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Hard to find? Wandering new chunks I have no shortage of them. Given how they outperform a minecart system for almost everything ("automated transport between two fixed locations without any attention" is the only thing left for minecarts, and that has a cost that increases linearly with distance), it's more like "why bother with minecarts"?

My solution: Make Minecarts faster, make Pigs faster and make Horses require a ridiculous amount of food (speeds and hunger configurable)
Hard to find? Wandering new chunks I have no shortage of them. Given how they outperform a minecart system for almost everything ("automated transport between two fixed locations without any attention" is the only thing left for minecarts, and that has a cost that increases linearly with distance), it's more like "why bother with minecarts"?
You get lucky, apparently. I can't find horses to save my life. Not that I really care, since Tinkers' Construct adds (at least, in 1.7.10) wooden rails that work just as good as the iron ones at a fraction of the cost. Get a lumber axe and find a biome with dark oak trees, and you've got abundant rail-building materials.

Though, I'm a bit biased. I hate relying on mobs for anything, one of the reasons I'm partial to Magical Crops.
I´m looking for a mod like the old RedPower.
Exactly, I am looking for a mod that offers something like the frame motors from redpower. This exists? if so, how it heist? or one must then use MC 1.4.7 and install redpower there. Because in Project Red does not exist anymore because unfortunately :(

Hope you understand what I mean, because I can not english.
I´m looking for a mod like the old RedPower.
Exactly, I am looking for a mod that offers something like the frame motors from redpower. This exists? if so, how it heist? or one must then use MC 1.4.7 and install redpower there. Because in Project Red does not exist anymore because unfortunately :(

Hope you understand what I mean, because I can not english.
I want to say Engineer's Toolbox might have something similar to what you're looking for, but it's not the easiest mod in the world to figure out.
I had an idea for a mod that adds actual electric fences into Minecraft, from memory I think the MrCrayfish mod has an electric fence but I'm thinking of a different solution.
Lets say that if you were able to make iron fences and add redstone, you could get a basic electric fence that turns on and off if a redstone signal is activated next to it. Any mob that touches that electric fence receives damage (so it would be useful for mob grinders). However if you want an electric fence that surrounds a village and you don't want the villagers to get killed, you could then craft a two-sided fence (maybe with regular wood fences so one side is iron and the other is wood) so that mobs on only one side get damaged. Placement would then be directional like stairs. There could be another 'super' electric fence that adds a knockback effect and an extra hit of damage.
If the electric fence texture is stealthy enough, it may even become an interesting player trap like how real electric fences are. Who knows....
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A mod to report what the current temp and humidity of your location -- both actual, and "ground level" (assume you are flying), as well as the biome type(s) of the biome you are in.

Said display may be limited to the F3 screen, without any loss of functionality.

Bonus points for determining what Reika's mods think is the temperature in addition to what vanilla/forge/biome wrappers say the temperature is.

Bonus points for being able to determine any changes to the default temp/humidity/biome type for the current biome (known examples: mystcraft ages with non-default weather -- being able to report both the original and the altered data is a minor plus).

NB: This should not be considered an "urgent request for someone to please do this". Rather, *PLEASE, someone, I need this for help on balancing COG for 1.7.10.

EDIT: Alternatively, a mod that just dumps a static list of all biomes, and their base/default temps/humidity/biome types after all biomes have been defined/registered with forge, at start-up. (Similar to the list-of-mods dumper program).
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or simply just add a tonn of new cd's to the game.. maybe cd's that you can get from villages and stuff.. cd's with music in different genre so and you can collect them all! and brag about you have the hole series of your genre

but i think that is a hard job because of license and stuff
Well, there is plenty of public domain music....... but that isn't going to sate the player that is looking for their daily dose of 'oops, I did it again'....and no I don't know if that is the real title of the tripe.

That said..... I'm not sure how many players would be interested in cd's full of Irving Berlin......
So last night I was sitting away smoking outside then bam outo of know where I randomly think of a cool low tech mod for automated furnaces.

So here's how it goes;
There is a furnace for each ore/metal you get costing only compressed cobblestone, bricks, the ore of the furnace you're creating, in it's raw form not ingot. (To be decided)
The furnaces have a low cost therefore mustn't be overpowered but a good starter when your deciding on how you're going to start out.
So to make it not over powered it has limited uses for example 50-75 (randomly breaks)
What is the benefit of these furnaces o a normal furnace??? Well you get the chance of 3 items, half an ingot, (low chance) 1 ingot, (common) 2 ingots (uncommon) but often enough to even out your input if you have good luck!

I feel this would go great in a some packs such as feed the beast lite, as it wouldn't be stress your computer as much as something like TE3.
Like I say, it's designed for very early game and since some people think TE3 and other mods take a while to get into when you start this could offer a great opportunity (also I feel very noob friendly with a great user interface)

This is my draft idea any changes I'll simply edit my post! Also feel free to give CONSTRUCTIVE criticism.
Item sorting based on the name of an item, not the item itself. So anything named(like with an anvil) "Hello World" could be sorted, whether that item was a bone or a gold ingot doesn't matter, just the custom name. Not only that, but the name sorter could parse only certain words, or see if a single word from the name matches. It could only look if the first word matches, or if any word matches, and then sort accordingly.
I heard someone made one of those in vanilla somewhere, using a lot of comparators/droppers/water/tripwires.
You know an idea for a mod that'd be really beneficial is a proper single-player economy. In fact I've looked everywhere all over the modded Minecraft community and haven't found anything similar, however there was an economy mod on a server that sparked my interest and got me thinking.
So the economy mod would be like how the creative menu is in vanilla, except everything has a base value for buying and selling in terms of Credits. This means that the player could buy whatever they need if they have enough credits after selling a few things.
However to avoid any mass-selling exploits where the player can sell a bajillion of one item and get loads of money, instead of the selling price staying constant, it decreases rapidly according to the amount of items of one type that are sold by the player. It could even work the opposite way, if the player buys a bajillion of one item then the buying price increases rapidly.
There is one problem at this stage though: Buying and selling prices only increase and decrease respectively, so an algorithm may be implemented to slowly restore prices over time according to how many items have been sold or purchased. If the player sells a bajillion wheat at once, it will take the wheat selling price a long time (maybe even exponentially according to how many items are sold at once) to slowly recover to it's base value. On the other hand, if the player sells only a stack of wheat then the selling price isn't affected as much. In this way, any mass-selling exploits are discouraged and small trading is encouraged.
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So the economy mod would be like how the creative menu is in vanilla, except everything has a base value for buying and selling in terms of Credits. This means that the player could buy whatever they need if they have enough credits after selling a few things.

I was thinking (and talking) along these lines long ago, but nothing like this yet on horizon. Except maybe Biogen in MFR. Also, HQM is kinda similar - it demands a set amount of items.
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Item sorting based on the name of an item, not the item itself. So anything named(like with an anvil) "Hello World" could be sorted, whether that item was a bone or a gold ingot doesn't matter, just the custom name. Not only that, but the name sorter could parse only certain words, or see if a single word from the name matches. It could only look if the first word matches, or if any word matches, and then sort accordingly.
Refined Relocation. Unsure if it has support for custom name filtering right now, but if it doesn't, suggest it and I'm sure it'll get implemented.
I think it would be cool if there is an magic based mod build around you xp level. You could start with enchanting an enchanting table. With an bit of luck getting the 'enchanter' enchant. That table will open yhe world of tear1 enchants.

Tear2 Enchanting can be established due preforming an 100 xp ritual. On this tear you can choose your own echants. Here hou can make the next tables to get to tear3

Tear3 enchanting is just an crafting recipe of 9 Enchanted tables created in tear2. All different enchants in an specific way. I. Tear 3 you ca create your own enchants for a verly heigh prize in resores and xp.

If someone would like to make this for me just contact me. I have some other idees on how i want to create this.
I think there is not jet an xp based mod. So i would be happy to see one coming
I was thinking of a mod called Flux Power Suit or Industrial Power Suit, Depends if it runs off of eu or rf but anyways, It would add various items to improve exploring or just moving around your base, It would add wall climbing things or spring boots or diving gear or things that make you move faster and maybe even some unique tools that would run off of eu or rf. I think this would be awesome!
I was thinking of a mod called Flux Power Suit or Industrial Power Suit, Depends if it runs off of eu or rf but anyways, It would add various items to improve exploring or just moving around your base, It would add wall climbing things or spring boots or diving gear or things that make you move faster and maybe even some unique tools that would run off of eu or rf. I think this would be awesome!
And most of the recipes would be crafting with either a lapatron crystal and energy crystal (from ic2) or those resonant and redstone flux capacitors
I was thinking of a mod called Flux Power Suit or Industrial Power Suit, Depends if it runs off of eu or rf but anyways, It would add various items to improve exploring or just moving around your base, It would add wall climbing things or spring boots or diving gear or things that make you move faster and maybe even some unique tools that would run off of eu or rf. I think this would be awesome!
And most of the recipes would be crafting with either a lapatron crystal and energy crystal (from ic2) or those resonant and redstone flux capacitors
Modular Powersuits does this. It's even had a 1.7.10 revival by @chbachman
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