Now before I start, I don’t know much about mods on the legal side of things, but this idea is about something that would build upon already existing mods. I don’t know how it can be solved.
So, what I’m really missing is a sort of roleplay mod that allows you to play as different species with different rulesets. Two mods came close to it:
Pros: Scaling hitbox, functional features
Cons: Uses mobs that already in the game, vanilla and modded. Not sure if it can be built upon with extra content purely as player character, lack of customization.
More player models 2:
Pros: Modular / scaleable ( I guess that another mod could ask for the values and scale the hitbox accordingly, rounded up to halfblocks (quarter if we want multi part support))
Cons: Purely aesthetic, unsure if it does it’s things in the right way from a coding standpoint ( I’m always thinking like that when I see a forge mod who’s author not really the part of the FTB modder community (or I just missed it somewhere))
(Regardless the things I said, I love you iChun and Noppes! ^^)
So anyway, as I was saying, I wish to see a bit more drastic and different rulesets, balanced by lore, not for equality. But of course, key words for all these functions are: adjustable and toggleable.
Character creation before spawning, without the ability to change mid game. Permadeath. Toggleable ofc and it would mean creating a new character.
Species specific stats ofc (speed, health), abilities ( ok, iChun already did that…).
Active abilities? Acting like an inventory item except it cannot be dropped. It could only be on the hotbar and it’s specific inventory (something like the backpack inventory in Tinker’s construct). Sort of like the usable skills in Wow.
I’d also like to see different inventory sizes depending on the creature. And restriction on item usage (did you see a dragon with a shovel? Me neither… ). Even on the basis of mods.
Now this part is going to be weird, interspecies interaction. Functions for eg.: allowing a player playing as a dragon to be used as a mount (would require to specify the block on the mount model which the other player inherits it’s movement, also relative place where it sits). Ability for a humanoid player to put on equipment on other player creatures, that wouldn’t be able to do so for themselves (like horse armor). Also, ability to pick up entities and players, if the size difference is over some limit. (not as an item, but for eg. as the portal gun does it, just placed on the appropriate limb (should I call it forced mounting?

Optional ideas:
Some deformations triggered by gameplay events (becoming undead, glowing green aura after standing too close and for too long to an IC2 reactor… )
Parent-child system (spawning near one of them, with a species restricted character creation. Chooseable, would need a list to browse through the “parents wanting someone”, or perhaps using an invisible spectator character? Would also require aging function)
Species specific and learnable languages? ( again, I’m taking the idea from wow… kek…)
That is all; thank you, and apologies for the long and/or weird post and linguistic errors. As I was saying, I’m not a modder, but I hope someone picks up the idea. If so, I’d happy to help as I could (making visual assets for eg. Modelling, drawing, I can do those…)