Whitelist Server Stonecraft: FTB Mindcrack-(8.3.2) - [Whitelisted]

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-IGN: Haribo686
-Why you want to play on our server: I would love to play on the server as I love meeting and playing with new people and even tagging with them and helping where possible, also it is more likely to have a nice community due to the fact that it is Whitelisted and I have been on them before and even Hosted my own so I think it will be great.
-Anything else you want to add: I love testing things :) Also I have skype my name is Razerconstructions, Also I might make videos on the server.
It's actually really simple. I've done it loads of times. I can make it work with any type of server unless MindCrack doesn't support plugins.

Yes it does as you can use BukkitForge also A plugin can not do it as think sense, Plugin is ran on server when its on, Server crashes = Server down Plugins not active. You need a Dedi.
Yes it does as you can use BukkitForge also A plugin can not do it as think sense, Plugin is ran on server when its on, Server crashes = Server down Plugins not active. You need a Dedi.
Personally, I use MCPC+ and whenever my server crashes the run script starts it back up again. I think this server IS dedicated so no problems there. And this certain plugin work because all it does is runs the new script which is in an infinite loop. It just activates after a certain time (i.e after 2 hours or 3 hours, whatever time is needed.)
-IGN: Surcostale
-Why you want to play on our server: My old server changed for FTB unleashed and unleashed makes my computer blue screen so sadly i cant join them and also makes me need new one.
-Anything else you want to add: Hope to see you on the server and thanks for your time.
-IGN: poter333
-Why you want to play on our server: because i want to play on a stable server with big community without thinking of changing server anymore
-Anything else you want to add: i played ftb more than half of year and i really enjoy it, i'm good at almost all mods from mindcrack pack except for MFFS and Thaumncraft
-IGN: Shawnathan55
-Why you want to play on our server: I am a Youtuber trying to grow his channel by introducing new series to it. I've been looking for a good FTB server to play on, and to record. I tried hosting my own at one point, but it was laggy as could be, and so, i can't host my own to record.
-Anything else you want to add: If i am accepted, i don't CARE about having OP. The reason is because, on my private vanilla/bukkit server, i use my admin powers to keep my armor/tools repaired. I'm only 15, but i've been told i have "an old soul", which is a fancy way to say i'm very mature. If you're interested, here's my Youtube channel
-IGN: Hard_Core_Gaming
-Why you want to play on our server: I have for some time been trying to find a FTB server so i could start a new youtube series. My Brother recently applied for this server and recommended it to me. so i decided to sign up as well.
-Anything else you want to add: I have played Minecraft for about 1.5 years and FTB for about 6-7 Months if you are worried about me being bad at FTB I know the basics of bees and solar power and i am willing to learn more.