Not sure what you're trying to prove. Someones attitude before beginning a project is hardly representative of their attitude now. June 2011 is 1 and a half years ago.
I would donate to moders if I could afford to do so. But even a dollar is out of my price range. And even if I could donate a dollar to Elo in hopes that she could take a day off to just work on redpower, why would I? I can't see anything really coming of it. If everyone who downloads the mod in parts off of her site through links didn't make a difference we could perceive, for all of her old versions, why would donating even 50 cents a person change anything? The issue isn't that she doesn't work on Redpower. The issue is that she does, but we can't see that. I wouldn't donate to someone who is likely to ignore me. I would rather give that money to a homeless person who I would feel better giving it to, even if they would waste it on booze and hookers.Tiz your way of things i guess.
I know how dealing with IRL shit can be.
Add ontop having to work, yeah, Maybe you could chip in so she actually has free time to update the mod. And can take a day off.
Considering the amount of people who use the mod, i don't think it's to much trouble for everyone to chip in a buck.
I am not trying to "prove" anything. I am stating that she said she liked open source, and would likely open source the modification. Yes, that was one and a half years ago. And yes, people often change their mind. But it is still a useful data point for this discussion if people want to start talking about others taking over the modification.Not sure what you're trying to prove. Someones attitude before beginning a project is hardly representative of their attitude now. June 2011 is 1 and a half years ago.
I am not trying to "prove" anything. I am stating that she said she liked open source, and would likely open source the modification. Yes, that was one and a half years ago. And yes, people often change their mind. But it is still a useful data point for this discussion if people want to start talking about others taking over the modification.
Personally, I do not care either way, and I am fairly amused that there are people that are getting so involved in something so utterly pointless. Good luck!
The current evidence of 1.5 years trumps a statement, really.
The only word for that phrase here is irony.
Irony: The expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect.
ROFL.. I LOVE these threads..."Responsible" not in a legal sense, but in a being a mature, responsible human being sense. If I offer to drive you home and instead kick you off in the middle of a cornfield, is it not my responsibility because you didn't pay me for a guaranteed service?
I think that you shouldn't demand that Elorram to update or be proactive.
Are Redpower 2s Bugs game breaking? No. Thus, they are non-vital.
We've had a duplicate bug in every FTB build for the main packs at least since I started playing it in oct. I don't see why redpower gets special flak for it when people put up with.. I think it was railcraft? duplication bugs, and enchanting duplication bugs, etc.
Probably because things such as Railcraft are updated quite often, while it takes months for a RedPower update... If something's wrong in Railcraft the response is "oh that sucks, oh well it'll be fixed in a few days." If something is wrong in RedPower, it's more like "Oh shit well I guess that's broken until Minecraft 1.6.5".We've had a duplicate bug in every FTB build for the main packs at least since I started playing it in oct. I don't see why redpower gets special flak for it when people put up with.. I think it was railcraft? duplication bugs, and enchanting duplication bugs, etc.
When there is a lack of information, there will be rumors and speculation. That's just human nature. Heck, the whole idea of mythology and religion is based on that principle, coming up with creative answers to unanswerable questions. All you can really do to stop it is to provide concrete information, and even that won't stop it completely.These rumors should probably stop.RL crops up from time to time, some of us have incredibly busy schedules, and Elo is no exception here. Should RP ever be discontinued, I'm pretty confident there would be some sort of official heads up.
In this case, no news is good news.
On another note, if Eloraam ever does give in and let someone else work on the mod, you'd be one of the top choices on my list to take overThermal Expansion is great! Now if only your liquiducts and conduits could accept gates and facades...