Request Suggest mods for creation here

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I like it with one caveat: that confusion not produce an effect similar to nausea. Nausea in MC gives me massive headaches if it lasts more than a couple of seconds.
agree. i can't even play many games because of how puky i will feel while playing them and for a hour or more after. only reason i can even play minecraft is view bobbing can be turned off. the nausea effect in the game totally destroys my ability to play if it happens to often.

I always liked the inverted control that many games did for confusion. would be great for this. as all those were only 2d. inverting the controls on a 3d games sounds much worse. especially if the crouch and run were inverted. along with the mouse and w,a,s,d keys.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
agree. i can't even play many games because of how puky i will feel while playing them and for a hour or more after. only reason i can even play minecraft is view bobbing can be turned off. the nausea effect in the game totally destroys my ability to play if it happens to often.

I always liked the inverted control that many games did for confusion. would be great for this. as all those were only 2d. inverting the controls on a 3d games sounds much worse. especially if the crouch and run were inverted. along with the mouse and w,a,s,d keys.

Odd thing is, I don't suffer from motion sickness or anything of the sort. Just that specific kind of visual effect hurts mah head.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Odd thing is, I don't suffer from motion sickness or anything of the sort. Just that specific kind of visual effect hurts my head.
i figured that was likely. i was just saying my experience. certain rgb keyboard patterns will give me a slight headache. along with other light patterns. most stuff just gives me nausea though. my brother has spent way over a thousand hours on the borderland series. i have less than a quarter of his time. i really enjoy playing the game with him. The effect it has on my system makes it tough going. i think using a keyboard instead of controller might actually fix that now. not certain.(i think it might be the controls, mixed with the angle i sit at for either setup)

I know everyone's system works different. (oh i just remembered, there's a nausea mod. let me look it up. "NoNausea" . might be worth a look.) I also kind of like knowing the differences and similarities. just out of curiousity of what effect me and others how/how not.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A Persona 4 mod with TV world dimension, personas, fusion, and shadows. Bonus points if you manage to get places like Yukiko's Castle, the Steamy Bathhouse, and Heaven to generate.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Nausea is the only mystcraft instability that I disable.

If you really want confusion, change the movement to QWOP.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Wanted: A mod that fixes Leads falling off mobs (Horses, Hobgoblins, everything else) when the chunk they are in is unloaded.


Popular Member
Mar 5, 2016
Is this more or less the "put all your dumb ideas here" thread? :p

Wanted: A mod that perfectly replicates/expands upon console controls. I'm just shocked this isn't already a thing. I play with a controller anyway, via external apps, and I tried to mess around with joypad, but it's just not the same...


Too Much Free Time
Nov 9, 2012
Tartarus.. I mean at work. Same thing really.
Is this more or less the "put all your dumb ideas here" thread? :p

Yep. Suggestions thread is basically a cranial laxative.

Wanted: A mod that perfectly replicates/expands upon console controls. I'm just shocked this isn't already a thing. I play with a controller anyway, via external apps, and I tried to mess around with joypad, but it's just not the same...

Would like this as well. Tying to configure my steam controller is a royal pain. (inventory management/crafting is ...well can be worth keeping a mouse nearby)


Popular Member
Mar 5, 2016
Yep. Suggestions thread is basically a cranial laxative.


Well, here's one that came to me last night. It may well be more junk, but it seems like it should actually be fairly simple. I'd like to see something were you can right-click (or shift/ctrl or whatever if there are conflicts there) any item in any inventory/chest/whatever and it will reserve that slot for that item only. Like, it'd just highlight the box, and the only item that can go in that box is a stack of the item you reserved. I would find that useful.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019

Wanted: A simple 1.7.10 core mod that changes one constant, in WorldServer:
public boolean tickUpdates(boolean p_72955_1_)

Has a constant of 1000 scheduled ticks to look at.

Just a simple change of one constant to a value from a config file.

NB: Understand this:
It's not "Lets do 1000 ticks that are ready to do things".
It's "Lets look at 1000 things. Are any of them at their tick time? Ok, do those, otherwise, requeue those not yet ready".

And I'm not even getting to the point that the entire system is using two hash sets, a tree, and a normal hash, doing twice as much work when it could just be using a single ordered hash. It's not even (As far as I can tell) sorting by tick time.

EDIT: Ok, so config files are too late. Just a simple change from SIPUSH 1000 to SIPUSH 120,000, two of them.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So a mod that would allow a player to switch between different saves while in game via a portal or some other means would be pretty dang cool. A pack maker could use this to add greater variety to their creations, allowing for more freedom if they want to make a pack involving different dimensions (for example a vanilla world, a BoP world, Biome Bundle world all at once).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What's being described doesn't really sound like saves to me, it sounds like just extra overworld like dimensions with different world generators being used. I think I've seen one like that before, but can't recall a name for the life of me.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Theorestically, you could just copy saves over to alternate dimension folders and link up via RFTools (I think it allows one to do that), but I don't know if it'd preserve any generation settings or not.


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2014
Riga, Latvia
So a mod that would allow a player to switch between different saves while in game via a portal or some other means would be pretty dang cool. A pack maker could use this to add greater variety to their creations, allowing for more freedom if they want to make a pack involving different dimensions (for example a vanilla world, a BoP world, Biome Bundle world all at once).
Heh, I'm working on it right now. There is no necessity to switch between saves, a modder just has to implement dimension system. And it's pretty damn difficult! I've been working on my dimension system for several weeks now, and I may consider it in beta state. I also managed to make it server-compatible, but I require (beta?)-testers to ensure that it works properly. Currently player can customize main properties (like seed, day time, world type) and game rules per every new dimension.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Theorestically, you could just copy saves over to alternate dimension folders and link up via RFTools (I think it allows one to do that), but I don't know if it'd preserve any generation settings or not.

I wasn't aware that you could have multiple dimensions use different world gen data. I thought the setting that controls that was global over all dimensions and couldn't be easily saved.

Heh, I'm working on it right now. There is no necessity to switch between saves, a modder just has to implement dimension system. And it's pretty damn difficult! I've been working on my dimension system for several weeks now, and I may consider it in beta state. I also managed to make it server-compatible, but I require (beta?)-testers to ensure that it works properly. Currently player can customize main properties (like seed, day time, world type) and game rules per every new dimension.

Wait are you the person doing the Portal Nexus mod that's based off Minecraft Story Mode? If it isn't the Nexus mod would it be possible to obtain a copy of your work? I'm trying to put together a modded adventure pack using the Story Mode characters, and want to have a vanilla overworld, a BoP alternate dimension (and possibly more, such as Biome Bundle+Terrain Control). Story Mode wasn't the best game (or story) but the characters and idea are cool, and I think that Tell-Tale is missing out by not including their reactions to modded worlds (whether because legally they can't or because they don't know about them).