I must have missed this somewhere. Is there a mod that will sort/filter/ "smart hopper" / "smart chest" based on ore dictionary compatibility?
For example: Both Geologica and Underground Biomes add lots of new types of stone; lots of mods add new types of wood. Being able to have a filtering system that would plop all the different stones in one chest, or all the different cobblestones in another chest, or sort all the logs together, would be nice.
It's relatively easy, but painful, to try to configure these things manually.
Something that starts with an auto-generated config that lets me tweak/tune manually afterwards would be nice.
An example of what I'd like to tune/tweak: separating wood into brownish, reddish, and greenish groups. Putting the planks/stairs/slabs for a given wood type with that wood log.
In other words, something that lets me customize, but starts with a config file based on the ore dictionary, instead of "If you want to customize, you have to start from scratch and specify everything."