Witches being so weak and easy to kill, but at the same time ALWAYS using that damn poison potion attack as a opener before you can respond. And of course it is long and potent enough to kill you if you don't have protection against it yet...
Useful knowledge: Unless you're on hard difficulty, poison won't kill you. So just retreat to cover where nothing can take away your remaining half-heart and eat some food for the natural regen.Witches being so weak and easy to kill, but at the same time ALWAYS using that damn poison potion attack as a opener before you can respond. And of course it is long and potent enough to kill you if you don't have protection against it yet...
Hmm I was under that impression too, but died earlier on Normal while affected by poison(I assumed it was) and flying back to my base(died up in the air and showered all my items everywhere, miles from any mobs that could have done the final blow).Useful knowledge: Unless you're on hard difficulty, poison won't kill you.
Just tested it with Poison and it seems it is like it should be: It does not kill you. So either something else killed me without I noticed or, more likely, I derped with the Hang glider and actually hit the rooftop instead of dying above itI'm pretty sure that, at least in Vanilla, poison cannot kill you on any difficulty (you can never drop below half a heart). It definitely leaves you open to die from any other source of damage, however minor, though (such as being hit by any mob, falling by 4 blocks, starvation, or instant damage potions). Only the wither effect can actually kill you.
I'm fairly certain that on hard it does kill you.I'm pretty sure that, at least in Vanilla, poison cannot kill you on any difficulty (you can never drop below half a heart). It definitely leaves you open to die from any other source of damage, however minor, though (such as being hit by any mob, falling by 4 blocks, starvation, or instant damage potions). Only the wither effect can actually kill you.
Well keep in mind that capturing the screen and compressing the video also needs computing power. Although yeah, the fact that Minecraft isn't very much multithreaded probably diminishes that.What really irks me right now is watching "professional" let's players like DW20 and their gaming computers having roughly the same garbage fps as I do.
Why do I even try to play this game anymore? If people with their nice gaming computers have issues running it, then why even try with a crap computer?
The witches don't worry me. Their familiars worry me. If I see a witch I might kill it. If I see a cat or two beside it I stay well away from it. Those cats slaughter me on a regular basis.Witches being so weak and easy to kill, but at the same time ALWAYS using that damn poison potion attack as a opener before you can respond. And of course it is long and potent enough to kill you if you don't have protection against it yet...
Practice, practice, and practice.these absolutely awesome builds I can only hope I might be able to figure out how to copy. More seriously jealous of their knowledge of the intricacies of their area of expertise actually. I would love to be that knowledgeable about something. I've always tended to learn things easily and to a higher level of familiarity then those I associate with
Like "google", yet not "Minecraft". I have seen worse examples. Just can't remember them.
That most common of exclamations - "Duck you autocorrect"Practice, practice, and practice.
Played MC for over a year before I made something interesting enough to perk people's attention.
Miss-typed as 'vray'- was given suggested spelling 'Betelgeuse'![]()