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A mod to let me brew multiple potions into one potion.

The alternative to "drink multiple potions while holding down a key" is to pre-mix all the potions you want into a single flask.

Gains: Less time to drink.
Drawbacks: Less flexible.

No idea what the cost should be to mix two potions. In other words, given a brewing stand with 1-3 potions on the bottom, what do you put into the stand to prepare those flasks to each gain an additional potion?

EDIT: Lapis! Mojang has basically said it's now used for doing enchantments.
Blood magic has a mechanic like that with flasks. But maybe you want a less involved method.
I wonder if someone has made a liquid potion mod. Where you mix potions in a big old vat. It could also let you place potion fluid in the world, maybe have a potion sprayer.

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A mod to let me brew multiple potions into one potion.

The alternative to "drink multiple potions while holding down a key" is to pre-mix all the potions you want into a single flask.

Gains: Less time to drink.
Drawbacks: Less flexible.

No idea what the cost should be to mix two potions. In other words, given a brewing stand with 1-3 potions on the bottom, what do you put into the stand to prepare those flasks to each gain an additional potion?

EDIT: Lapis! Mojang has basically said it's now used for doing enchantments.
The cost of adding an additional effect to a Blood Magic potion flask (which Azzanine mentioned), in addition to the usual reagents, is a chance that the whole thing will blow up in your face. So the first effect is certain to work, but the second has a certain chance of blowing up and destroying the flask, the third has a much higher chance, etc. However, once all the effects have been applied to the flask, upgrading their potency or duration will not cause boom, nor will refilling the flask.

So the cost in BM is a risk of losing all the reagents and LP that you've put into the potion. But you're suggesting that, essentially, varying amounts of lapis lazuli could be used instead to mitigate that risk? Could work, I suppose.
I am looking at balance from the viewpoint of "If this is added to vanilla, what would vanilla mechanics require". I am not looking to add blood magic (add 30+ systems/behaviors/things when I only want one), and vanilla brewing stands just take a single item to change potions (in this case, setting a "ready to mix another potion" flag.)
Given that this is basically what I want to do in the first place with Drunkraft...

Just expect some drawbacks for how powerful this boon this would be, since it's cumulative.
Big thanks to Dylz101 .... that mod looks great and no problems installing it either, you have made my son a happy little boy!!
I am looking at balance from the viewpoint of "If this is added to vanilla, what would vanilla mechanics require". I am not looking to add blood magic (add 30+ systems/behaviors/things when I only want one), and vanilla brewing stands just take a single item to change potions (in this case, setting a "ready to mix another potion" flag.)
With Real mechanics, mixing potions would mes up the potion ofc. So how about mixing it with food, craft special cookies, puddings ect. No need to craft whole meals, but simple snacks that can hold 2 potion effects, or so. Of course cake can hold much more ^^

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Doing a quick read through, it seems like the word "horse" leads to an argument most of the time.

I hope to avoid that.

My idea today is, improved horse AI.

You've noticed that horses in the wild state don't wander off 3 high drops by themselves, but the instant you try to ride one they will calmly and placidly jump right off a cliff into the void?

How about we fix that? Have the horse not go down holes that it can't jump back out of unless you force it off the edge. Let the horse just be a little smarter, please? Even a riding pig won't fall off things unless you smack it.
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Doing a quick read through, it seems like the word "horse" leads to an argument most of the time.

I hope to avoid that.

My idea today is, improved horse AI.

You've noticed that horses in the wild state don't wander off 3 high drops by themselves, but the instant you try to ride one they will calmly and placidly jump right off a cliff into the void?

How about we fix that? Have the horse not go down holes that it can't jump back out of unless you force it off the edge. Let the horse just be a little smarter, please? Even a riding pig won't fall off things unless you smack it.
I was the impression that depending on how you are compelling the animal to move or how it's trained sometimes they don't stop at the cliffs edge. It's not unheard of for riders and their horse to end up dead or critically injured at the bottom of a cliff.
Even then the best outcome in a situation like this would be the horse bucking you backwards saving you. Orrrr forwards bucking you off the cliff saving it's self.

Maybe if you are at a canter you don't fall off cliffs. Horses are dumb but not that dumb.

Unfortunately Vanilla horses are aparently very annoying to code for. Something about not having any useable hooks? Whatever that means.

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I think what the "no usable hooks" means is that people can't hook into the code for the horse and change its functionality without completely overriding the base class. Considering Forge is all about not doing the Base Edit Jig, that would be frowned upon as a Bad Thing (TM), unless you maybe finagled something with ASM or somethin.
Finagle fickle fillies functions then. Horses are kind of neglected when it come to new modded functionality.
The only mods I can think of that interact with vanilla horses is Findusses Fillies and Thaumic Horizons.
Imagine horse jetpacks or robotic/cyborg steeds.

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Had another idea: a mod based on The Darkness comics, as well as the games. Basically, you find a book in a dark dungeon buried deep within the earth detailing an ancient ritual to imbue the caster with incredible power. It requires a great many expensive and rare components, and many long nights imbuing yourself with dark essence, but eventually you plant a seed of darkness within yourself, becoming a host of the ultimate force of chaos and creation: The Darkness. While you're in dark areas, or out at night, you become almost unstoppable, so long as you keep your reserves of dark essence replenished. You gain different levels of dark essence depending on the power of the mobs you kill: zombies and skeletons would only be worth a little, but creepers and endermen would be worth a bit more, and things like the Wither would almost completely replenish your power. (Dark essence replenishes naturally, but slowly, in dark areas.) You can also channel your power to summon Darklings: foul-mouthed, little imps that happily rip apart your enemies and perform tasks for you.

It'd also include an eclipse mechanic, similar to Random Things' blood moon: every once in a great while, the moon eclipses the sun, blocking out the light that suppresses your powers. During an eclipse, mobs become stronger, but so do your powers. Darkness hosts are almost literally unstoppable during an eclipse, as your dark energy would refill at a much greater rate than in normal darkness.

Powers would be things like...
  • Black Hole: Throw a piece of the Darkness at a given location. This piece of the Darkness draws everything (except other Darkness hosts) toward it for several seconds, causing massive damage to both creatures and terrain, before releasing everything within with a massive explosion.
  • Suspension: Throw up tentacles in a large area around you. Any hostile mobs (or players, if the option is turned on) caught by them are suspended in the air and can neither move nor act for a time, giving you plenty of time to kill them.
  • Dark Barrier: Erect a temporary barrier of solid Darkness between you and your enemies that they cannot cross. Excellent for emergencies.
  • Dark Mark/Dark Recall: Mark locations by dropping small seeds of Darkness into the ground that you can later recall to, granting enhanced mobility. Can even work across dimensions, though at greater cost.
  • Grapple: Use a Darkness tentacle to grab on to a far away block, pulling you towards it. Requires line of sight, but otherwise has no limitations.
  • Battle Drop: Negates fall damage. Whenever you would take falling damage, you instead send out a shockwave of size and damage proportional to the damage you would've otherwise taken.
  • Dark Haste: Using the power of the Darkness, your speed increases by an order of magnitude for as long as you maintain the power, as well as gaining Step Assist. Combine this with Grapple for unparalleled mobility.
  • Armour of Darkness: Wrap yourself in dark essence. You become immune to pain, even as you inflict it on others. Any damage you take is instead diverted to your dark essence reserves.
That... would be a cool mod to write. Could even have synergy with other mods, such as suppressing Warp effects in Thaumcraft.

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Hell, warp would probably end up making you stronger. If memory serves, warp is basically you losing your mind from "digging too deep," and the Darkness isn't exactly known for its psychological stability.
Let's not gate into AbyssalCraft, then. ia ia Nylarhotep fghtan! :D

Sent from my Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron using Tapatalk 2
Had another idea: a mod based on The Darkness comics, as well as the games. Basically, you find a book in a dark dungeon buried deep within the earth detailing an ancient ritual to imbue the caster with incredible power. It requires a great many expensive and rare components, and many long nights imbuing yourself with dark essence, but eventually you plant a seed of darkness within yourself, becoming a host of the ultimate force of chaos and creation: The Darkness. While you're in dark areas, or out at night, you become almost unstoppable, so long as you keep your reserves of dark essence replenished. You gain different levels of dark essence depending on the power of the mobs you kill: zombies and skeletons would only be worth a little, but creepers and endermen would be worth a bit more, and things like the Wither would almost completely replenish your power. (Dark essence replenishes naturally, but slowly, in dark areas.) You can also channel your power to summon Darklings: foul-mouthed, little imps that happily rip apart your enemies and perform tasks for you.

It'd also include an eclipse mechanic, similar to Random Things' blood moon: every once in a great while, the moon eclipses the sun, blocking out the light that suppresses your powers. During an eclipse, mobs become stronger, but so do your powers. Darkness hosts are almost literally unstoppable during an eclipse, as your dark energy would refill at a much greater rate than in normal darkness.

Powers would be things like...
  • Black Hole: Throw a piece of the Darkness at a given location. This piece of the Darkness draws everything (except other Darkness hosts) toward it for several seconds, causing massive damage to both creatures and terrain, before releasing everything within with a massive explosion.
  • Suspension: Throw up tentacles in a large area around you. Any hostile mobs (or players, if the option is turned on) caught by them are suspended in the air and can neither move nor act for a time, giving you plenty of time to kill them.
  • Dark Barrier: Erect a temporary barrier of solid Darkness between you and your enemies that they cannot cross. Excellent for emergencies.
  • Dark Mark/Dark Recall: Mark locations by dropping small seeds of Darkness into the ground that you can later recall to, granting enhanced mobility. Can even work across dimensions, though at greater cost.
  • Grapple: Use a Darkness tentacle to grab on to a far away block, pulling you towards it. Requires line of sight, but otherwise has no limitations.
  • Battle Drop: Negates fall damage. Whenever you would take falling damage, you instead send out a shockwave of size and damage proportional to the damage you would've otherwise taken.
  • Dark Haste: Using the power of the Darkness, your speed increases by an order of magnitude for as long as you maintain the power, as well as gaining Step Assist. Combine this with Grapple for unparalleled mobility.
  • Armour of Darkness: Wrap yourself in dark essence. You become immune to pain, even as you inflict it on others. Any damage you take is instead diverted to your dark essence reserves.

I would use this in conjunction with that Grue mod. That mod that adds a mob that one shots you if you are in less then light level 4.
Would make for some interesting interactions.

If such a mod was made the creator should work with that dismemberment mod author. Make it so when imbued you can't die but can be dismembered incurring penalties like not being able to attack, use or walk. If dismembered you can walk over your parts and reattach them. If decapitated you can roll to your torso to re join.
You would also have the option of dispersing and respawning normally completely intact. (The protagonist in Darkness had that ability right?)
You could reenact the bridge scene in The Holy Grail.
Tis but a flesh wound.

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Had an idea for something of an addon to RotaryCraft I've dubbed PetrolCraft. Basically, petrol (what we yanks call gasoline) isn't something that comes out of a machine made out of a diamond gear, a couple of fancy torches, and 24 cubic meters of glass. Its a heavily-refined fluid, full of additives and stabilizers to not only help preserve the fuel for as long as possible (unlike what you see in The Walking Dead, gasoline does indeed have a shelf life), but also to keep the energy density high. However, there's more to petroleum than mere gasoline; there's also gasoline's cousins diesel and natural gas, also products of crude oil processing. Crude can be acquired from one of two sources:

  1. Large, but sparse, underground lakes of liquid crude oil that can be pumped directly into a petroleum refinery.
  2. Petroleum-bearing stone (itself underground in large, sparse veins), which must be drilled out from the ground by a fracking unit, which also produces gravel and/or sand as a byproduct.
Once you have your crude, you'll want to put it into an oil heater, which must be given appropriate shaft power to heat the crude up to 400C. The resulting hot crude oil is pumped into fractionating column (a 5-tall, 1x1 structure) which uses rotational energy to separate the crude into individual parts paraffin oil, diesel oil, kerosene, heavy naptha, and propane, in order of highest-to-lowest density. Propane can be immediately used as a fuel in a propane engine of some variety. Heavy naptha needs to be sent to a hydrotreater which takes water and produces sulfur dioxide (sides) and reformate (bottom), the latter of which is put through a catalytic reformer to create petrol (sides) and hydrogen gas (top). Kerosene can be used in place of BC fuel in the fuel enhancer to create jet fuel (at a superior output rate to BC fuel). Diesel oil needs to be put through a hydrotreater like heavy naptha, which takes in water and produces sulfur dioxide (top) along with diesel fuel (sides). Lastly, paraffin oil can be put thru a cracking unit to produce the lighter fractions (diesel oil, kerosene, heavy naptha, and propane), and can also be put thru a liquid distillery to make lubricant.

To make all this worth it, in addition to providing another method of acquiring jet fuel (using kerosene), PetrolCraft would include a number of useful, petroleum product-fueled engines:
  • Petrol Engine - Produces 256 Nm @ 512 rad/s (131,072W). Consumes refined petrol at a slower rate than a gasoline engine does with ethanol while also giving you a goodly amount of power (equal in wattage to an AC engine). Efficiency would be configurable, within a certain range; default of 1.58, derived from the ratio of energy density (in MJ/kg) of gasoline and ethanol. Basically, gasoline has 1.58x the energy per kilogram of ethanol. Can explode if it gets too hot, but has a higher heat tolerance than a performance engine.
  • Diesel Engine - Produces 512 Nm @ 256 rad/s (131,072W). Has similar fuel efficiency to a petrol engine, but produces twice the torque. Due to its particular build qualities, it is generally safer to run than a petrol engine, as it has no explosion risk. The trade-off is that it operates at half the speed of a petrol engine. However, for operations that require a lot of torque (such as a boring machine), this engine is particularly good.
  • Propane Engine - Produces 64 Nm @ 1,024 rad/s (65,536W). It burns thru fuel somewhat quickly, but it has the advantage of operating at a higher speed than a petrol engine. Has no explosion risks, but produces less power than its brothers.
[There'd be more...I'm just posting this thing now since I cannot currently brain properly.]