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I think maybe you should make two more packs. One could be sort of everything thats sorta everything in the tech and magic world packs. And then maybe a "huge" one which could have a lot of other mods like MFR, cogs of the machine, minechem, etc
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Do you really consider all of those as "tech mods"?

Equivalent Exchange
Extra Bees
Soul Shards
Twilight Forest

I don't think so, so if there are already non tech mods in the pack (and the FTB team also said they don't want to be an exclusive tech pack) I don't see a reason not to add another non tech-mod.

I wouldn't say that a tech mod has to have technology. Tech mods are anything that helps with automation in some way, right?

Equivilant Exchange: Helps a lot in automation, and will have some machines, which would be considered technology.
Extra Bees: Not only does it help with automation, but it adds a handful of machines.
Mystcraft: The portals are really useful for long distance and inter dimensional item transfer.
Soul Shards: Helps with automating mob grinding.
Thaumcraft: Tons of magical machines, and helps with automation.
Twilight Forest: Not really a tech mod, but cool anyways. ;)
I wouldn't say that a tech mod has to have technology. Tech mods are anything that helps with automation in some way, right?

Equivilant Exchange: Helps a lot in automation, and will have some machines, which would be considered technology.
Extra Bees: Not only does it help with automation, but it adds a handful of machines.
Mystcraft: The portals are really useful for long distance and inter dimensional item transfer.
Soul Shards: Helps with automating mob grinding.
Thaumcraft: Tons of magical machines, and helps with automation.
Twilight Forest: Not really a tech mod, but cool anyways. ;)
I am sorry, but "tech" is short for "technology" or "technological", so saying that tech mods don't have to do with technology...

I personally don't think of FTB as a "tech mod pack", but as a collection of mods that combine together to offer way more possibilities than what would be possible by just adding what they can individually do.
For example, everyone loves RP (or nearly), but on its own, RP is really limited. You can automate mining, sorting, and smelting, and that's about it. IC2 has a lot of cool machines, but no way to automate the processes. BC is a great framework, but just by itself, you can mine, sort, and build.
Even ComputerCraft benefits greatly from having other mods to communicate with.

Rejecting a mod just because it deals with magic and spells is silly, it just mean you should play the tech pack, and not bother with the others.
If a mod adds interesting things, and can be used with other mods to get an even better experience, why not consider it? It only needs the author to grant the right to add it in the pack.
In the other hand, if a mod doesn't offer anything to enhance the other mods and/or gameplay, just adding things and doing things in its corner, then it's more of a case that results in "you want it, add it".
That's one of the reasons why they said that greg tech won't be hard mode by default in the ultimate, because there are significant proportion of players hating the recipe changing.
I am sorry, but "tech" is short for "technology" or "technological", so saying that tech mods don't have to do with technology...

I personally don't think of FTB as a "tech mod pack", but as a collection of mods that combine together to offer way more possibilities than what would be possible by just adding what they can individually do.
For example, everyone loves RP (or nearly), but on its own, RP is really limited. You can automate mining, sorting, and smelting, and that's about it. IC2 has a lot of cool machines, but no way to automate the processes. BC is a great framework, but just by itself, you can mine, sort, and build.
Even ComputerCraft benefits greatly from having other mods to communicate with.

Rejecting a mod just because it deals with magic and spells is silly, it just mean you should play the tech pack, and not bother with the others.
If a mod adds interesting things, and can be used with other mods to get an even better experience, why not consider it? It only needs the author to grant the right to add it in the pack.
In the other hand, if a mod doesn't offer anything to enhance the other mods and/or gameplay, just adding things and doing things in its corner, then it's more of a case that results in "you want it, add it".
That's one of the reasons why they said that greg tech won't be hard mode by default in the ultimate, because there are significant proportion of players hating the recipe changing.

That's not exactly what I meant, I meant that if a mod helps automate things it should be considered a tech mod.
i know that is a mod lol, and i was just asking if is possible to add that MOD in the mindcrack as soon the new mod update is release :)
i know that is a mod lol, and i was just asking if is possible to add that MOD in the mindcrack as soon the new mod update is release :)

I think what Jyzarc is trying to say is that the contents of the mindcrack pack is largely decided upon by the youtubers on the Mindcrack server. Getting it into FTB itself and one of the other packs is another story...
I think what Jyzarc is trying to say is that the contents of the mindcrack pack is largely decided upon by the youtubers on the Mindcrack server. Getting it into FTB itself and one of the other packs is another story...

The modlist is completely controlled by Guude
it's a really cool tech mod. It's still WIP but it is already awesome.
It also adds things that aren't already in one of the other FTB mods.

magical crops:
Basically adds crops to make all kinds of items. I haven't tested it myself so I don't know how balanced it is. But I haven't done any farming for a long time. And this might be the mod that changes it.

Primitive mobs:
This mod adds mobs to the game. But not just normal mods that just look cool. But some mobs are actually usefull. Like flying tools. If you manage to kill them, they drop themselves.

Vanilla recipes:
It adds crafting recipes to get blocks that are otherwise a pain to get. Like mossy cobble or cobwebs. It also adds recycling recipes, but they seem a bit unrealistic. They can be disabled in the config though.

Harken scyte:
Don't know how to explain this. It just adds scytes, souls, items and blocks that do awesome stuff.
I recommend looking into Double Doors Mod. It doesn't change much about the game at all, but adds a set of double doors that will open together.
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it's a really cool tech mod. It's still WIP but it is already awesome.
It also adds things that aren't already in one of the other FTB mods.

magical crops:
Basically adds crops to make all kinds of items. I haven't tested it myself so I don't know how balanced it is. But I haven't done any farming for a long time. And this might be the mod that changes it.

Primitive mobs:
This mod adds mobs to the game. But not just normal mods that just look cool. But some mobs are actually usefull. Like flying tools. If you manage to kill them, they drop themselves.

Vanilla recipes:
It adds crafting recipes to get blocks that are otherwise a pain to get. Like mossy cobble or cobwebs. It also adds recycling recipes, but they seem a bit unrealistic. They can be disabled in the config though.

Harken scyte:
Don't know how to explain this. It just adds scytes, souls, items and blocks that do awesome stuff.
Magical Crops lets you grow diamonds without being there. Chances are it can be automated without difficulty.

Just No to the vanilla recipes mods. Almost ALL the recipes in there are craftable already. You can get mossy brick and cobble from Forestry and cracked bricks from RP2. Everything else on the list can be obtained with silk touch. Some of those recipes are abusable as well.

Harken Scythe mod is more for the Magic Pack.
Magical Crops lets you grow diamonds without being there. Chances are it can be automated without difficulty.

Its not as easy as just "plant diamonds - get diamonds," doesn't work like that.
(Plus with the upcoming update it seems he's going to add an "Essence Infuser" to be able to make seeds and turn the essences of items into actual items, so any regular workbench won't work.)

Its as if you didn't even check the thread.
Also, you say as if its impossible to automate mining/ resource gathering with other mods anyways.

I for one have been testing it for a while and can honestly say its not OP at all, quite balanced even more so than a few other mods (*Cough* EE3 *Cough*) among others.
It seems to expand regular farming quite nicely and adds a nice alternative to just mining, for the people who don't like to spend too long underground or those who don't want to spend 3 hours holding the left mouse button to find a few resources. :P
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Plenty o' Biomes to supplement EXBL biomes? Would offer a lot more beautiful landscapes to demolish for our technolicial monsters...
Plenty o' Biomes to supplement EXBL biomes? Would offer a lot more beautiful landscapes to demolish for our technolicial monsters...
Biomes o' plenty's Author doesn't want it used in any public modpacks.
Since it has all of ExtraBiome's biomes already in it, i'd rather we have that than extrabiomes. More so, since it doesn't repeat the same goddamn useless biomes over and over. Seriously? How many "forests" do we need? Rainforest, Temperate Rainforest, Woodlands, Forested Island; All with the exact same trees.
Biomes o' plenty's Author doesn't want it used in any public modpacks.
Since it has all of ExtraBiome's biomes already in it, i'd rather we have that than extrabiomes. More so, since it doesn't repeat the same goddamn useless biomes over and over. Seriously? How many "forests" do we need? Rainforest, Temperate Rainforest, Woodlands, Forested Island; All with the exact same trees.
True, but the author has mentioned that they may not continue with BoP (despite recently making a new biome), and may pass it over to EXBL. Author may change their mind about being in a modpack, especially if it's FTB.

Never understood people not waiting stuff in modpacks, back in my Morrowind days, I kept being approached by people wanting my mods in a pack, I was always fine with that, I just mentioned that if there are any problems, I won't support my mod that's in the pack. I only supported the standalone mod, due to continue development.
For some reason I have a feeling that the ultimate pack is coming out pretty soon, so I thought I would list of the mods I (and apparently some others) would really like to see before its released

Its more of a "fun" mod but definitely very useful. I think it would be awesome to have a chemistry lab with a periodic table made from barrels in my basement.

Thaumic Bees:
Personally i'm not much of a bee person myself. But from what I have seen it looks really awesome and lots of people enjoy it.

Xeno's Reliquary:
I'm surprised this isn't included in the other packs. Its a"magic" mod by the original creator of EE, and its just plain awesome.

Balkons Weapons:
No its not a tech mod, or a magic mod, but I still think it should be included. Simply for the same reason as extra biomes, its just fun and adds a little variety for the player. Clearly a lot of others agree, as its one of the most suggested mods on this thread.

One of the oldest tech mods, it adds a lot of new ways to automate stuff and the conveyor belts look awesome(and are a good "water" alternative for the nether.)

This wouldnt be useful to everyone, but the people who use CC a lot would love this.

Modular PowerSuits:
I have a feeling you may be considering it already, but just in case. The game is sorta lacking armor/weapon customization.

Compact Mobs:
Not essential but It is very useful for transporting and farming animals. Also wolves are annoying as they always teleport in your way. Why not turn your pets into items and carry them around?

if major bugs are fixed, Mo Creatures:
Pretty much the same reason as extra biomes. Its fun, adds a sense of adventure and variety. But for now its really bugged, and if you did add it, it should probably be disabled by default.

And if major bugs are fixed, Ars Magics:
I like the spells and overall magic feel, but the dryad spawning seems to be broken
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Yeah, now people don't even bother reading the OP that asks to have a link to the thread of the mod...
(oh, and using "awesome" as the reason for half of the mods is not really convincing^^)

I'm going to be yelled at for that, but please, do try to make your posts so that you convince people that the mod has its place.
Having some reasoning, instead of just saying "it would be great", or "people would live it", can help quite a lot in that regard.

As for the mods that add nothing but loads of items that don't give anything to the other mods, it Slowpoke said multiple times that it didn't have its place in the packs, so the "weapons" packs that add very little to the game have very low chance of getting included. I guess that the plus side is that it is kind of fitting with the epoch though.
But well, we have bow, wands or laser for ranged combat.

Let's see...
Minefactory reloaded.
Ok, quite a good mod, that has some very cool machines that make it possible to automate on smaller scale for a lot of things that are not quite as easily doable right now. On the negative side, the conveyor belts keep the items and blocks in the same rendering as when the item is on the ground, or pushed by water, so they are one of the most laggy ways to transport items. They do look really cool, and can convey mobs too, so they are nice addition none the less
It seems to be able to use BC pipes for item transit though, so that can be easily circumvented.
But the possibility to automate fishing, or small scale tree farming sound really great to me.
I don't agree with all the machines, and they tend to ask for a lot of redstone pulses, but at least a part of the machines are a nice addition to Forestry and other automations.
On a side note, it can be used in non commercial mod packs, without having to ask for the permission, as it is specifically given in the first post of the thread.
And now the link to the MC forum thread:

PS: I wrote it as an example, I know it has been suggested at least twice in the past, with discussions on the up and down sides for it, please don't throw that rock^^

There you go, except the "PS" part, that is an example on how you can present it.
I am not good with writing anyway, so it might not be very convincing, but at least it shows I went to the mod page, that I did play with it at least in the past (or watched videos about it), and I am trying togive the good points about it in a few sentences, so that people will only have to go to the mod page if they want more information.

Hope it will help in having better mod submissions in the future, because some mods out there are mostly unknown, and well worth playing with, so making a good post about it might show them to people like me that don't have the time to search for these cool mods.
Not like I have the time to play much these last two weeks, but it's like when DW20 makes spotlights, sometimes, you discover a mod you didn't know about, and that turns out to be really great and enjoying.

Thanks for reading this wall of text, and sorry about that.
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