Suggest Mods for FTB Here

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Yeah, now people don't even bother reading the OP that asks to have a link to the thread of the mod...
(oh, and using "awesome" as the reason for half of the mods is not really convincing^^)
I didnt add links because every single mod on there had been suggested a couple times and i'm sure they are aware of them. I sorta wanted to add another opinion to the mix. And yes I guess I could have written that a lot better
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I like double doors. I use them quite a bit. Can't remember the name of the mod, but theres one out there. When you step on a pressure plate (one of two on double doors) it opens both. I run around like a madman and when I get stuck on a double door because only one opened. It Annoys Me!

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Except there are already blocks that are capable to teleport liquids.

Also, bug with RP fluid pipes.

It looks like ShetiPhian may be looking into adding Ender Buckets, which would make that mod extremely useful (never again would I have to run back and forth when filling up another layer of my sugarcane field), so that in itself would be worth it for that reason to compliment the EnderStorage mod.
I was thinking and perhaps the More Pistons mod would fit well in this modpack. Not only would it expand upon the redstone elements of the game it'd most likely allow an amazing amount of things to be automated that simply couldn't have been done before, even with RedPower.

I also thought of suggesting the Dimensional Doors mod, they could be used for many things from automation to a new way to travel it's a very cool mod and in my opinion is something that the Magic World mod pack could really use.

To be honest with you guys there are a million fantastic magic mods out there so it makes no sense why the magic world mod is as empty as it is.
What about this? It works with lot of the mods and gives something that is missing from FTB, A good visual storage system.
I really need to stress it guys, please make complete posts when presenting a mod you want added...
You didn't even bother writing down the name of the mod.

Also, I feel it is worth mentioning that everything that has a custom render to render other items will have an impact on the performances (lag). That is one of the major reasons why you will notice more lags if there are crystal chests around, for example.
Ok, that mod does seem cool from the outside, but what does it adds?
Shelves to display your potions and items. Yep, that's it.

As for the "works with a lot of mods", what happens with blocks and items that have heavy custom rendering?
A good test these days seems to be the XyCraft "gems", in their ore block form (the ones being in the world gen).

I am not saying that I am against this particular mod, but I see very little use from adding it in, as opposed to the potential lag and visual glitches.
Oh, yeah, and they can not hold much, at all, so yeah, it might look a little better in your main room, but I don't see myself using it, at all, but that might be me wanting something more efficient than pretty.
I really need to stress it guys, please make complete posts when presenting a mod you want added...
You didn't even bother writing down the name of the mod.

Also, I feel it is worth mentioning that everything that has a custom render to render other items will have an impact on the performances (lag). That is one of the major reasons why you will notice more lags if there are crystal chests around, for example.
Ok, that mod does seem cool from the outside, but what does it adds?
Shelves to display your potions and items. Yep, that's it.

As for the "works with a lot of mods", what happens with blocks and items that have heavy custom rendering?
A good test these days seems to be the XyCraft "gems", in their ore block form (the ones being in the world gen).

I am not saying that I am against this particular mod, but I see very little use from adding it in, as opposed to the potential lag and visual glitches.
Oh, yeah, and they can not hold much, at all, so yeah, it might look a little better in your main room, but I don't see myself using it, at all, but that might be me wanting something more efficient than pretty.

Unless you place about 3000 of those, each with a differnt item, I don't think they'll have a big impact.
I've been trying this mod myself quite a lot, and its yet to really cause any sort of lag, I don't even have what you'd call a "high end" PC.

One can safely place quite a few of the "full" shelves all packed with items with no real problem.

Even if it doesn't add a crazy new functionality, its still a pretty good mod, aesthetic mods is something FTB could really use more of, plus this is good if you want to have certain items "at hand" without having to go around every chest trying to remember where you placed them or say, a specific tool with a really good enchantment you don't want to carry everywhere, but not quite sure where to store it.

Unfortunately I cannot tell you about placing Xycraft blocks inside as, ironically, I disabled it long ago, as I found it to be just a cause of performance issues that added nothing but a few shiny blocks to the game. :P

I know they're gonna add some machines or something very soon, still, the crystals and ore spam are enough to make me take it out, remember that adding too much can also be a reason to not want a mod.

(Of course that may be JUST me on this one, I can't really speak for everyone there.)
It looks like ShetiPhian may be looking into adding Ender Buckets, which would make that mod extremely useful (never again would I have to run back and forth when filling up another layer of my sugarcane field), so that in itself would be worth it for that reason to compliment the EnderStorage mod.

To confirm, ender buckets have been confirmed as being added with the next release of ender tanks, so I'll put another recommendation...


Ender Tanks

Ender tanks adds a block called an "ender tank" which works identical to chicken_bones's Ender Storage mod except for liquids. While we have liquid tesseracts that have a similar functionality, Ender Tanks is in the process of adding an item called an "Ender Bucket" which will work similar to the "Ender Pouch" of the Ender Storage mod, which is a function that is not currently provided and something that would be extremely useful to anyone that has ever wanted to move a lot of water or place a lot of water manually.
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I really need to stress it guys, please make complete posts when presenting a mod you want added...
You didn't even bother writing down the name of the mod.

The moderators said, "do not post on here unless suggesting a mod" your spamming the thread by putting down everyone's suggestions
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It is so obnoxious to read through this thread to find cool mods and all I see are posts pointing out why someones suggested mod is a bad idea. Just let people post their ideas and leave it be. If the people actually developing the packs have an issue with a mod, I'm pretty sure they'll let people know. All the hand slapping is annoying.
I'd like to suggest the following mod:
Applied Energistics

It's a really neat add-on to the tech-mods (like buildcraft). For now, it adds a 'storage solution' in the form of transportation of energy.
I feel like this post really doesn't do this mod justice...

Applied Energistics is a mod with a simple yet powerful idea, and that is the transformation of matter into pure data-energy which can then be transported near-instantaneously through wires. In its current state, it is primarily a (rather expensive) cloud storage solution with considerable potential for automation as well. The network consumes its own form of energy per tick (which can be generated by either MJ or EU) and while in this 'on' state it will accept items either manually from an access terminal or automatically via an ME Interface or an ME Import Bus. Items are then sent to what form of storage is within the system, which can be either physical storage such as chests or barrels if you attach an ME Storage Bus to it, or the pure Mass Energy data can be stored on special items called Storage Cells.
Storage Cells are items which are essentially hard drives for items, each has a specific amount of 'bytes' which can be stored upon it, and this number cannot be exceeded. Additionally, it is more efficient to store only one or two items within a single cell, as every additional type of item will cost additional bytes.
These storage cells can then be placed within either ME chests, which can store a single cell and are useful if all you want to do is store items more efficiently, or ME Drives, which do not have the same interface as the chest, but allows you to store several cells within itself.
This mod also adds a very interesting early-game method of ore doubling, called the Quartz Grind stone. This requires nothing more then stone, wood, and 3 Quartz dust (the only world gen added by this mod) and allows the player to use their character's own manpower to grind ores into double the dust, but slowly. Quartz can also be used to make iron-equivalent tools, and it also adds the ability to grind 2 wheat into 1 flour, which can be baked for bread.
This is, of course, not everything this mod adds, and I encourage you to go check out its wiki page ( and either peruse around or watch one of the video tutorials. Personally, I would say the potential to reduce lag reduction of servers alone, through the elimination of massive amounts of tubing and sorting systems and the like, is more then enough reason to implement another world-gen ore into the packs. Especially future packs, such as the Ultimate Pack.
Has anyone suggestioned these mods yet?

-Special Mobs
-Utility Mobs

From here:

Special Mobs adds new types of mods and unique abilites for them. Don't worry I've tried this before and they aren't too powerful or at the griefer level of destruction. Though if you do get one too many mobs after you then yea your in a world of trouble and death. Utility mobs adds golems that you can make much like the iron golem and snowman. It also adds turrets! Which are built similar to the golems, except they are stationary and attack mobs.

If you really want to go crazy add this with Better Dungeons mod. Only then your in for a real challenge!
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