Thermal Expansion 3.0!!! No More Beta! Thanks KL!

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have a request, not sure if it's easy to implement. When I'm building my biomass factory I try to store ethanol and biomass, but at the same time I need to feed my machines. I'd like the liquid to prioritize going to my machines or boiler first instead of splitting half half over both. Is it possible to have like a suction mode or restriction one on liquiducts? It's not like I can't get around it but this might be a nice feature so I don't have to run liquiducts from my machines to my tanks and back. Right now the only way I can think of doing it like is by using buildcraft pipes, to the side I want to prioritize I use a golden pipe and the other one a stone or cobblestone.

King Lemming

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Wow, 60 pages on this, I'm extremely sorry if this was asked before but I need to know if I can store other sources than RF in the new cells, plans on running a railcraft steam boiler but if I can't store the energy produced in anything because it produces MJ, I'm done with this awesome mod, now with the new cells that are more awesome than ever, we wouldn't be able to store anything else than RF in it ???

Steam Dynamos can accept steam from a RailCraft boiler.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Rrplying to Golrith

Mine was working fine with 9d I went to 9e and it was still working well unfortunately I seem to have broken something as my client is now insta crashing on load the server doesn't it's only clientside so possibly not related but it may be as TE wasn't the only update I did. So YAY more bug huntin lol


Trusted User
Nov 11, 2012
Rrplying to Golrith

Mine was working fine with 9d I went to 9e and it was still working well unfortunately I seem to have broken something as my client is now insta crashing on load the server doesn't it's only clientside so possibly not related but it may be as TE wasn't the only update I did. So YAY more bug huntin lol
Really, damn. Wonder what I'm doing wrong, as I had it working under 8, but not 9. I'll do some more tests tonight. Just a case of getting used to the new shiny toys.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It was a TE issue (or possibly a "my modpack" issue) I had to use MCedit to recover the world or rather I didn't have to I just wanted to see if I could and I could woot (deleted the offending blocks). I did have a recent backup to use if MCedit failed. I reported it on the TE bug tracker so I'll leave it with the nice people from CoFH :D
Cautionary tale folks, keep recent backups whenever playing modded MC.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
b8 doesn't need servos just click with an empty hand on the connection not the pipe itself, b9 is the change to needing servos for the filtering functionality.

Thanks - although it would figure I would ask this question last night - and then this morning I wake up to "Direwolf20 pack updated to TE3 b9e".

BRB going to play Mega Millions. :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A little tiny question: when you upgrade from b8 to b9, do you have to first remove Conduits and then upgrade and recraft them, or can I just upgrade, then remove&replace&recraft them?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Probably better to remove, update then recraft and replace, but I missed a few and it didn't seem to make to much difference. Chances are you won't remember where all of them are anyway I had a few buried in various walls\floors\ceilings and only noticed when their outputs stopped. "hmmm why u no workie? ahhhh probably should redo those ducts"


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A little tiny question: when you upgrade from b8 to b9, do you have to first remove Conduits and then upgrade and recraft them, or can I just upgrade, then remove&replace&recraft them?

I just updated (DW20 pack) and updating first is fine. All the old piping will show as disconnected squares in your build - just take them down, put them in your crafting window and you will get the new ones.

Biggest problem im noticing in b9e is that itemducts dont seem to be working at all.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Sounds like one should stay at b8 for the time being. But, that's why it's beta :)

I realized my problem. I need to add a servo to my "supplier chest" point so that I can set it to "no redstone required".

In version b8, the "withdraw" mode was default to 'always', but now in b9 the "withdraw" mode is default to "requires redstone".


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Extremely compact bee automation using plain old itemducts instead of the ugly Redstone Engine + Wooden Pipe + Diamond/Apiarist Pipe that used to be the norm.

Of course most of the ugliness disappeared once you had autarchic gates (for me I usually achieve the gates before having enough to make apiarist pipes…). Putting most of the pipes under the apiaries, and knowing the cobble and stone pipes don't link kept that who thing rather compact.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have a request, not sure if it's easy to implement. When I'm building my biomass factory I try to store ethanol and biomass, but at the same time I need to feed my machines. I'd like the liquid to prioritize going to my machines or boiler first instead of splitting half half over both. Is it possible to have like a suction mode or restriction one on liquiducts? It's not like I can't get around it but this might be a nice feature so I don't have to run liquiducts from my machines to my tanks and back. Right now the only way I can think of doing it like is by using buildcraft pipes, to the side I want to prioritize I use a golden pipe and the other one a stone or cobblestone.
yeah, a vacuum/dense mode on liquiducts would be very nice..

I had a system whereby my 40something coke ovens would constantly spit out creosote that I would pop into a boiler, however if that boiler became full, the coke ovens would start to fill, and then they would stop working. So I put a void pipe on the system and the output of the ovens would split evenly between the boiler and void pipe.. my boiler was never full (never ran out either, but still never full) but I always wanted a pipe that would act like RPTubes/Itemducts/Mek Transporter and fill the first valid inventory to fullness before moving to the next inventory.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Of course most of the ugliness disappeared once you had autarchic gates (for me I usually achieve the gates before having enough to make apiarist pipes…). Putting most of the pipes under the apiaries, and knowing the cobble and stone pipes don't link kept that who thing rather compact.

The itemducts look better for sure and are useful in simple setups, but for ultimate control, it's hard to beat:

1x wooden pipe
1x autarchic gate
1x apiarist pipe
1x ender chest (or similar)

The above is all that's needed for an Alveary. For an apiary, add 1 more transport pipe like golden, cobble, (smooth) stone, etc.,.

The advantage of apiarist is you can separate bees by species. I don't use that feature that often, but I do use it to:

1. Put princess and as many drones as possible back into the apiary/alveary
2. Send all items to my main inventory
3. Send overflow drones in another direction

I often use "banks" of apiaries that are directly adjacent to each other, with an "excess drone" inventory on one end and an "item" inventory on another. I send the drones to my Genepool to get turned into DNA for ExtraBees' machines. As @richardcox13 said, you can use them side-by-side (and not get princesses mixed up) if you alternate cobble with (smooth) stone pipes.

Very compact setup for early-to-mid-game bee-related stuff.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hmm. No other pipes seem to want to connect to a tesseract, is this intentional? I used to use Tesseracts all the time to feed directly into a logistics network, which is now impossible.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hmm. No other pipes seem to want to connect to a tesseract, is this intentional? I used to use Tesseracts all the time to feed directly into a logistics network, which is now impossible.

Tesseracts do not support the inventory(-esque) API, so non-TE3 pipes which expect to connect to an inventory (ex. chests, barrels, machines, etc.,) won't. AFAIK, only TE3 items can pipe items into a Tesseract. Tesseracts are basically extensions of:

  • itemducts
  • fluiducts
  • conduits
...with some minor exceptions, like not converting RF to MJ how conduits do. Think of a Tesseract as a programmable (flexible) multi-itemduct/fluiduct/conduit in 1 block.

I'm almost certain the reason Tesseracts do not have an inventory is...

...drum roll....

efficiency !

KingLemming should rename himself KingEfficiency. Keeping things simple and tight results in optimal server and client performance, which is why so many players and modders love Thermal Expansion.

In the other direction, Tesseracts will push items out into just about anything.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
From some tinkering and, experimentation the only thing in my arsenal willing to extract from a Tesseract that isn't an itemduct is an Me Storage Bus. The Storage Bus will treat the Tesseract as an extension of the network and, items flow in as expected.

After reading your post I decided to simply use itemducts to extract from the Tesseract and, from a quarry only to discover that the quarry refuses to pump into the itemducts. It's a good thing I had the foresight to run the quarry at a slow speed while testing.

I ended up supplanting the item transmission abilities of the Tesseract for an Ender Chest while slapping a few Steam Dynamos onto a boiler appears to have everything running smoothly. Boy am I glad the conduits still convert down to MJ, it allowed me to recycle my dynamos.

King Lemming

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I just updated (DW20 pack) and updating first is fine. All the old piping will show as disconnected squares in your build - just take them down, put them in your crafting window and you will get the new ones.

Biggest problem im noticing in b9e is that itemducts dont seem to be working at all.

There are a couple of corner cases where specific grid formations cause the grid not to be added to the tick handler. However, they are corner cases and it's a far cry from "not working at all."

Fix is pending.
Hmm. No other pipes seem to want to connect to a tesseract, is this intentional? I used to use Tesseracts all the time to feed directly into a logistics network, which is now impossible.

Tesseracts do not support the inventory(-esque) API, so non-TE3 pipes which expect to connect to an inventory (ex. chests, barrels, machines, etc.,) won't. AFAIK, only TE3 items can pipe items into a Tesseract. Tesseracts are basically extensions of:

  • itemducts
  • fluiducts
  • conduits
...with some minor exceptions, like not converting RF to MJ how conduits do. Think of a Tesseract as a programmable (flexible) multi-itemduct/fluiduct/conduit in 1 block.

I'm almost certain the reason Tesseracts do not have an inventory is...

...drum roll....

efficiency !

KingLemming should rename himself KingEfficiency. Keeping things simple and tight results in optimal server and client performance, which is why so many players and modders love Thermal Expansion.

In the other direction, Tesseracts will push items out into just about anything.

Tesseracts are infact inventories, they just don't eject into BC pipes due to some weirdness with handling that. We'll look into it. What specifically is not connecting that should?

There's really no special casing here - Tesseracts are ISidedInventory, IFluidHandler, and IEnergyHandler.

From some tinkering and, experimentation the only thing in my arsenal willing to extract from a Tesseract that isn't an itemduct is an Me Storage Bus. The Storage Bus will treat the Tesseract as an extension of the network and, items flow in as expected.

After reading your post I decided to simply use itemducts to extract from the Tesseract and, from a quarry only to discover that the quarry refuses to pump into the itemducts. It's a good thing I had the foresight to run the quarry at a slow speed while testing.

I ended up supplanting the item transmission abilities of the Tesseract for an Ender Chest while slapping a few Steam Dynamos onto a boiler appears to have everything running smoothly. Boy am I glad the conduits still convert down to MJ, it allowed me to recycle my dynamos.

This is all on the quarry, unfortunately. BC would have to implement the IItemConduitConnection interface. :/ We could probably force asm hack it at runtime, but that's kind of sketchy.
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