Request Suggest mods for creation here


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So New Idea for a mod that I will be starting work on soon: Limitless Extensions
This is a relatively simple concept but something that I feel will be very useful.
First, the tiering system:
all the items will follow a pattern like this:
0-1-2-4-8-16-... parts to reach tier 0-1-2-3-4-5-...
If it is a container(chest, tank) each tier will have 2 times the storage of the previous.
Everything else will add 1 do its usability stat.
An example of this from an Item that will be added:

Craft T0 Range extender with 1 extender part to get T1 Range extender which adds 1 to your base range
Craft a T1 with 2 extender parts to get T2 which adds 2 to your base range
and continue on following the pattern

A note about upgrading between tiers:

Each upgrade part you use counts as a point towards the upgrade and each item keeps track of its own points, meaning you do not need to do the full upgrade all at once, you can add points as you get resources and it will move up a tier once you have added enough.

More information on Items in the link


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The real issue with RoC and RF is the tiering system. RoC is based around the idea of "You have to build up the infrastructure".

Early game, you are limited to the power of 4 steam engines at a time. RoC side, nothing can handle more power than that until you build up your technology.

As was summarized in Reika's thread this morning:

  • HSLA - Entry level
  • Lubricant - 4KiW to make, unlocks nonwood gearboxes and some machines; also provides logistical challenge to some machines
  • Jet fuel - 64KiW, 8192 rad/s to make
  • Aluminum Alloy - 128KiW to make, unlocks performance engine
  • Inductive Metal - 128KiW, Jet fuel to make, unlocks Microturbine
  • Spring Steel - 256KiW to make, unlocks hydrokinetic engine
  • Tungsten - 2MiW to make, unlocks Gas Turbine and Bedrock Breaker
  • Bedrock - 16MiW to make, Endgame RC
(Using the "Ki/Mi" prefixes to indicate power-of-2 numbers)

Early game, you can easily get the 65kW and 8192 rads (that's 4 steam engines and a wooden gear box -- warning, it will overheat unless you cool it, it will catch fire if it can, minecraft physics yada yada), but while you can _make_ Jet Fuel, you can't actually make and run the engines that use it that early.

Those 4 steam engines can be hooked up to a dynamo to convert to RF. But once you're on the RF side, you can just hook all your RF cables together and get all the energy you need.

More than the whole "convert power from engines with rads to machines needing torque", more than the whole "amps vs voltage" concept, RoC is based around "Tier by infrastructure buildup", while most RF mods are based around "Tier by resource consumption". With RoC, here's a challenge: Given infinite raw resources, build and run a bedrock breaker. It's hard. In comparison, in the RF world: Given infinite raw resources, make a large big reactor to power a large server. It's easy.

And, these are not the only types of power systems out there. Apparently, one of the power systems is based around "packets of a size of energy, sent out at a frequency" -- so a low-powered engine sends out small packets, a big-powered engine sends out large packets (large bursts of power), machines have a "minimum sized input" (so later machines need theses bigger engines), and then you have "I can use the power above my minimum" or not.

None of this takes into account those power systems designed around loss -- running long lines will lose one of the two factors of power, so you need to convert from power type A into power type B. Such as power lines losing voltage, so you want to convert to low amp, high voltage for transmission, take a fixed voltage loss over distance, and then convert back to amps to run machines (that's real life, as well as appoximated by ElectricCraft).

Universal minecraft power? It might have been possible if early, early on, people who made tech mods considered all of dual-variable, limited acceptance, limited production, loss in transmission and storage, and conversion issues. Instead, somewhere, a popular "Magical Numbers" concept of "Stick numbers in one end, pull numbers out at the other end" made all of that pointless, and gave huge numbers of tutorials, Lets Plays, and general concepts/beliefs among players that "Power is trivial and easy to work with, just make the bigger generator".

To which I really have to ask, "Why do you have a power system in the first place?". Vanilla has no power beyond burning wood/coal, there's plenty of things that just take time with no power. Why do your machines even need a power generator, and why not just say that they take time?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I think Lemmy thought it was a great idea. Just... not really the best overall.

Sent from my Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron using Tapatalk 2


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A mod based entirely around coffee. Coffee is the life's blood of many engineers: without it, many of us would be doomed to unproductive mornings filled with grumbling drudgery. You can find (either by breaking tall grass or as dungeon loot) coffee beans...this is merely the beginning of your adventure. Coffee is complex, you don't just burn it in a furnace and boom, magical cup of magical coffee. No. First, you put the beans through a furnace to roast them: this provides flavour and makes the beans ready for the next step. What's the next step? Grinding. Grind that coffee down into a coarse powder (2x coffee powder per roasted bean item). Then, boil some water (water bottle in a furnace), make a filter out of paper (paper in a bucket shape), craft those three together, and then you have a bottle of plain, black coffee.

But, why stop there? You've got sugar cane fields and cows and shit. Sweeten and cream your coffee and make it better! Hell, toss a potion in there and mix them together like...well, Irish cream and coffee. Each bottle of coffee's got sixteen swigs in it. The better the coffee, the better the results.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A mod based entirely around coffee. Coffee is the life's blood of many engineers: without it, many of us would be doomed to unproductive mornings filled with grumbling drudgery. You can find (either by breaking tall grass or as dungeon loot) coffee beans...this is merely the beginning of your adventure. Coffee is complex, you don't just burn it in a furnace and boom, magical cup of magical coffee. No. First, you put the beans through a furnace to roast them: this provides flavour and makes the beans ready for the next step. What's the next step? Grinding. Grind that coffee down into a coarse powder (2x coffee powder per roasted bean item). Then, boil some water (water bottle in a furnace), make a filter out of paper (paper in a bucket shape), craft those three together, and then you have a bottle of plain, black coffee.

But, why stop there? You've got sugar cane fields and cows and shit. Sweeten and cream your coffee and make it better! Hell, toss a potion in there and mix them together like...well, Irish cream and coffee. Each bottle of coffee's got sixteen swigs in it. The better the coffee, the better the results.
Kind of like a "Tinkers Coffee Shop".
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Kind of like a "Tinkers Coffee Shop". that name.

Also, yes, natural coffee plants! Could prolly do that...dunno how to add a "totally-not-Starbucks" to a village, buuuuut...yeah! And maybe a caffeine extractor to make decaf (for wimps) aaaaaaaand to get an aqueous caffeine solution to give your brewed coffee a real kick in the nethers!

OH MY GOD. Okay, how about in addition to baristas, you add a Cornholio villager that trades coffee for emeralds? Instead of that annoying "hrmm" crap, you'd get Beavis sound clips!
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I actually built a "StarBlocks" in the marketplace of my vanilla server previous map. The barista was a horse, and sold pots and buckets as "Tall" and "Venti." :D

I just might work out some coffee mechanics to Drunkraft later on...

Sent from my Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron using Tapatalk 2


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
0 that name.

Also, yes, natural coffee plants! Could prolly do that...dunno how to add a "totally-not-Starbucks" to a village, buuuuut...yeah! And maybe a caffeine extractor to make decaf (for wimps) aaaaaaaand to get an aqueous caffeine solution to give your brewed coffee a real kick in the nethers!

OH MY GOD. Okay, how about in addition to baristas, you add a Cornholio villager that trades coffee for emeralds? Instead of that annoying "hrmm" crap, you'd get Beavis sound clips!

Make the store "SummerBucks"; have the outrageous villager prices (actually fits given the cost of coffee at shops), and the wall has a decoration poster of a small green dragon seen face-on (so you see the face and a bit of wing ... might be hard to do at poster resolution). Barristas would look like gangster thugs.

(... no, this is not totally a reference to Magical Misfits ... oh, who am I kidding)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I believe someone actually coded an Ender Bucket once. Dunno where it is, though.

Sent from my Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron using Tapatalk 2


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2014
Do you mean a bucket that destroys fluids it picks up? Then Botania has the elementium-made bucket that destroys any liquid it collects.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
There's also ender buckets innnnn endertech? No its not that its Ender Utilities. Thats the mod I'm thinking of.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What if a mod were to change Water and Lava to be a forge finite fluid?

What if all forge mod liquids were changed to be forge finite fluids?

(asked as I find out that forge has BOTH concepts, infinite stationary and non-infinite flowing fluids).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What if a mod were to change Water and Lava to be a forge finite fluid?

What if all forge mod liquids were changed to be forge finite fluids?

(asked as I find out that forge has BOTH concepts, infinite stationary and non-infinite flowing fluids).
Pretty sure this was already done in a hardcore modpack, don't remember the name of the mod in it that did it though,