Those little things that irk you about Minecraft

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Ultimate Murderous Fiend
Nov 27, 2012
Rabbits give leather???

** A small rabbit has about as much leather as a large cow or horse!?!? **
4 have as much leathers as a large cow or horse
Also note that a cow or a horse can drop 1-2 leather. The most a rabbit can drop is 1/4 leather. So assuming that a cow has two pieces of leather on its body and lower drop numbers are due to hitting the cow in such a way as to render the skin unusable, then to equal the leather on an adult cow, you'd need 8 rabbit hides. Which makes some modicum of sense.


King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
Don't forget, at minimum it takes the skins of 12 entire cows or horses, or the equivalent of 96 rabbits, to make a full set of leather armour. When you think about it, considering the area of leather of the whole of the armour, that means that either your leather crafting process is really, really inefficient, or your leather collection process is really, really inefficient. I'm more willing to believe the latter, considering that a lot of the time you're slashing them to death with a broadsword.

Someone Else 37

Forum Addict
Feb 10, 2013
Don't forget, at minimum it takes the skins of 12 entire cows or horses, or the equivalent of 96 rabbits, to make a full set of leather armour. When you think about it, considering the area of leather of the whole of the armour, that means that either your leather crafting process is really, really inefficient, or your leather collection process is really, really inefficient. I'm more willing to believe the latter, considering that a lot of the time you're slashing them to death with a broadsword.
Either that or the leather armor is built of multiple layers of leather, stacked on top of each other.

Then again, given the fact that the surface area of a cow or horse is several times that of a human... I kind of have to agree with you. Even taking into account the fact that Minecraft cows and horses are considerably smaller than their IRL counterparts.


Popular Member
Aug 24, 2013
<- Is having flashbacks to justifying why it took forever to collect 15 Zephra hooves in The Barrens

Sent from a mystical device from North of the 49th


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeaaaaaah, I have the same problem. Its like, every time I want to fly, MC decides now would be the best possible time to throw in some wonderful tick lag and screw it up...every. Cocking. TIME.

Someone Else 37

Forum Addict
Feb 10, 2013
Mod idea: Add a keybind to put the player in 'flying mode', analogous to how pressing Control causes you to sprint if you don't want to double-tap W and some random mod doesn't eat that keypress event.

On that node, my irk: Mods that eat keypress events, so you can't have two different things in two different mods bound to the same key, even if there are no circumstances where both mods would ever actually act upon the keypress at once. For instance, in the appropriate pack, I'd like to bind the Clockwork Phase 1 temporal tool key, Redstone Arsenal empower tool key, the ProjectE release charge key, and the Thaumcraft wand focus switch key all to F, since they all do similar things and only do those things when I'm holding an item from that particular mod in my hand. But, if I try it, two or three of them will inevitably not work.

Heck, even if there was some way to enable a thing that would tell me which mod is eating any particular keypress event, I'd be much happier. Just last week, I had to disable seven or eight different keybinds that defaulted to my Control key in order to make the vanilla Control-to-Sprint thing work. Some of them looked like they'd be useful to have on Control in the future, but there was just no way to find which one (or ones) was breaking my sprint key without going through them one by one.
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Jul 28, 2013
My own lack of attention to what i'm doing.

It took me an evening to scrounge up 8 tungsten, enough for my first gas turbine. Only I wasn't watching what I was doing so I ended up making two compound compressors instead of one compressor and one compound turbine.

Oh well, back to the extractor :(
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Jul 28, 2013
Imprinting directly onto Queens with the Gendustry Imprinter retains the same variable characteristics that you get when you use the Forestry/Extra Bees machines.

Especially annoying when you've got wither, meteor, flammable and unstable effects that you've imprinted out in your bee breeds and they come back after one or two generations.

Sod it, now i'm going to need to let the automation break so I can grab the princesses and drones to run them through the machine individually :/
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Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
Imprinting directly onto Queens with the Gendustry Imprinter retains the same variable characteristics that you get when you use the Forestry/Extra Bees machines.

Especially annoying when you've got wither, meteor, flammable and unstable effects that you've imprinted out in your bee breeds and they come back after one or two generations.

Sod it, now i'm going to need to let the automation break so I can grab the princesses and drones to run them through the machine individually :/
Can you clarify this?

I'm trying to understand how you're getting undesirable effects returning. My recollection is that the imprinter doesn't do this but I think I'm misunderstanding you.


Jul 28, 2013
Can you clarify this?

I'm trying to understand how you're getting undesirable effects returning. My recollection is that the imprinter doesn't do this but I think I'm misunderstanding you.

I'm not totally sure why it happens, but say my standard bee template includes Effect: Beatific (as an example). I can run my queens through the Beealyzer and they'll have Beatific on both the active and inactive trait. I'll have my entire bee room happily running like that for a generation and then suddenly the original crappy traits get slowly introduced back in. It's as if somewhere in the data for the queen it doesn't overwrite properly.

If I imprint the drone and princess before mating them, it works perfectly. This is the exact same thing the ExB machines do and always have done


Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
I'm not totally sure why it happens, but say my standard bee template includes Effect: Beatific (as an example). I can run my queens through the Beealyzer and they'll have Beatific on both the active and inactive trait. I'll have my entire bee room happily running like that for a generation and then suddenly the original crappy traits get slowly introduced back in. It's as if somewhere in the data for the queen it doesn't overwrite properly.

If I imprint the drone and princess before mating them, it works perfectly. This is the exact same thing the ExB machines do and always have done
Weird. You should only get that trait back if you "create" the species anew via standard mutation, in which case the special traits for that bee kick in (which is sometimes a bit silly but whatever).

Although you said you're imprinting bees, and now that you mention it, I absolutely do recall having odd results when imprinting the Queen specifically as opposed to a princess and drone. I believe I just ended up monitoring and streamlining the first few generations of a given imprinted bee just to be sure it was behaving properly.

Someone Else 37

Forum Addict
Feb 10, 2013
I'm not totally sure why it happens, but say my standard bee template includes Effect: Beatific (as an example). I can run my queens through the Beealyzer and they'll have Beatific on both the active and inactive trait. I'll have my entire bee room happily running like that for a generation and then suddenly the original crappy traits get slowly introduced back in. It's as if somewhere in the data for the queen it doesn't overwrite properly.

If I imprint the drone and princess before mating them, it works perfectly. This is the exact same thing the ExB machines do and always have done
Yeah, the Queen bee stores the genetic info from both the princess and the drone, but the Beealyzer will only display the Princess's characteristics, and the imprinter will only modify the princess's characteristics, leaving the drone's untouched. That's why, after the Queen dies, some (if not most) of the offspring will have the original drone's unmodified traits.

I had thought that the Gendustry imprinter would change the traits of both parents, when used on a queen bee, but evidently that is not the case. The behavior described above also applies to the ExtraBees inoculator.

To ensure that you're getting the most out of your serums, just imprint the princess and drone separately, then let your automation take care of them from there.


Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
Yeah, the Queen bee stores the genetic info from both the princess and the drone, but the Beealyzer will only display the Princess's characteristics, and the imprinter will only modify the princess's characteristics, leaving the drone's untouched. That's why, after the Queen dies, some (if not most) of the offspring will have the original drone's unmodified traits.

I had thought that the Gendustry imprinter would change the traits of both parents, when used on a queen bee, but evidently that is not the case. The behavior described above also applies to the ExtraBees inoculator.

To ensure that you're getting the most out of your serums, just imprint the princess and drone separately, then let your automation take care of them from there.
Yeah this pretty much describes my own experience and explains why I fell back to princess/drone imprints. Sucks in a pack where gendustry is particularly expensive (e.g. Infitech2) but, well, that's half the fun.


Jul 28, 2013
Another personal derp.

So I spent ages building my HP turbine, then tinkering with the reactor to feed it.

But I found no matter what I did, I couldn't get the bloody thing to turn. I was producing steam, so it should have been fine. I tried getting ridiculous to try and amp up the output

[as an aside, going from a 4x4 block of fuel cores in the center to a 5x5 causes a hilarious meltdown]

but I just couldn't make the turbine move...

...then I noticed that when I moused over one of the turbine blocks, WAILA lists two fluid tanks...

..I completely forgot HP turbines need a supply of lubricant to work.



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Not just them, but regular turbines needs the lube, too.

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