Suggest Mods for FTB Here

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Or however you spell it.

the creator of OptiFine doesn't want his mod in any modpack afaik
installing is easy enough:

I think the nether is rather boring for mining so I vote for NetherOres to be included
from the creator
License (all mods)
Free for non-commercial use. You are free to include any of my mods in any modpacks or server-specific packs without needing to ask permission (but it'd be nice to hear if you do!)
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Valves denoflionsx/Den pipes
I really like this mod for just the ease of having the pink pipe with the pump built into it, makes your machines look good in simple straight forward builds, still need gates to make them work, makes use other mod's, has golden stone and cobble pipes that flow as golden pipes.
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I read down to the 4th page and saw that Better World Generation 3 is not to be included. I am just curious and would like to know why. Unbalanced? To complex? Incompatible?

I know that extrabiomesxl is working with the better world generation folks and will be implementing hooks into their own modding api and the better world folks are working with forge to make things even more compatible. I am taking a wild guess that we'll start seeing this stuff around the time extrabiomesxl 4 comes out. I got this information from reading blogs, mainly the extrabiomes blog. There are big things(tm) coming from them =) Any idea about the next version?

Anyway any info would be neat. I think having better world generation would be in my top 3 mods, next to thaumcraft, and extrabiomes =P then maybe thermal expansion, and then factorization =)
Better world gen has issues with other mods that add biomes such as Twilight Forest. ExtrabiomesXL also has some generation issues with it. BWG4 should fix all that, too.

That sounds like a really great mod. I'm not too keen on the quartz based tools and mechanics, but I'm incredibly interested in the ME networks and I wonder if it can help alleviate the strain when it comes to large item transport and storage infrastructure.
I apologize for not having specific mods in mind; rather, these are more general suggestions for particular types of mods that I think would greatly benefit FTB. Hopefully more knowledgeable members of the community might have some suggestions, or (pipe-dreaming, here!) perhaps these ideas might even inspire a new mod:
  • Mods that emphasize the need to travel, by encouraging exploration and---especially---geographical expansion. After mining that first handful of diamonds, too many mods aspire to give us everything we need without ever having to leave our house again. ExtraBiomes provides such gorgeous landscapes... but there aren't enough reasons to go exploring them. RailCraft provides absolutely brilliant transportation technology... but other mods remove the need to go anywhere, much less set up a railway network that allows back-and-forth travel over long distances (not that Vanilla Minecraft bursts with reasons to explore, to be fair). Examples: Mods with biome-dependent features (like Forestry's bees... before those advanced apiaries give you everything you need without leaving your house); mods that add/alter generated structures so you want to go back to them -- perhaps offering immobile artifacts/machines with unique functions, to justify rail/shipping lines to them; mods that emphasize villagers and village mechanics, increasing the need/desire to build a railway to the nearest village, etc.
  • Mods that provide "sinks" for the massive quantities of resources generated by automation (esp. left overnight, w/chunk loaders...), to close the supply loop. Automation so often seems like overkill to me: A single Sugar Cane farm can generate an absurd quantity of Sugar Cane in just a few hours, to use one example. Some of the go-to examples of current almost-sinks include IC2's Recycler and Forestry's handling of organic materials, but neither of these are true item sinks---they compress/condense/convert items into smaller forms, but they don't use the items up. Examples: Mods that use up massive quantities of renewable items to do something, perhaps with an efficiency that isn't based on quantity but on rate of input (e.g. instead of "64x Sugar Cane = 1x Ubermabob", it would be "64x Sugar Cane per Second = 'Ultra Speed'"); Mods that can take a massive influx of resources and create a state of equilibrium, without constantly outputting something to storage; Mods with interesting and attractive end-game content requiring huge quantities of renewables to fuel and/or create.
  • Balanced End-game Goals based on imaginative development, rather than mindless grinding. Perhaps the most important, but I left it till last because this one's a little obvious. Best counter-example I can think of is the Nether Star, which in my opinion was a terribly ill-thought end-game "goal". Grinding for hours in search of Wither Skeleton Skulls belongs in an 80's era JRPG (I still love you, Final Fantasy I), not the world of infinite possibilities that is Minecraft. As for "balanced", I point to ThaumCraft (2 and 3)---where everything has a cost and/or a risk associated with it (so I really hope EE3's scary-looking Redwater mechanic has genuine teeth). End-game content shouldn't be about turning Survival into Creative Mode---we don't need more flying rings... unless there's a good chance you'll fall---but about taking bigger, more expensive and more elaborate risks for proportional rewards. Examples: A mod that provides a more fun (but still difficult) means of acquiring Nether Stars (because beacons are great); Mods that provide more of those "functional structures" (the official term escapes me), where multiple costly blocks are assembled in a certain pattern to create a larger machine (e.g. beacons, Coke Ovens)---such structures strike me as especially good design space for balanced end-game content (I've long dreamed of a MystCraft-style tech mod that used rocket ships instead of books to take you to other planets, whose surface conditions have to be studied from high-altitude observatories so you know what equipment you need to bring with you to breathe...)
I suppose all of these suggestions carry a common theme: improving the end game. After playing a lot of Tekkit and FTB, I hate that "running out of things to do" feeling that so often comes after spending so long in a world. It always comes after a steadily-mounting stream of "I could do {insert project}... but why? I have nothing to gain from the fruits of my labor: no reason to travel, nothing fun to build, no need for more power." Sure, "because I want to, just for fun!" is an answer, but it's not the best one: "Because I need to, so I can get {goal}..." is far better. Moreover, the end-game is especially important in a modpack like FTB, I think, because so much more effort goes into laying the foundations for a world: sorting systems, power grids, etc. Spending days and days setting all that up only to run out of things to do is a letdown, something that a collection of fun end-game goals based on building, exploration, and exploitation of the world would do wonders to improve.
Please add Greg's lights

It would be nice to have more options for good lighting of large factories and areas.

Lights a 64x64 area

Considering all it does is add an item that's a cheaper version of Wrath Lamps, I highly doubt it'll make it.

The TUKMC mod :

It only changes part of the UI and gives information quite useful with FTB (biome, armor damages, fps, time, online players, etc.) without needing to go in the F3 menu or your inventory.

I do like the TUKMC mod, even tho they don't add HUD mods either, I will probably be adding it to my pack anyways, thanks!
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Considering all it does is add an item that's a cheaper version of Wrath Lamps, I highly doubt it'll make it.
I very respectfully disagree, and I second the nomination for Greg's Lighting. Consider:
  • FTB encourages building BIG, but FTB is significantly limited in lighting options that can realistically illuminate large buildings. It gets a little silly when you, say, build an entire ceiling out of RedPower's Inverted White Lamps, only to still have zombies spawning in the darkness of your floor a mere eight blocks below. Wrath Lamps are great, but they're a single option, one that isn't available in all modpacks, and one that doesn't always fit the aesthetic style a player is going for. Moreover, they're still radiant, which brings me to my next point:
  • Currently, all lighting in FTB---including Wrath Lamps---is radiant: Source blocks project a sphere of light with a fixed radius and steadily-decreasing intensity. This is fine for mining in Vanilla with low-tech torches and glowstone, but is this how massive factory floors are conventionally lit? No. For that, we need directional lighting: far brighter, with a much longer range, but projecting light in a cone, rather than a sphere (e.g. less like a torch, more like the pool of light beneath a street lamp in a comic book). Greg's Lighting is the best mod I've seen for this. FTB tech packs have quantum armor, forcefields and teleporters; I think they've earned the technology to build a street lamp, a lighthouse (ooh, with frame motors, maybe pistons?) or a flood light.
  • More powerful lighting isn't going to break game balance. And, even if it renders other light sources technically obsolete, lighting is so often an aesthetic choice: Players will continue to use other lights for their unique visual qualities, while benefiting from a wider selection of lighting options for large buildings---without having to spam torches on the walls, or turn their factory into a nightclub by building its floor out of RedPower2 lights.
I mean, these pictures sell the mod as far as I'm concerned (ugh, don't know why bbcode img resizing isn't working...):


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