Whitelist Server Stonecraft: FTB Mindcrack-(8.3.2) - [Whitelisted]

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I didn't know he was banned. What happened?
i was looking through other chests for something and i miss clicked a chest and clicked on the safe placed next to the chest with a vajra acidently and i get blamed on doing it purposely and yea kell i did know what would happen if i LEFT CLICK on the safe not acidently Right miss click on it -_-
- Stonecraft Whitelist Form -
-IGN: get_rhythm
-Why you want to play on our server: so I can become part of a community while playing ftb
-Anything else you want to add: really love ftb been playing for a few months now so know the basics by now.

Accepted, welcome! :D

i was looking through other chests for something and i miss clicked a chest and clicked on the safe placed next to the chest with a vajra acidently and i get blamed on doing it purposely and yea kell i did know what would happen if i LEFT CLICK on the safe not acidently Right miss click on it -_-

Mannot, there was no way you misclicked that safe, and there are no chests near it. Accidentally or not, the decision is final. Sorry , but oh well.
- Stonecraft Whitelist Form -
-Why you want to play on our server: because I like small servers and I saw this and I went oh lets try this one
-Anything else you want to add: I like thuamcraft :)
Hello :D,
-Stonecraft Whitelist form-
IGN: Candlecookie
Why you want to play on our server: well I recently ( two days ago) applied for a different server that was mindcrack like but didn't get any response, so I asked the community on my private vanilla server if we could witch to FTB but everyone disagreed, so I might as well try my luck here! ;). I absoloutly love servers with small communities and I think I will have a lot of fun on this server, you guys seem very kind :)
Anything else you want to add: I absoloutly love the mods, forestry IC2 and Buildcraft, and I really enjoy playing FTB, it's like a whole new game itself :D
does the server have some serious problem?

No, no serious problems. There is barely any down-time, and when there is any it's due to our hosts, not us. There have been no griefing or stealing problems, excepting the minor problems caused by nicemannot1, who is now perma banned. I trust our community, which is friendly and trustworthy.

Hello :D,
-Stonecraft Whitelist form-
IGN: Candlecookie
Why you want to play on our server: well I recently ( two days ago) applied for a different server that was mindcrack like but didn't get any response, so I asked the community on my private vanilla server if we could witch to FTB but everyone disagreed, so I might as well try my luck here! ;). I absoloutly love servers with small communities and I think I will have a lot of fun on this server, you guys seem very kind :)
Anything else you want to add: I absoloutly love the mods, forestry IC2 and Buildcraft, and I really enjoy playing FTB, it's like a whole new game itself :D

Accepted CandleCookie, I'm sure you'll fit in perfectly ;)
Thanks very much!
You guys Definitly get thumbs from me ;)
I will be sure to get on the server by 5am (studies)
Anyways thanks! :D
IGN: CoalMiner107
Why I want to play on your server: I am a big fan of FTB. I also watch Etho. I would really enjoy the nice community and seeing everyone's bases and builds. I plan on making an underground secret base where hopefully nobody will find it.
Added Information: I don't really have much experience with FTB and I look forward to learning how to play. I also have a youtube channel and I plan on doing a let's play on this server because a friend of mine joined. If you want to see my youtube channel, it's my IGN. And why are canvas bags banned items? it only lets you hold more items.

-Why you want to play on our server:
I would like to join this server because Im getting bored of FTB SSP and also it would be nice to have some opinions/help what i should.

-Anything else you want to add:
Im a mature person and would love to join this server :D
perhaps we can give mannot another chance, I forgave him when it happened. And besides, im back or at an even greater level of power than before. I'm sure Mannot won't do something like that again.
- Stonecraft Whitelist Form -
-IGN: iTzJimmEH
-Why you want to play on our server: I'm looking for a private community of gamers who LOVES to play minecraft. And you know what's even better than people who LOVES minecraft? People who loves to mod and play FTB! I love being apart of a community because you begin these relations with new people with the same interest. I have played FTB for quite a while now but I'm fairly new to FTB Unleashed, I do run my own server but I only play with 1 or 2 more people who doesn't really like FTB as much as I do. So that being said I am applying around to see if I could get into a not too large and not too small community who can teach me how to play FTB better.
-Anything else you want to add: I am 21 years old this November. I reside in the states on the east coast. I am a Caster @ twitch.tv/itzjimmeh and I plan on doing videos @ youtube.com/itzjimmeh I use TS and Skype! :D
My IGN: Silpiickle
Why you want to play on our server: I haven't played Feed the Beast in months and I really want to get back into it and I want to play on a whitelisted private server with a good staff and a good community where everyone is respectful and plays nice.

Additional: I used to own my own FTB server and it was similar to this one. I understand everything about the game and I know what I'm doing when I play. I'm mature and play nice.

Thanks a lot and I hope you take my application into consideration.
- Stonecraft Whitelist Form -
-IGN: themaestroman09
-Why you want to play on our server: A few friends have been playing on this server for a while now and I'd like to join them, I heard the server is fun, and my old server has shut down so im serverless now :P
-Anything else you want to add: I like making cool bases and decorating them, with TFB decoration is so much more diverse and my friends havea horrid looking abse so I want to fic it up for them :P
Hi, i would like to apply for 3 people.

ING : thibauldz
ING2: ownagekiller12 (don't worry he has this name because he made a bet he would not have the balls to do it)
ING3: robinvv
Age : 20
Age 2 : 21
Age 3 : 18
Why you want to play on our server?: Ever since our old server shutdown we have been looking for a new one also with a small community because we like that you can trust eachother, and your server seems to be a good server.
We are all active and friendly players but we also prank (if allowed ofcourse). on time at least 1 our on a normal day, in weekends more like 5,6 hours a day.
I hope this is enough information.

-Why you want to play on our server: I want to play on it because it sounds really friendly and fun I haven't apart of a whitelisted server before so I would love to try it.
-Anything else you want to add: thank you for taking your time to read this.
- Stonecraft Whitelist Form -
-Why you want to play on our server: I get kinda bored playing singelplayer and playing faction servers but i get kinda bored cuz on faction servers they can raid you and i really want to play on this server. Some Reasons i want to play on this server 1. Its Whitelist which mean no one can raid me 2. There is probably really nice staff 3. I dont like PvP cuz my computer is kinda laggy
-Anything else you want to add: Hope you add me and i am 12
Sorry for taking ages responding on applications, buisy days.


- CoalMiner17
- Evildandis
- iTzJimmEH
- Silpiickle

This weeks applications will be rewiewed later today or tomorrow.

Theres a time and place for everything...
IGN: Golden_Guys_

Why do you want to play on this sever: Playing by myself just isn't as fun as playing with people. I used to play on two different severs but both were shut down due to the host losing interest. Also, it isn't fun making big power plants and other community items if there isn't a Community.

Anything else you want to add: I'm 20 years old and working on getting my BS degree in Civil Engineering. Thanks for taking the time to read this and if you want to ask me questions just shoot me a message.
-IGN: MrDeadman4
-Why you want to play on our server: I like feed the beast, i have a lot of experience with servers, and i would like to join the comunity :)
-Anything else you want to add: im fascinated with building, i like creating castles and cathedrals that just look epic.
-IGN: doughman00
-Why you want to play on our server: small whitelisted server is what i have been looking for.
-Anything else you want to add: Hope to see you in server soon.