needs to have conversion to a mod based on pistons pushing in-and-out for making power?

(Just because I don't know of a mod based on it, does not mean that it isn't a fairly well understood mechanical system. Now, granted, there's usually some rotating thing next to that moving piston, but if you've played ... I think it was "Impossible Contraption", you know that you can convert linear motion power and rotational power with just a block :).

Lets back up for a second: how we got to this discussion point:

>>>>> I though RF couldn't get worse with insanely huge numbers...
>>>> Well, this is what happens ... Power creep is unavoidable.
>>> If you think RF has just gotten to the "why bother?" point, why not try a tech mod where things matter?
>> Rotarycraft and reactorcraft ... There's not a single (tech) mod that you can combine with it without rewriting completely said mod.
> It is not just Reika; he's just the most obvious. ... What's a tech mod? Is it "Uses RF"? I don't think so.

How are you going to try to determine the conversion between power mods? Let's take a simple case: lightning. Let's say you have a lightning rod, and it's able to capture the power of a lightning bolt, put it into a battery, and output it as electricity. Does a bolt give you on the order of 15,000 RF of power (Don's lighting mod), or does it give you on the order of 1 million RF of power (IC2, I think?)? If I wanted to convert something from Reika system, where the weakest engine basically generates 1 kW of power--256 rads per second, 4 Nm--into Cogs of the Machine, do I just say, "they're both rotational speed and power so just do a direct translation" and instantly overwhelm the highest-end device that that mod has?

Magic mods often don't convert power types within themselves, let alone across different magic mods.
Tech mods tend to have conversion, but lose all the fine points in the process.
Tech mods don't have a consistent scaling (Reika models real world high-tech devices, but winds up being exponential; CotM has reasonable low-tech realistic-ish numbers; and RF mods ... seem to just be arbitrary points on an arbitrary graph, and usually linear) nor balance (Reika's tech progression is about infrastructure-based gating; most are about quantity of resources and automated crafting based gating.)
Some tech mods are based on the idea that a little power loss will be common, and normal; others are based on "any power loss is a disaster" (Reika), still others are "What's a loss?".

Basically, given the very large differences between Tech mods, translating power between them is going to be inexact at best. At worst, all of the fine points that went into the mod are ground-up, pulverized, extracted, and squeezed out of existence.

In comparison, is it really so unreasonable to say, "this colored light is all about life, so I will convert it to that essence which is all about life"? Is it any different?


I asked:
Which of these two statements would you say defines a tech mod:

1. Tech mods are defined by power being convertible from A to B
2. Tech mods are defined by "anyone can flip the switch / place the blocks and it works".

You said, earlier,
To be a tech mod, it needs to be somewhat possible to exist following a set of rules that are based on the "real world" and of minecraft. (infinite water, putting >1m^3 in a single block, partial gravity...) (okay, maybe not that simple actually :oops:)

And I replied (this post) with the question of future-tech, giving zero-point / vacuum energy (*), and Time-Lord technology as some examples.

#1 is not a definition, it's a consequence of the definition
#2 is also a consequence of the definition the set of rule I'm talking about doesn't change from people to people.
Why should "Based on real world physics" imply "convertible from A to B"? Can you convert an Electroweak force interaction into a gravitic curvature of space? (Slightly more serious, where does the strong force fit in? Electric, Magnetic, and Weak force are all different sides of the same math; then there's strong force, and gravity. Gravity is just ... different? Maybe?. Strong force?)

Real-world is basically dark energy, which we don't understand and may as well be magic; dark matter, which we don't understand and could be anything from dimensionally trapped normal matter to ... "magic"; virtual particles that appear and disappear with no rhyme or reason, that might be "magic", that might be particles traveling across our universe brane rather than inside our universe brane, except that the string theory that gives us brane theory says that those particles are brane-bound and cannot go cross-brane like that; and a tiny, tiny bit of stuff that looks and acts like points of numbers in a way that doesn't really make sense, and either obeys "spooky action at a distance" or else sees the whole universe as distance 0 (we're not sure yet, but last I heard, spooky action at a distance was looking more likely.) These sets of numbers have 4 fundamental interactions that we know about and understand, and three of them are mathematically "related" in the sense that if the total energy is high enough then you can make any of those three look like another of those three. Oh yea -- since our universe fits the equations for a non-rotating black hole with no net charge and no net spin, the outside will be exposing all the details of the entire universe in holographic encoding to any god-like being that can look at one point on the outside edge.

Of all of that, you are looking at convertibility of 1 of those forces on the tiny set of "points with numbers", and ignoring the rest.

And of that, we understand the EM force pretty darn well -- and we can use QM to make predictions that we don't understand, and we're guessing at the rest. Good guesses, and we're getting better every year. But converting freely? Maybe converting EM stuff around -- we do that at a very small scale today. Come back when you've got some Buuthandi built and we'll know the subject better. And then remember that full conversion of a single star is only what, "1" on the tech scale? We're still down at zero.

"Magic", of course, just means "Tech we don't understand yet".


How about this idea:
Technology (vs magic) means that it is repeatable, explainable, and decipherable.
Magic means that it cannot be explained in a way that it can be repeated by someone else, that it cannot be fully understood in a way that lets someone make a prediction about something new that turns out to be correct.

... not sure that's a good definition, actually.


Of course, I expect tech mod to be harder than flip a switch or place a magic block - that's good enough for magic mods where you need personal experience.

You misunderstood me.

Let's say that I have done all of these things that you list. Now I have these high-end tech blocks, items, and various supporting infrastructure items. I hand them to a new player, and instruct that player how to place them down.

Does it work?

Or, I have everything placed, and set up, and there's a switch that I can flip that will turn it on. Am I the only one that can operate that switch to turn it on, or can anyone switch it on?

Most magic mods operate from the point of view that it won't work for the other person. The one "magic" mod that does, Botania, behaves more like a tech mod with non-convertible power then a magic mod.

... Because it gives a sense that you're actually progressing, because it make sense that huge building are expensive, because there's not "money cost" in minecraft otherwise, and because getting more and more resources is core to tech mods, it make total sense that you don't get more and more resources just to make the game easier and easier.

Gee, that's directly the opposite of RotaryCraft, which doesn't get more expensive to make stuff. More expensive to run it? Perhaps. Certainly more infrastructure -- one engine consumes jet fuel, and your machine that makes jet fuel is powered by a different engine that needs lubricant, and those machines over there are making lubricant and relying on pumped water, and that pump requires ...

... Again, it make sense, it gives a reason to have many machines, that's just what tech is about; machines.
Actually, for me, a mod is more about what it lets you do, than the mechanisms for doing it. You could say that RoC is about the bedrock tools, the lights, the automated supplies of building materials, etc. That I have to build these engines and setups in order to use the tools/lights/etc is what makes RoC different from RF. (And how does walking on a beam of light possibly fit real-world technology?)

(*): Vacuum energy is a funny thing. As I understand it: If you said that there was EDIT: one atom in the universe, you'd be off by a factor of 10^80. Our understanding of the energy that should exist in the vacuum of space, and what we measure, is off by a factor of 10^120. So we know that there is something horribly wrong / incomplete with our knowledge, and it really seems like if we did know/understand, we could convert the energy of the universe's inflation into heat (along with friction, momentum, and general "work"). See Stargate: Atlantis.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Most magic mods operate from the point of view that it won't work for the other person. The one "magic" mod that does, Botania, behaves more like a tech mod with non-convertible power then a magic mod.

Actually, Botania can convert mana into RF, but the exchange rate isn't pretty. Also, mods like Forbidden Magic allow you to convert some forms of magical energy (mana and/or LP) into others (vis in a wand/staff).

And let's not bring particle physics into a MC discussion. Seriously. This is a game, and should be based on fun - real or otherwise.


What irks me is that Extra Utilities' unstable ingots explode after ten seconds. I know that it's there to look cool and to show that it's unstable, but if the delay before it explodes was slightly longer or you could make some end-game device that allows it to go longer without exploding would really help, because it's a cool feature and all, but annoying when you make ethereal glass all day (don't ask).

TL;DR: ExU unstable ingots explode way to quick.


Popular Member
Aug 24, 2013
What irks me is that Extra Utilities' unstable ingots explode after ten seconds. I know that it's there to look cool and to show that it's unstable, but if the delay before it explodes was slightly longer or you could make some end-game device that allows it to go longer without exploding would really help, because it's a cool feature and all, but annoying when you make ethereal glass all day (don't ask).

TL;DR: ExU unstable ingots explode way to quick.

You could always make the more expensive version. They don't go kaboom

Sent from my igloo using Canadian Goose Mesenger


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
For me, that big problem with the 10 second timer is just that it's a 10 second timer. It's punishing me for being slow with mouse-drag. And I can't even begin to imagine what it's like for players over the network.

ratchet freak

Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2012
What irks me is that Extra Utilities' unstable ingots explode after ten seconds. I know that it's there to look cool and to show that it's unstable, but if the delay before it explodes was slightly longer or you could make some end-game device that allows it to go longer without exploding would really help, because it's a cool feature and all, but annoying when you make ethereal glass all day (don't ask).

TL;DR: ExU unstable ingots explode way to quick.
There is a way to make stable unstable ingots

either by dividing nuggets by diamond and recombining the result or by doing a ritual in the end