Thermal Expansion 3.0!!! No More Beta! Thanks KL!

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Are energy cells supposed to retain their charge as well when upgrading? Because mine didn't (in a vanilla crafting table).
Are energy cells supposed to retain their charge as well when upgrading? Because mine didn't (in a vanilla crafting table).

They are, and they do. Unless you're on an older version of the beta.

The output suggests that they do not, but when you actually look at the item, it has its charge.
Mind if I ask, how come TE3 recipes that uses glass also uses ExtraUtils blocks? Is it an item ID conflict with vanilla glass's id?
Mind if I ask, how come TE3 recipes that uses glass also uses ExtraUtils blocks? Is it an item ID conflict with vanilla glass's id?
all those extra utility blocks that you search up in nei that can be used instead of glass is because of mr RWTema wanted all those blocks to be in the catagory of glass in the forge dictionary.
looks like they have been misregistered...
he says it here and answers many others:
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I was wondering, is the Compression Dynamo going to have variable RF output depending on fuel, like how the BC Combustion engine has variable MJ output depending on the fuel its using?
I was wondering, is the Compression Dynamo going to have variable RF output depending on fuel, like how the BC Combustion engine has variable MJ output depending on the fuel its using?

Nope. Different fuels will burn for different lengths of time, but that's it. The dynamos will all be upgradeable in the future to produce more RF/t. Or other things. ;)
Nope. Different fuels will burn for different lengths of time, but that's it. The dynamos will all be upgradeable in the future to produce more RF/t. Or other things. ;)
Ah so thats how its going to work, nice. I take it the rarer the fuel the longer it burns?
Lined up a bunch of Industrial Steam Engines, their internal buffers fill up but they do not send the energy into the redstone energy conduits anymore. They just fill up then overheat and shutdown. They also refuse to face the right directly, even with a wrench when next to a conduit, making it impossible to place them next to each other. The alternative requires me running about 100x Steam Dynamos off my 2 36 HP boilers which takes a massive amount of space due to them needing water and putting out less energy. Am I missing something or is this a bug?

Also: Creosete Oil is suppose to be accepted by the Fermenter at a 1.5 modifier according to what i've seen, but currently it refuses to accept it. It correctly accepts water at 1.0 and apple juice at 1.5. With the amount of biomass you get from saplings now, that 1.5 modifier is required to get enough ethanol to run a 36 HP boiler off a single forestry tree farm even at full heat. (Even then it'd be pushing it :()

Biomass/Ethanol just seems weak now. That same tree farm can run a solid boiler no problems and still produce extra charcoal, making liquids not very attractive.

Overall I feel the mod is way better than when I played in 1.4.7, hopefully the above can be addressed before it releases. This is definitely going to be the go-to mod for 1.6.4. Great work.
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You know what I realy like about TE3? Cinnabar! Together with EnderIO's coal processing. Mining feels so good with those 2 :D (If only there was something for lapis ore ^^)

Oh and a screenshot of my "temporary" pulverizer.
I was wondering what the itemduct color chaging does. I right click on it with a wrench and the color on the pipe changes green/red/orange/clear but i cant figure out what this does/means. Is this a sorting method like the diamond pipe?
I was wondering what the itemduct color chaging does. I right click on it with a wrench and the color on the pipe changes green/red/orange/clear but i cant figure out what this does/means. Is this a sorting method like the diamond pipe?
The website has video explanation of what the different modes of itemducts do.
the modes of the items ducts that are known so far are red and green i believe the vacuum mode and dense mode exacly how they work is beyond me mechanics wise its said vacuum mode makes the system think it has less than a thousand item duct pipes connected to the system as for dense its the opposite that it adds a thousand more pipes... I was thinking sorting priority probably but I dont know really orange is probably round robin basically it checks for any inventory in the system then puts the items 1 stack at a time in every inventory in the system
Yeah, sorry i watched the videos but i didn't understand the purpose of having longer or shorter paths.
Yeah, sorry i watched the videos but i didn't understand the purpose of having longer or shorter paths.
items go to the nearest available inventory, if you add 1000 blocks to the pipe length it's a lot more likely to not be the nearest inventory
Yeah, sorry i watched the videos but i didn't understand the purpose of having longer or shorter paths.
I now understand how the ducts work having asked on IRC it will only shine if you dont have tesseracts or ender chest...
it goes in the same line as long range item transport and when I say long range 1K blocks long range more or less if you have a source chest thats 1000 blocks away from the dense pipe its more likely it will go in there I'm thinking this is for multiplayer and or having multiple bases apart
Dense = +somewhat large number of "blocks" to the pipe's distance
Vacuum = sets a negative value of "blocks" to the pipe's distance
Round-Robin = Well, I do not know how to explain this well but I guess most people know what Round Robin is?
Dense = +somewhat large number of "blocks" to the pipe's distance
Vacuum = sets a negative value of "blocks" to the pipe's distance
Round-Robin = Well, I do not know how to explain this well but I guess most people know what Round Robin is?

The dense pipe is when you want items to go anyway but that way unless all other output slots are filled.
Like if you had a sorting system set up with a overflow chest next to the start of a pipe network and want it to only get filled if all the other possible output points are filled up. en
You would connect the pipe network to the overflow chest via the dense pipe. This way items would go strait to the chest rather than waiting for the items to bounce back from the end of the network after checking each output.
You could then redstone up a system connected to that chest to, say turn off your quarry.
The vacuum pipe is when you want to force all items to go down a pipe unless the output is already filled.
This can also be used as in the above example only instead of connecting a dense pipe to the overflow chest you would hook a normal pipe up to it and the vacuum pipe to the rest of the network.

Both examples could also be used to keep a chest filled with cobble from you network and trash the excess.

Round-Robin pipes attempt to evenly distribute item to available output pipes.
Going from the first available input then to the next, then to the next, and eventually back to the first pipe to start the sequence all over again. This is for when you have say multiple identical machines and you want to spread the processioning of item out among them. Or have say multiple solid fual boilers running and you want to evenly distribute the fuel among them.

These examples are basic ones but the most commonly used.

And encase you didn't know the normal, vacuum, and dense item pipes are designed to replicate some of the unique functions of the now defunct (as in the mod's author has vanished off the face of the earth and no mod pack maker is likely to trust her to keep her mod updated even if she did update now.) redpower mod.

And the round robin pipe is based on one from the additional buildcraft pipes mod. A great mod in it's day but as now more or less become redundant do to improvements and additions to various other mods. (No disrespect to what was and still is a fine mod and it's author/s.)
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