Haha thanks love how you randomly change a bracket to a winking face XD?No prob, could tell you had a bit of rage. Happens to us all.Have a like
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Haha thanks love how you randomly change a bracket to a winking face XD?No prob, could tell you had a bit of rage. Happens to us all.Have a like
People ending an argument nicely on the Internet?! WHAT IS THIS MADNESS?!No prob, could tell you had a bit of rage. Happens to us all.Have a like
Didn't think there was an arguementPeople ending an argument nicely on the Internet?! WHAT IS THIS MADNESS?!
And yes, McF is either the Minecraft Forums or Minecraft Forge.
So, in another thread I was talking about something when I basically thought of a great NEI addon.
Anyone want to make a NEI addon, that when you press u over a machine, it goes to the machine's recipies?
You know, like when you press u on an ore block, you can look at the pulverizer's use of the block, but if you click on the processing arrow, it will show all of the pulverizer's recipies..
But removing that step, and just being able to go to the pulverizer's recipies by pressing u while hovering over it in NEI...
I would use this when deciding what machine to make next. Looking through the items, what does a "insert machine here" do? Presses u... Ahhh.. cool.. I probably want one of those...
Or has this been made and I don't know about it....
This is already done with the Wand of Equal Trade from Thaumcraft.I'd like to see a long-term quest item: the Block Painter. I could see it being either a mystical item or a goofy industrial item.
It would function as a paint gun that literally converts existing placed blocks into another. In order to do this, it would have to consume the appropriate amount of blocks of the painted material (stored in the Painter).
With a smooth execution, I feel like this item could make building and renovating so much easier.
This is already done with the Wand of Equal Trade from Thaumcraft.
I'd like to see a long-term quest item: the Block Painter. I could see it being either a mystical item or a goofy industrial item.
It would function as a paint gun that literally converts existing placed blocks into another. In order to do this, it would have to consume the appropriate amount of blocks of the painted material (stored in the Painter).
With a smooth execution, I feel like this item could make building and renovating so much easier.
Nerf horsespeed, but give them a higher burger-output?I'm still saying we need balanced chickens and horses, I don't care about specifics, but having Chickens give both live and egg based birth is both freaky and OP.
As for Horses they just need some sort of nerf so that they're not better than Minecarts, Pigs and 2 block high Ice and Trapdoor floored caverns in every way imaginable.
Nerf horsespeed, but give them a higher burger-output?
Mainly for exploration and transport, yes.People actually use horses?
Mainly for exploration and transport, yes.
p.s. Hi Greed!
That's weird, because I find it nearly impossible to locate, let alone tame, a horse. Minecarts are comparatively simple.