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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Not true. Slowpoke said he does not have permission for the mod. He never said he had ASKED for it. So you do not have permission without asking depending on the mod license.
I know that the phrasing is a bit misleading, it would have been better if it was "No Permission, not asked" but oh well get over it.

I don't know about Balkon, but Mo Creatures thread specifically states that he won't give permission for any mod pack.
And "hadn't even asked him"? You know that private messages exist, right?

I am not trying to defend Slowpoke or anyone else, I was just stating why Mo Creatures wouldn't be in, from two written and official sources (mod pack team and mod author).

For example, I would love to have Millenaire, because it adds a lot of life to the maps, way more than the vanilla NPC villages.
I mean, they expand, trade with the player and other villages, and even raid other villages.
But it is not yet at a very stable state, just looking at the change log, it fixed a bug that crashed the server when a raid finished and no player was connected.
It also adds a lot of structures in the terrain generation, so much that many people would find it hard to actually find a nice place to settle and build gigantic bases.

If I really want to play with it in my SSP, I will add it manually anyway, but I can understand why they wouldn't put something like that as default.

That is basically what you need to ask yourself when you have a mod you love.
Does the author states that he doesn't want modpacks to distribute his mod?
Is it listed in the "wont' be added" list?
Does it play nice with the other mods?
Does it add something that completes the other mods?

Sorry for the too serious post.

So for the whole Balkons weapons things heres what i've gathered. Slowpoke didn't like Balkons weapons and didn't want to include it so he said he did not get permissions, he would have if he had asked. A couple people harassed Balkondeur about it on his thread and he said he was naver asked but would be happy to give permission if they did. Slowpoke still left it up. A couple weeks later Balkondeur messaged him saying he gives permission. According to Balkondeur it said slowpoke has read it but not replied. Even then Slowpoke STILL left it up. Then I suggested he take it down for Balkondeurs sake, shortly after he did take it down.

About Mo creatures. I assume Slowpoke didn't ask about that either since Dr. Zhark isn't in their elite forgecraft group. Maybe he did but I doubt it. But about him never giving permissions, i've seen Dr. Zhark's mod in at least three modpacks. I assume he gave permission for them because there weren't any exploding horses. He says don't ask him for permissions but it also says that for Forestry and Thaumcraft.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
yeah thats an issue there :\ lemme look around
EDIT: having some issues finding anything..

I know that feel bro, I've been looking for about a week. I honestly think that at this point, I should just make an IC2 addon that uses all the IC2 parts available. Plus then it would be pretty easy to integrate into FTB.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If you read the very first page, you would have seen that Balkons will not be included. At least do a little research before posting this.

... Either I need glasses, or it's not in the list of not-included mods. Don't tell people to do research when it's not in the spot it should be.

Will Not be Included
Tree Capitator
Mo' Creatures
No permissions
Not Server Friendly
Steam craft
Zaede's SteamWorks
No permissions
No permissions
Mine Little Pony
Timber! by TehKrush
Not compatible
Charge Pads
Crossover with other mods
Compact Solars
crossover with other mods
Power Converters

I'm not seeing it. .. Not seeing it on the entire first thread page either.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
... Either I need glasses, or it's not in the list of not-included mods. Don't tell people to do research when it's not in the spot it should be.

I'm not seeing it. .. Not seeing it on the entire first thread page either.
It was originally on the front page, as their was a misunderstanding over permissions, FTB didn't think they had permissions, but then Balkon said he was cool with it (or something like that). So it's probably now just the powers-that-be don't like the mod for one reason or another.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
.. Typical how it's always the permission discussion that restricts and kills the fun and enhanced gameplay rather then creating it.

Meh. I'll save my breath.

Edit; Removed bit, dunno if it's a Multiplayer mod.
Edit2; Seems not. Darnut.

Are there seriously no other weapon packs out there?

Edit;3 Welp. I can't find any. Found a Mine & Blade NPC soldier command pack, which looks awesome but I'm guessing it's too themed for this pack.

It's interesting though, and those NPC's got new weapons. >.> Haven't tested it, but if it's not too themed then this could be an awesome addition. Instead of fighting another with new weapons, lead NPC's to their deaths with all out server wars. (Instead of requiring a huge player base to PvP with) Even servers that don't like PvP can still set up these NPC battlegrounds so people can command and fight with units instead.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Never implied that was an issue.. This started because information lacked which is known to the existing members but not the new guys.

I'm fine with him not wanting to add it, but if it had been in the "We won't add it list" then I wouldn't have suggested it. It wasn't, so I did.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

Thaumcraft 3 add-on: Custom Aspects

Allows one to configure aspects for all mod blocks. This seems like a natural addition to Feed the Beast, given the focus on intermod compatibility. Azanor implied approval with a diamond given on the first page of the thread. Permission is given for the community to do whatever we like with the add-on.

This gets a yes from me. Although we will most probably spend weeks to balance the aspects!
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thamcraft guys rule of thumb for balancing aspects in that a complex items has the equivalent aspects of it's combined components. So all wee need to really account for is the base components.
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