rhn's continued adventures: a build journal, guide collection etc.

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Just flew by and realised I probably never posted this small update:

Gave the dam a overflow thingy... and channel down the hillside.

What? No fish ladder? You eco-terrorist!
The Gallery: Entertainment for the troops

CEO RHN: Good of you to come Bob!
CEO RHN: That garden was a splendid idea, it is truly an great place to relax and unwind.
Assistant Director: Thank you. I am glad you like it and have found it of such a great use lately. We barely see you up here in the office or at the meetings any more.
CEO RHN: Oh I mostly go there for the men. You know, as a role model. To let them know that it is OK to "let your hair down" now and then. Good for them even!
Assistant Director: *Slightly annoyed tone* Yes sir. Of course sir.
CEO RHN: Anyway, I thought we might do more of these things. Specially when we are all going to be confined together during the zombie apocalypse.
Assistant Director: *Mutters softly to himself* Bah, I hoped he had forgot about that...
CEO RHN: We have to offer a wide variety of recreational activities as well as security, power, food and other necessities. To keep morale up.
Assistant Director: Very good sir. I shall investigate some popular entertainment options and the feasibility of building facilities for them here.
CEO RHN: No need! I know just the thing that is just the thing for the youth these days! It is a sure hit!
Assistant Director: *Hesitant compliance* Ah.. Very good sir.

Starting the tour at the top of the mountain at the heliport that I have showcased earlier:

This time in a more finished state. Replanted a lot of trees, shrubs and grass to make it all look more natural again, as if the heliport was carved out of a bit of nature. I might go further with more jungle all the way around it(so you more or less land in a bit of jungle), still debating that with myself.

Playing that we arrived at the heliport we can descend into the base:


Coming in we enter this covered ravine. Directly ahead will eventually lead to a new part of the base(very much still in the planning phase :p). Instead we can take the scenic route through the ravine.

Seen from the bottom of the ravine. The actual ravine is completely handmade. There was a small cave nearby when I started building this that gave me the inspiration, but it was nowhere near big enough or in the right place. The end where you see the water coming from is also just a dead end 5-10 blocks in :p
(Btw I did not plan that Ocelot in the shot. There are Jungle biome patches strewn out over the area and they just spawn now and then lol. Just happened to stand there perfectly in the shot like that.)

At the end of the ravine there is a choice:

The viewing platform to the right:

has a place to sit and relax,


and grand view of strange unfinished things in the distance. o_O
You can also spot the "chinese" garden and a pylon of the dam.

Taking the elevator down your immediate impression is this:

This large open space transcends four levels. All the way from the viewing platform down into the disc that is build into he mountain(see first image for comparison).

It is also directly connected to the ravine and the water flows from the ravine and down into the garden feature in the disc(more on that later).

On the top floor I made a nice little café:

With a nice view(same direction as from the viewing platform), and a general "lounge/chillout feel".
Continued it on the level below:

And connected it with a bit of a brain puzzle microblock freehanging staircase :p
Also bit of a "art" exhibition at the end. Nice to finally have a place to use some of Soartex excellent retextures of the Paintings.

The bottom of the shaft ends in a garden feature in the disc thingy:

Sort of "RP" it that the water drains down that black thing and ends up in the dam.

This is planned to be a sort of executive wing and perhaps a few other things. Already made a test of an office and meeting room. Very much WiP though(hence the cobble lol).

But... We haven't even gotten to the real deal yet: The library

On this other side of the shaft we find this two-story library:

CEO RHN: Books! Just what every young man and woman wants and needs to unwind during the zombie apocalypse! :p

CEO RHN: Handicap friendly designed of course. Stairs and elevator, all in a sleek oak finish.
Assistant Director: *Mutters* Just don't wear a skirt because "we" do love our glass bridges...


CEO RHN: Lots of places to study. Why not come out of the zombie Apocalypse with a degree in something?


CEO RHN: Or perhaps just lean back and relax with a good book?


CEO RHN: The Library! Where all the cool people hang out!
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Do you use RIM for elevators and such?
Nah it is just OpenBlocks Elevators. The big cargo lifts are just for show :p Thought about making them real with something like RiM, still possible to do so. But in the end it doesn't really serve much point other than being yet more tile entities to render :p

Can you PLEASE do a world download? I want to see this for myself
I will look into it later. As usual it might take some doing on the users end to get it to work with the tweaks I have made.
World Download
Got a bit delayed with this sorry. Have been reinstalling both my server and PC(installing new SSD and swapping old one to server). Also had a few things ingame that I really wanted finished before sharing it. There are still loads of things unfinished/WiP, but that is never going to change.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/kbp5f1dnprpopgl/TPPI 140715.rar?dl=0

In the archive you will find the latest save from my server, my config folder from my client and a screenshot of the modsfolder(sharing the mods would get into all kinds of rights problems sorry :(, but sure would be easier.).
I have no idea if you can get it running on a singleplayer instance again. If you have problems with it, I would probably suggest removing the MFFS forcefield emitters somehow.

I have set up a Beacon in the middle of the spawn area(as well as a Magnum torch, it is a jungle). Follow it to a quick teleport to the base.
Teleport will take you to the Atrium/portal hub where I have left all my armour/tools/items nearby(hint: one of your first order of business might be to get to the ME hub and change the "Player Interface"s to your player ID. This will support the items better).

Good luck getting it running, I think it will be needed :P
And have fun exploring it you manage it.
Is Rhaytchen still playing on TPPI? :eek:
Oh I am still going strong. Just been playing a few other games as well and being a bit under the weather as well. But have some stuff coming along that will be ready to show of soon.

My current world might be moving towards an end of sorts. Server performance is still very good, but fps is in/around my main base is levelling off at the usual very low. Although it doesn't seem to get any worse :p But so far it is tolerable and stable enough to keep going strong.

More pressing might be that I will eventually run out of machines to build, things to automate etc. Sure I can still find a lot of fun in just building stuff, but I find my best inspiration when I have something to build things for. So there might be a natural ending there somewhere.

Most importantly perhaps is that I have yet to find a replacement modpack of the quality that would rival TPPI, which would form a basis for my new world. I really dont think I could seriously play something again without it having the same level of balance etc. I was hoping TPPI2 would be the obvious step forward, but that is still in beta awaiting the completion of GT6...

So all in all I think the best option is simply to continue with the current world until one of the above situations change and I am forced/more motivated to move on.
The enchanting lab: The shortcut to smarts

Assistant Director: Sir. The Library might not have been the entertainment the men and women were hoping for, but we are seeing definite skill and efficiency improvements as a result of it. I have put several promotion candidates on your desk to look over.
CEO RHN: Really? That is odd, I have felt no improvement personally from using the library.
Assistant Director: Ehm.. *looks like he is carefully thinking something over before replying*. Maybe you should try some slightly different books. I mean... books with a little less pictures and more words...
CEO RHN: Hey! I enjoy those books for the artistic and creative value!
Assistant Director: *Mutters to himself* From the children's section?

*Awkward pause*

Assistant Director: Maybe we could research some methods of making the process of learning faster and easier, Sir!
CEO RHN: Yeah! Maybe even without having to read at all!
Assistant Director: Possibly yeah.
CEO RHN: Oh and perhaps we could find a way to directly tap into the intelligence of others and use it for something! Maybe drain some of it and use it to make other people smarter! That list of people you put on my desk would be ideal candidates for this!
Assistant Director: Ehm I am not entirely sure that is ethically correct, Sir...
CEO RHN: Let me worry about that Bob. I am after all the boss!
Assistant Director: *Reluctant compliance* Yes Sir. Will start research immediately.

The Enchanting Lab:


Main area of the lab is dominated with two towers. These are "mind altering machines". One will make you smarter, while the other will drain your intelligence and store it :p

In reality one is just four Openblock "Shower"s:

And the other is four "XP Drain"s:

Liquid XP Storage:

Decided on a more visual storage of the Liquid XP than simply a ExtraCell disk or a RC tank. The tanks are connected to ME Fluid storage bus' and they are staggered in priority so they fill/empty in succession.
(should they fill up there is a backup ExtraCell disk as well to handle overspill).

Liquid essence can of course come from player(s), but main source is here:

Four Autonomous Activators using "Concentrated Essence Berry"s and the XP getting absorbed by Vacuum Hoppers. The AAs are controlled by a ME Fluid Level Emitter to only start when Liquid XP levels get under a certain limit.

Using the Liquid XP:

A simple "Auto Enchantment Table" + "Auto Anvil" setup on the left to spend the Liquid XP.
On the right the MFR enchantment machines to use the excess Mob essence from livestock/mobfarms. There is an Auto-Enchanter set to enchant books when essence levels get above a certain level(by use of another ME fluid level emitter).

In the corner I also set up an Auto-Disenchanter:

The Fuzzy Storage bus will deposit any damaged armour/weapons/tools from the ME network into the chest. The LP pipes will then sort any enchanted gear(Enchantment Sink Module) into the Auto-Disenchanter and void the rest. Free(almost, costs energy and books) enchants from scrap gear :p

Above the two alcoves just show I I added a vanilla Enchantment setup:

Some times it is nice to just go oldschool. I often refer to a vanilla Anvil for example to test if an item+Enchanted book combo actually works, as the other anvil solutions just consumes the book even if it does not.

And a little chillout AFK section:

And yeah those are "Apiary"s filled with Edenic bees :p
Free XP just from being in proximity.
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You should have a twitch for real. Tons of viewers.
The density of interesting stuff while I play is really low. It is usually hours upon hours of micro block and carpenter's blocks and other building. But if people would really be interested in that, then I suppose it could be something that could be investigated. It would probably only happen after I upgrade my computer though. Performance is really too low to be constantly recording as well.

Are those Buildcraft Tanks? Don't see them too often but they work here pretty well.
Yeah oldschool BC Tanks :P Thought of Portable tanks first. But they didn't stack in inventory(nightmare with so many...), didn't give the right visual etc. So decided this instead. Bonus is that these tanks gives the total level/capacity when pointing at them. So yeah I think it works pretty well too.
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