Redpower going the way of Nandonalt's Mods?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Anyone who says, "RedPower just isn't that awesome anymore" is obviously speaking out of no experience with what the mod can do, and will appear to be of below average intelligence to those who do know what the mod can do. Lambert stated as much in a not quite... eloquent... fashion, but his sentiment is no less true.

The reverse of your statement would make you to be below average intelligence as well under those guidelines. One should be careful about blind judgments about individuals and their respective skill or intelligence and it would instead behoove them to pay more attention to the topic at hand, which is not measuring internet IQ.

RP2 is a mod. Nothing more or less. It has a number of features in it. The quality of any given feature is up for debate ranging from bugs, support for, resource cost (not really bugs but how much does it take your system to handle) and other issues. A great many of which dictated by playstyle. I dare assert that there is more than one way to play the game, and that style would rapidly value or devalue RP2 as a useful mod. The topic at hand is targeting more the perceived lack of support for the mod and ongoing issues, many of which have been measured through debuggers and other tools through multiple threads. A number of it's aspects, thankfully in my opinion, have been reproduced in other mods.

To some in its current form it is viewed as a liability instead of an 'awesome' asset. Given the lack of updates and information the OP has the right to ask if the mod is a dead mod.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I couldn't really go back to logic circuits larger than the feature they service, huge hollow walls filled with red dirt on rocks, stairs that clash with the decor, and meter-thick carpets.
PowerCraft also has the single block logic gates (including ones RedPower doesn't do)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
yes, but an LUA program could be written to just about replace anything in the game.. IF you know how to do it. There's even item DB APIs out there that will allow them to turn into adequate and much more configurable sorting machins if you have the patience/knowledge to work out the code. The thing is.... Redpower gives it all to us without knowing all the code/logic behind it, and the items LOOK like what they're intended to do at a glance.

My opinion in now way is meant in a shear douchebaggery way... I take away absolutely no awesomeness from computercraft, turtles or their likes :) Please don't break my code.

Indeed, but the amount of coding knowledge needed to make a computer work as a timer is extremely minimal (one of the first things I built a computercraft computer to do, as I got sick of the RedPower2 timers lagging out everyone that went to my storage age).

Making it look like what it is intended to do at a glance is fairly weak reasoning in any regard I can think of, as you can put a sign on the computer (or a massive display if you are one of those insane people, heheh) that tells you exactly what it does. But why do you need to know what it does at a glance after you've made it and set it up to work? If you need to know what something does, add a label/sign, or open the computer. You can get much more involved and even add a title to your program that sticks around as it goes through the cycle of doing whatever it is that you have it doing.

I'd also want to make the point that by the time someone needs most any of the logic functions you'll find in RedPower2, they are surely doing something more complicated than learning how to make a while loop and the like.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
About "replacement mods":
Hah, so what's the problem, guys? All everyone has to do on the day RP2 leaves FTB (not saying it will, mind you) is: Add 50 different mods on your own, figure out a working configuration for these, spend about four weeks with Photoshop to tweak the textures and we're all good to go. Does not sound like a big deal at all. /sarcasm

For the first two points, ComputerCraft can be used to create entirely wireless communication, as well as fairly simple to set up logic based upon LUA scripts.
I'd like to contradict: Yes, CC and mods like it are very capable of doing whatever it is one needs to be done - but I am always scared by large pieces of code (and I doubt a considerable portion of the MC playing world CAN code good enough to hack anything more complicated than a "This is my house. You are reading this green text on my advanced computer screen. CC is teh bomb, dontchaknow!" without heavily relying on pastebin and generous coders) and last but not least: Minecraft, for me at least, is about building stuff. Yes, it IS impressive what you can do with LUA or any other coding language and enough experience to write more than a mere Hello Minecraft Script. But .. can you compare writing fifty pages of code with block-building in minecraft? Oh, of course YOU can. But, see, I cannot. Everyone ("everyone thats able to code") is yelling at me how awesome turtles are. Yeah, thanks, but no thanks. I prefer my quarry and my miners. They feel.. more minecraft'y to me. But THAT ofc, is only my opinion. ;)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Frames, Redwire, Logic Gates, Tubes, Sorters, Microblocks
^things that Redpower2 does that no others can match.

Everything except frames exists elsewhere. There's even a planned replacement for RP2 Logic blocks and wire for FTB. Microblocks exist in whole as one of Immibis' mods

You're arguing from ignorance.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
But THAT ofc, is only my opinion. ;)
And I share that opinion (for pretty much everything you said in that post... *reads again* edit: everything you said in that post)[DOUBLEPOST=1360886309][/DOUBLEPOST]
Everything except frames exists elsewhere. There's even a planned replacement for RP2 Logic blocks and wire for FTB. Microblocks exist in whole as one of Immibis' mods

You're arguing from ignorance.
no need for me to argue as Freakscar makes the point better than I could. And in a more eloquent way than I could.
About "replacement mods":
Hah, so what's the problem, guys? All everyone has to do on the day RP2 leaves FTB (not saying it will, mind you) is: Add 50 different mods on your own, figure out a working configuration for these, spend about four weeks with Photoshop to tweak the textures and we're all good to go. Does not sound like a big deal at all. /sarcasm
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
About "replacement mods":
Hah, so what's the problem, guys? All everyone has to do on the day RP2 leaves FTB (not saying it will, mind you) is: Add 50 different mods on your own, figure out a working configuration for these, spend about four weeks with Photoshop to tweak the textures and we're all good to go. Does not sound like a big deal at all. /sarcasm

None of that is actually necessary as the main parts would replace RP2 in the pack itself, and regardless argument from laziness is a simple and poor methodology.

Tweak the textures? That's your fetish, not mine. Default always.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Anyone who says, "RedPower just isn't that awesome anymore" is obviously speaking out of no experience with what the mod can do, and will appear to be of below average intelligence to those who do know what the mod can do. Lambert stated as much in a not quite... eloquent... fashion, but his sentiment is no less true.
RP Wires
RP Logic gates
RP sorting system

The three parts everyone wants/needs updated.

I know without the wires and gates, I'm a sad bastard.
This is your opinion and yes you're entitled to it, just like I'm entitled to my opinion that your opinion is freaking idiotic and makes you look like a goddamn jackass.

Frames, Redwire, Logic gates, Tubes, Sorters, FORTH, Some pretty cool worldgen (basalt and marble look awesome), Gems, Microblocks, Project table... ffs there is a TON of stuff that is awesome about RP2, just because you're an idiot doesn't mean RP2 isn't one of the biggest and best Minecraft mods out there.

Again, my opinion isn't yours. In my opinion, frames are kind of cool looking, but not my cup of tea. In my opinion, I don't really need RP2 for any of the logic gates, or hell, even the wires. And RP sorting? It's not for me. Never was. I know of plenty of other mods out there which do sorting, and quite frankly, I don't have to use Redpower 2.

But that's just, like, MY opinion, man. Doesn't have to match yours at all. Hell, in my personally opinion, I'm sure you all know you're being jerks because you disagree, but can't find a way to say so nicely. But again, just my opinion.
The modification is not a part of the MindCrack FTB pack (which is not a big issue as I don't have any problem adding it myself and assisting my userbase in added it as well), but it does not support any sort of "plan" functionality which is extremely useful for multi-project project tables. If it was NEI-compatible, which it may be, this might be less of an issue. That aside, though, RedPower adds loads of other smaller things that would be bothersome to lose, although nothing essential (besides those project tables, for me at least).
Plans are handy, but the ability to load the thing with pipes, and for it to take items it needs out of adjacent chests, as well as a easy visual cue as to what it is set to craft. I haven't installed the mod since before the modder added the really handy visual feature, but NEI support was in the works then.
Though if plans supported generic ore dictionary wood instead of specifying what kind of wood you used, I'd have more use for plans.
Also bonus points for Lambert for making a post saying I look like a jackass while making a post that makes him look like a jackass. Oh wait, in my opinion, you did that. Maybe not yours, or anyone else's. But still, you are coming off as rude. And dear gods, did I ever upset the fanboy or what. No offense, though. I fanboy for GregTech. Difference is I don't make a big deal over it. It's nice, and I LOVE using GregTech. But it's not everyone's cup of tea. Now, I'm off to play SSP, without using FTB. Heck, maybe I'll even open up the Technic launcher and play some Hack\Mine later.
...I wish the FTB launcher supported custom mod packs. I like the look of it. But I don't give a damn about using the same mods as DireWolf20 or playing on MindCrack. And it wipes my old mod setup when I update the edition of the pack I was using.
At least I still have MultiMC.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
About "replacement mods":
Hah, so what's the problem, guys? All everyone has to do on the day RP2 leaves FTB (not saying it will, mind you) is: Add 50 different mods on your own, figure out a working configuration for these, spend about four weeks with Photoshop to tweak the textures and we're all good to go. Does not sound like a big deal at all. /sarcasm

I believe the assumption would be that the FTB team would start using a few different modifications to replace the lost functionality of RP2, as opposed to everyone else needing to manually add a large collection of different modifications. It would be an issue with MineCraft 1.5, as opposed to being an issue with MineCraft 1.4.7.

In which case, yes, the FTB team will need to verify the up to a dozen different modifications can play well together, although they shouldn't have to make much in the way of texture changes. It shouldn't take all that long to get the additional modifications working (no where near four weeks) after everything is released and on the same version.

I'd like to contradict: Yes, CC and mods like it are very capable of doing whatever it is one needs to be done - but I am always scared by large pieces of code (and I doubt a considerable portion of the MC playing world CAN code good enough to hack anything more complicated than a "This is my house. You are reading this green text on my advanced computer screen. CC is teh bomb, dontchaknow!" without heavily relying on pastebin and generous coders) and last but not least: Minecraft, for me at least, is about building stuff. Yes, it IS impressive what you can do with LUA or any other coding language and enough experience to write more than a mere Hello Minecraft Script. But .. can you compare writing fifty pages of code with block-building in minecraft? Oh, of course YOU can. But, see, I cannot. Everyone ("everyone thats able to code") is yelling at me how awesome turtles are. Yeah, thanks, but no thanks. I prefer my quarry and my miners. They feel.. more minecraft'y to me. But THAT ofc, is only my opinion. ;)

Yes, it is your opinion. Personally, I find quarries to be just as "mindcraft'y" as turtles, which is "not at all vanilla, but for FTB this works well". I don't think you would have much difficulty in writing a program to replicate most functions, and if you have any interest at all, I can show you some examples of simple logic functions (such as a timer, a repeater, an AND gate, etc) to show you how simple they are.

In either regard, though, it is still, and hopefully will forever (heat death withstanding) be a non-issue.[DOUBLEPOST=1360887000][/DOUBLEPOST]
Plans are handy, but the ability to load the thing with pipes, and for it to take items it needs out of adjacent chests, as well as a easy visual cue as to what it is set to craft. I haven't installed the mod since before the modder added the really handy visual feature, but NEI support was in the works then.
Though if plans supported generic ore dictionary wood instead of specifying what kind of wood you used, I'd have more use for plans.

It sounds like an autocrafting table, though. We have enough of those. What I liked is that it'd keep me from having to go through NEI, and it would also allow me to keep a few commonly used things on hand. With LogPipes, I also now can keep them stocked with whatever I need them stocked with for the plans I have on hand.

At least I still have MultiMC.

Agreed. I couldn't see trying to play with this many modifications sans MultiMC at this point, especially when I'm dealing with other users trying to get them running as well.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ok everyone! *pulls over the car*

It seems this thread has hit a nerve, and there's a lot of folks getting frustrated past the point of polite conversation. It's generated a ton of reports for me to wade through, and I just don't like wading through forum reports on work days. In the interest of kindness, however, I will refrain from locking this thread until after I get home and see if you guys simmer down a little.

Is there more information to be had about Red Power? Not Currently.
Is this lack of information frustrating? Definitely.
Does the frustration excuse the lack of social grace to start insulting the intelligence and humanity of those who disagree with you? Not on your forum access, buster. >.>

The name calling will stop, NOW. Or I will turn this car around, lock the thread, and hand out warnings for Great Justice. Fair warning to all, this thread may still be locked regardless.


Jay Cee

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ok everyone! *pulls over the car*

It seems this thread has hit a nerve, and there's a lot of folks getting frustrated past the point of polite conversation. It's generated a ton of reports for me to wade through, and I just don't like wading through forum reports on work days. In the interest of kindness, however, I will refrain from locking this thread until after I get home and see if you guys simmer down a little.

Is there more information to be had about Red Power? Not Currently.
Is this lack of information frustrating? Definitely.
Does the frustration excuse the lack of social grace to start insulting the intelligence and humanity of those who disagree with you? Not on your forum access, buster. >.>

The name calling will stop, NOW. Or I will turn this car around, lock the thread, and hand out warnings for Great Justice. Fair warning to all, this thread may still be locked regardless.


Should get a hovercraft instead, would make wading through a breeze ;) Cars are SO last year..


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ok everyone! *pulls over the car*

It seems this thread has hit a nerve, and there's a lot of folks getting frustrated past the point of polite conversation. It's generated a ton of reports for me to wade through, and I just don't like wading through forum reports on work days. In the interest of kindness, however, I will refrain from locking this thread until after I get home and see if you guys simmer down a little.

Is there more information to be had about Red Power? Not Currently.
Is this lack of information frustrating? Definitely.
Does the frustration excuse the lack of social grace to start insulting the intelligence and humanity of those who disagree with you? Not on your forum access, buster. >.>

The name calling will stop, NOW. Or I will turn this car around, lock the thread, and hand out warnings for Great Justice. Fair warning to all, this thread may still be locked regardless.

In the interest of carrying through the car metaphor, I just have to ask... "Are we there yet? Are we there yet?"


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ok everyone! *pulls over the car*

It seems this thread has hit a nerve, and there's a lot of folks getting frustrated past the point of polite conversation. It's generated a ton of reports for me to wade through, and I just don't like wading through forum reports on work days. In the interest of kindness, however, I will refrain from locking this thread until after I get home and see if you guys simmer down a little.

Is there more information to be had about Red Power? Not Currently.
Is this lack of information frustrating? Definitely.
Does the frustration excuse the lack of social grace to start insulting the intelligence and humanity of those who disagree with you? Not on your forum access, buster. >.>

The name calling will stop, NOW. Or I will turn this car around, lock the thread, and hand out warnings for Great Justice. Fair warning to all, this thread may still be locked regardless.

I'd give out infractions for reporting frivolous stuff, only way to stop that nonsense. To think that these guys are reporting each other for this is kinda sad.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
PowerCraft also has the single block logic gates (including ones RedPower doesn't do)
I was gonna point this out, but ya beat me to it! Damn me and my showering!

Also, yeaaaaaah...temps are gettin a wee high. Methinks some folks need some water, they're clearly lacking coolant.

Captain Neckbeard

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'd give out infractions for reporting frivolous stuff, only way to stop that nonsense. To think that these guys are reporting each other for this is kinda sad.
B-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but people are being mean on the internet!

Yeah, there's really been nothing report-worthy, but we should keep a more civil tone here. This isn't an anonymous imageboard or the comments section of a news site.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I was gonna point this out, but ya beat me to it! Damn me and my showering!

Also, yeaaaaaah...temps are gettin a wee high. Methinks some folks need some water, they're clearly lacking coolant.
Powercraft looks awesome.... any idea how it fits with FTB?


Active Member
Dec 12, 2012
Before this thread incurs further moderator wrath, who was Nandonalt, and what mod(s) did he/she develop? Just so that everyone is on the same page here.
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