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A mod that allows you to customize damage weaknesses/resistances per mob would be nice. This would apply to types of damage (Combat, Fire, Fall etc), type of entity (player, iron golem, arrow etc) and which item was used (fist, bow, carrot etc)

This could be used for all kinds of things: Special Boss Killer weapons, Nerfing Pitfall Farms, Nerfing weapons agains enemy X, I can even see someone using this in some sort of RPG pack even.
I don't like FZ, I think it is pretty pointless now JABBA seems to rule the Barrel Brigade.

What does Factorization need to be added for now?
The mod with the blood moon gave me this idea. Could be an addition to it if anything too. (Sorry if its been suggested). Given additional lunar effects as well.

When it happens, it becomes progressivly darker out. Can happen during day or night. I'm not certain of gamma values can be changed over time but it makes world darker then "night" values. Perhaps use the blood moons ability where it brings out reds in everything that an Eclipse brings out the blacks of everything (same principle just different hues). Monster spawn rate is increased.

Moon Phases:
More cosmetic if anything but the Moon Phase gives different light levels. While Night can still spawn monsters regardless of phase, a full moon has a light level of say 4 while a new moon has a light level of 0 (like current night)
This is more

What about a whole calender mod of dates with special skies, light levels, spawning rules and effects on players, such as "Day of Might" "Blight night" "Spider migrations" "Peaceful week" "Harvest festival"? It shouldn't even be too difficult to make customizable, since the only thing the mod has to track is time.
I had plans for the calender concept to be incorporated into my mod a while back. I still haven't gotten around to actually doing it yet; I probably won't until at least December (after the initial mod release). In case either of you are interested in testing it and making suggestions, I'll add you to the conversation.
I had plans for the calender concept to be incorporated into my mod a while back. I still haven't gotten around to actually doing it yet; I probably won't until at least December (after the initial mod release). In case either of you are interested in testing it and making suggestions, I'll add you to the conversation.

Hooray for delays in progress!
What about a mod that gives tools a random modifier prefix & effects upon crafting, kinda like how Terraria does it? Would be funny to see someone wielding a 'Huge' Diamond sword fighting a person using a 'Legendary' Stone Sword, and the Stone Sword guy wins.
What about a mod that gives tools a random modifier prefix & effects upon crafting, kinda like how Terraria does it? Would be funny to see someone wielding a 'Huge' Diamond sword fighting a person using a 'Legendary' Stone Sword, and the Stone Sword guy wins.
If a legendary stone sword could beat a diamond sword, everyone would just craft a ton of stone swords.
Minecraft is a very different game than Terraria. Even though in both gear is the most important real customization you have as a player, wealth and infrastructure is the deciding factor in player progression in minecraft- a good Terraria player has a good sword to kill bosses, a good minecraft player has a good pickaxe to collect diamonds. MC combat is not a big goal in itself and is ultimately dependent on the situation and tactic, not any 5% dps increase.
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If a legendary stone sword could beat a diamond sword, everyone would just craft a ton of stone swords.
Minecraft is a very different game than Terraria. Even though in both gear is the most important real customization you have as a player, wealth and infrastructure is the deciding factor in player progression in minecraft- a good Terraria player has a good sword to kill bosses, a good minecraft player has a good pickaxe to collect diamonds. MC combat is not a big goal in itself and is ultimately dependent on the situation and tactic, not any 5% dps increase.

Agreed, though I do like crafting variation that is skill-based... (like how TFC does it)
What about a mod that gives tools a random modifier prefix & effects upon crafting, kinda like how Terraria does it? Would be funny to see someone wielding a 'Huge' Diamond sword fighting a person using a 'Legendary' Stone Sword, and the Stone Sword guy wins.
It has been done, wait I'll find you it
Okay, what about a mod that adds a few new Minecraft themed bosses, as well as making existing bosses harder?

Not quite a boss, but a challenging mob nonetheless. It breathes fire, swoops at you, and has a fair bit of health. If you're right in front of it when it's on the ground, it'll swipe at you with its claws! Unlike the Ender Dragon, the only structural threat this mob makes is the fireballs, so watch out!
Has two spawning methods, can spawn randomly and spawns in a 'Dragon Cave', which generates a fair distance away from spawn. Dragon caves contain epic loots, but that loot is protected by a pretty pissed off dragon, so watch out!

Dragons drop Dragon Scales, which can be made into strong tools & armour. They also drop Dragon Meat, which is fairly tasty and gives you Regeneration.

Zombie Pigman Lord
Being the ultimate boss of all Zombie Pigmen, this boss mob has something to prove! It wields a huge Golden Sword, can summon a wave of Zombie Pigmen to help it, and packs a good amount of health to boot! It can swing it's sword either at you, or throw it at you (But when it throws it at you, it has to go retrieve it, leaving it helpless. Time to strike!). It summons Zombie Pigmen, which distracts you while it goes sits in a corner, possibly healing or something. The Zombie Pigman Lord can be summoned with a crown shaped structure of gold, with a Zombie Pigman Head in the middle. It drops emeralds, gold (it's wealth) and a bunch of Nether Plate, part 1 of 2 for the Nether Set!
Upgraded Wither
After being farmed by Direwolf20 for so long, it has decided to take a level in badass and put an end to it's own pathetic farming. The Wither now can rapid fire non-Withering skulls as well as it's normal Withering Skulls attack, and summons Wither Skeletons as well. When this boss hits Stage 2 (That red shield bit) it gets a whole lot more offensive, throwing itself at you, causing a huge explosion (Stunned after this so this may be a good opportunity). The Wither Skeleton summoning stops here fortunately. The Wither still drops a Nether Star, and this is part 2 of the Nether set, the second best tools and armour (in vanilla), below Ender.

Upgraded Ender Dragon
This beast just got more epic (and hard). It has access to several new moves, like the Ender Acid (like on Minecraft Xbox 360 and PS3), the Ender Beam (it flaps it's wings once, stops, and shoots a HUGE ass laser from it's mouth! Watch out, but if you know how to do so, it can be dodged. It has to rest afterwards, so a good opportunity!) and the Transporter (Basically, it teleports where you can't see it to suprise you with another attack.). The fight begins as usual, take out the Ender things on the Obsidian Pillars to stop it's healing while it swoops at you, but then it gets more and more angry at you as you destroy things it holds dear. Part 2 is after you destroy ALL the Ender things, and all the above moves are unlocked for it so watch out. After you kill it, you get the Ender Dragon Egg, which is needed to be placed back in the Overworld for the next boss. You also get Ender Dragon Scales, which is Part 1 of the Ender Armour.
Son (or Daughter) of the Enderdragon
After you killed their parent (You monster!), these guys come after their sibling's egg (That's what that Enderdragon egg is!) so they can at least find a new life to live without their mum. These are Mini Enderdragons, so you can get more Ender Dragon Scales if you need any more. However, these guys fight differently to the Enderdragon. The Son is more aggressive, willing to pin you to the ground while it swipes at you with it's claws, watch out! The Daughter is more defensive, willing to hold back while it summons Endermen to do it's dirty work. Otherwise, they both can use the same attacks as the Enderdragon. They cannot die, they instead teleport away permanently to recover before going after you again. Either the Son or Daughter can spawn randomly and rarely when you place the Dragon Egg down. When they teleport (permanently) away, they drop more Ender Dragon Scales.
Herobrine (Yes, I know. Might as well :p)
This guy is absolutely dangerous, but holds the key to finally being able to make the best armour (in Vanilla terms), the Ender Armour. He fights with clever sword skills, wields Herobrine's Blade (Not droppable :p) and can teleport and throw fireballs at you. When he is on Stage 1, he merely wears and uses a duplicate of whatever you're wearing, hoping his superior abilities can get you. When he has half health, he switches to Herobrine's Set (Also not droppable XD), a ridiculously cool set of armour with a good defensive stats, and he becomes more lethal. He then gets the ability to pick you up with Ender Magic, and throw you, so brace yourself! When he dies, broken shards of his armour drop, and you combine those with the Ender Dragon Scales to make Ender Pieces, which is used to make the BEST (in vanilla terms) armour and tools in the game, far stronger than diamond.
I wish someone would make an addon for mystcraft that takes out the RNG out of mystcraft
being able to create worlds how you want them to be, being able to create linking books with the exact effects that you want, perhaps even being able to delete ages ingame

ofcourse there would still be instability, but instead of finding out if there's instability after entering an age, you'd now be able to see if there'll be instability in an age before writing it, where it could even tell you what kind of instability there'll be
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I wish someone would make an addon for mystcraft that takes out the RNG out of mystcraft
being able to create worlds how you want them to be, being able to create linking books with the exact effects that you want, perhaps even being able to delete ages ingame

ofcourse there would still be instability, but instead of finding out if there's instability after entering an age, you'd now be able to see if there'll be instability in an age before writing it, where it could even tell you what kind of instability there'll be
That sounds more like what the actual mod should include. At the very least an "Easy Mode" config option.