It has been some productive few days:
It occured to me some time ago that one thing was missing from the castle mound, and there was no longer any room for it: An observatory. But luckily there is a "sister mountain" nearby:
This mountain is actually taller and this way the observatory is shielded from light and magical pollution
You arrive at the Observatory by means of teleportation service as posted earlier:
This is located under the small dome seen on the first image.
Going down the stairs:
It is a magical place, OK! So all the books and stuff don't blow away in the wind
Down the stairs you can get out onto a platform with some magical measuring/test/whatever equipment:
Flip the Lever and it will do crazy things to the sky:
There is a Chiselled "Beacon", an "Unstable Cube" and an "Unstable Beacon" in the contraption. The Unstable Beacon gets toggled by the Lever.
On the platform under the main dome:
Various gadgets and records etc.
Up the stairs under the dome itself:
This is very hard to portray in a screenshot, so put in some torches to show:
The dome is covered in Inverted Sky Blocks, so you can enjoy the view from the comfortable indoors

I wish this would show the stars clearly when it was raining, but sadly it shows the sky exactly as it is even with the weather counted in(so cloudy). Just doesn't show the actual rain.
Lastly I made a little "open sky" observation platform:
The Starfield Creator makes for some sparkly particle effects in the sky above the observatory.
And now for something completely different:
I have long had the idea to make a ferry crossing across the river. But never found a good and easy to disguise way to make small moving boats. So instead I made a bridge.
Designed it to open, allowing larger boats to pass
It doesn't really, it is purely cosmetic.
But by creating a link across this natural barrier, some new protection was needed:
Occasionally a few mobs will spawn on this side, and try to cross. But mostly just for show as well

I also extended the road going from the bridge/checkpoint so that it now goes all the way to a nearby village.
While I was at it, I decided that the mines could also use some extra protection:
Built this little fort so they always have guards on hand, in case of bandit attacks etc. High risk business with all those valuables flowing through the place...
I would have guards patrolling the mine area, but minecarts and carpenter's slopes/collapsible are not a good combo with NPCs...