Those little things that irk you about Minecraft

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Someone Else 37

Forum Addict
Feb 10, 2013
So I am! Still, really wish they'd have gone with longs for RF, if only to see people scramble to fill that completely. Though, how does that amount of power work? Is it sent in multiple packets?
The problem with using longs for... anything in MC that needs to be synced between the client and server, really, is that Forge provides a handy function that compresses an int or a short into a (usually) smaller number of bytes so that it can be sent through the Internet without using quite as much bandwidth, but it does not provide the same functionality for longs. I mean, sure, you could write your own writeVarLong function, but writeVarInt is already there. And who the heck is going to mod in anything that would actually need to deal with more than 2 billion RF/t, anyway?


Popular Member
Mar 3, 2015
All I know is... if you've got Thermal Expansion, either tesseracts or the cryo-stabilized fluxducts should be able to handle it. Infinite capacity FTW! At least up to Integer.MAX_VALUE... which your turbine exceeds by a factor of 20. Hm.

Yep, no way to transport that, unless TE suddenly decides to use longs or bignums for RF values instead of ints. Which I kinda doubt.

I remember seeing this discussion on github a while ago. I also remember that it was very much not going to happen.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The problem with using longs for... anything in MC that needs to be synced between the client and server, really, is that Forge provides a handy function that compresses an int or a short into a (usually) smaller number of bytes so that it can be sent through the Internet without using quite as much bandwidth, but it does not provide the same functionality for longs. I mean, sure, you could write your own writeVarLong function, but writeVarInt is already there. And who the heck is going to mod in anything that would actually need to deal with more than 2 billion RF/t, anyway?

Someone insane? Hell if I know, though I really don't know why Forge doesn't include that method. I mean, longs are primitives just like ints. They might not be as widely-used, but one should typically support primitive types of all varieties, if nothing else then for completeness' sake.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Someone should just make a mod that has cables that can suply as much power as a machine can take.
You are my hero

Sent from an iPod 65, illegally talked about because of partnership. iPod 65 teleports through years like Back to the Past (Sequel to Back to the Future except in 2096).


Jul 31, 2013
Well, no Thermal Expansion in the pack. But anyways, I'm also wondering how it works. It could be that if for some reason, I managed to pull that much power from it, it will just crash/overflow.
I believe extra utils has an energy trash can...
I also remember reading somewhere that an creative energy cell could be used to drain power but I am really not sure about that


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The way RF is going, you may as well just place down the machine, and it works. No fuel, no power, no cables. Just. WORKS!
I remember putting forth a jokey piss take idea for a mod that simply gave you free ore doubling and smelting.

I'd have called it WTGP? "Would this get popular?".

RF is a joke these days and it isn't really COFH's fault either. Sure they deliberately made the power system flexible, so it can be an easy API for modders. But some modders took it to silly lengths.

I suppose this can be rectified by pack makers choosing the reasonable mods for their packs because RF can be very easily made reasonable. But if ridiculous is the order of the day then we may as well have machines that run on nothing.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
RF has indeed reached the point where you just drop down machines and they work, although it takes a couple of the less balanced (and thus more popular) mods together to do it. Infinite energy is quite simple to achieve once you've been to the Nether. I'd go on, but this isn't the place.

I do think people are selling the work COFH did with the RF API a bit short, though. First off, it's an amazingly stable platform of energy from which to build, but I seem to remember the configs had a ton of play to them. Unfortunately, if a pack were to config the ease out of RF, I'm certain the masses would ostracize it passionately.

It's human nature - this is why we can't have nice things.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'd say that "infinite" energy has been easy to achieve since ic was just beginning. As long as geothermal power is an option? Power is easy to obtain. Rf didn't bring that about. Ic did


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'd say that "infinite" energy has been easy to achieve since ic was just beginning. As long as geothermal power is an option? Power is easy to obtain. Rf didn't bring that about. Ic did

Geothermal power is cheap and plentiful, but I don't consider pumping the Nether dry infinite. I meant more along the lines of closed system positive feedback loops like the one outlined in my signature. That build concentrates on massive output, but simpler systems exist for early game or smaller footprints.

MFR is one of the biggest offenders (Lava Fabricator and Steam Boiler chief among the brokenness), but it's a mod that just works (and better than so many others in some cases) so people overlook it. Don't get me wrong, I use the hell out of MFR when it's in a pack I'm playing, but at least I have the balls to admit I use it because it is the path of least resistance.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In its day it was very well considered infinite. Or at least I did. I never thought for a min pumping the nether dry was accomplishable until exu came about. Infinite is defined by the tech of the time.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In its day it was very well considered infinite. Or at least I did. I never thought for a min pumping the nether dry was accomplishable until exu came about. Infinite is defined by the tech of the time.

You might want to get your math checked. Infinite has nothing to do with technology.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Infinite in a math sense yes. But as a concept in minecraft I stand by what I said

Thus the difference between "infinite" and "seemingly infinite". The difference between "unending" and "large enough not to care". At some point, large enough just isn't large enough, and thus is not, in fact, infinite.


Popular Member
Dec 6, 2015
King of the Hill
Well, no Thermal Expansion in the pack. But anyways, I'm also wondering how it works. It could be that if for some reason, I managed to pull that much power from it, it will just crash/overflow.

Well, take the code from pressure pipe, and replace fluid with RF? Not a modder yet, so it's probably not that easy...

While I'm it, a mod that makes any machine (so, from any RF compatible mod) explode if not picked up with a wrench would be awesome too. :D(Or maybe just break and don't drop, but that's probably going to cause fake bug reports...) I can try to understand the reasoning behind "easy power system", but taking a machine by breaking it? With a super-hard pickaxe? or with you bare hands? :rolleyes: c'mon add an infinite use wrench if you want, but please no more break-to-pick-up machine. do you see that little hope there that this already exist?

My idea was more like this: you have an extraction cable, the cable, and an import cable. When the machine with the import cable needs power, the import cable checks if there is an export cable and it starts importing as much power as the machine can input and as much power the cable can get. Thr cables that connect the two important cables shouldn't even be tile entities.

I prefer the term "finite, but arbitrarily large." Sidesteps the semantic issues one get entangled with when one uses "infinite."
I like this idea.