Demanding or stating opinions aside: If any of you would "state your opinion" in my face like that - you'd get the middlefinger. And definitely not a "Oh, of course. Now that you shove aside hundrets of working hours that I put into my very own, personal, near and dear work, that same work I decided to let teh interwebs use for free, then insulted me directly and indirectly, I will drop whatever I am doing right now and get back to the coding table. Because, due to some strange reason, that probably has Notch, a unicorn, the ghost of Steve Jobbs and Cthulhu involved, I totally care for one of my mods beneficary's opinion - especially when he's choosing his words as wise as this one."
Seriously guys? Duh? I know, I know, it's all white-knighting again. But since this term seems to be synonymic for "reasonable thinking online".. I can live with that. Heck, I don't even KNOW Eloraam (apart of knowing she coded RP2) and still am, yet again, astonished with what I read here. Tell ya what: If Eloraam reads only about a tenth of all that heat she gets (not only, or not even specifically, here), I would not be surprised if she'd be all "Yeah.. you know.. I do have the new version up and running.. but I think I'll have two weeks of free offline time first." *sigh* I really should know better after all these years online. Old dogs and new tricks I guess.
Obviously, a bug that makes item duplication (raiju, your post just an example here, please don't consider this aimed at you) easily accessable is indeed a noteworthy problem that should be brought to her attention. But there's really better ways to do this than "OMG BUG! FIX NAO! OR ELSE NO MOAR ADFLY FER YOUZ!".
Seriously guys? Duh? I know, I know, it's all white-knighting again. But since this term seems to be synonymic for "reasonable thinking online".. I can live with that. Heck, I don't even KNOW Eloraam (apart of knowing she coded RP2) and still am, yet again, astonished with what I read here. Tell ya what: If Eloraam reads only about a tenth of all that heat she gets (not only, or not even specifically, here), I would not be surprised if she'd be all "Yeah.. you know.. I do have the new version up and running.. but I think I'll have two weeks of free offline time first." *sigh* I really should know better after all these years online. Old dogs and new tricks I guess.
Obviously, a bug that makes item duplication (raiju, your post just an example here, please don't consider this aimed at you) easily accessable is indeed a noteworthy problem that should be brought to her attention. But there's really better ways to do this than "OMG BUG! FIX NAO! OR ELSE NO MOAR ADFLY FER YOUZ!".