Whitelist Server RE-OPENED ~SQUirrellCraft~ 1.6.4 Monster-Modified | 32G RAM |Dedicated|Community Based| 。◕‿‿◕。

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Hi everyone, if you want information on what is going on and how long it may be go to our server website for updated information: http://www.squirrellystudios.com. Just read in the shoutbox and it has the information you need. But the problem is being worked on and we will be back up as fast as possible. Sorry about this.

Thank you B45, I always love to hear that people are not upset about things out of our control.

In Game Name:
Age: 17
Banned Before: I have for hacking multiple times, however I don't anymore. I have not been banned for over 6 months now
Experience with modded MC: I have my own private modpack. I know my way around most mods in FTB
Goals On Server: establish my own little group of people to live with
Unique Skills?: I am able to make my way up what I like to call ages fast. I once got 5 64K storage units for AE done in a day legit
How Active are you?: on school weeks barely. However summer starts soon and it looks like I am not going to be busy
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: 10% Builder | 20% Adventurer | 35% Tech | 35% Social
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whitelisting is on HOLD till we get back up and running, i have enough messages incoming as it is :)
soon as we are back up, if the prior people havent been informed via thread ill pm you guys as well as to acceptence/ denial etc
waiting on response from host ATM info will be on http://www.squirrellystudios.com for upto date info as i post there first.
peace out
I know what your feeling. I once had a dedicated server and the host didn't fix it for 1.5 weeks[DOUBLEPOST=1369963547][/DOUBLEPOST]Network adapter issues...
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cocoaguy denied. Good luck.[DOUBLEPOST=1369510015][/DOUBLEPOST]Joey0wnt dexman545 Mondaine added to the white list welcome to the server. Have lots of fun. =)[DOUBLEPOST=1369510048][/DOUBLEPOST]J0rdHardwell Denied. Good Luck.

In Game Name: lollo333
Age: 15 Years old
Banned Before: Yes, if you look up lollo333 on McBans you'll see severals bans involving griefing. That's because about two years ago, me and some of my friend decided to grief on some servers. All I can say is that I was an idiot back then and I have never even once been banned since then. Unlike then I now find joy in the simple elements of Minecraft; Building, socializing and surviving. I've tried really hard lately to get whitelisted on a mature and serious server, but unfortunately I've been denied to at least 7 server and counting, because of what happened two years ago.
Experience with modded MC: As many others, I've been playing vanilla Minecraft long enough to get bored by it. I started playing Minecraft back in 1.3 Beta and started with mods in 1.5 Beta. The first mod I ever installed was SDK Gun Mod and I've since then coming into some more advanced mods like Ic2, Buildcraft and so on. Befor FTB I played a lot of Tekkit with my friends and upon the launch of FTB I started playing that.
Goals On Server: My goal will be to just advance as far as I can, to build up my civilization, to make friends, build advance contraptions together and to try out new things I haven't thought of before. Hopefully I'll be able to get some of of my friends to apply too.
Unique Skills: I have a great number memory which can be really useful sometimes. I'm also pretty good with frame contraptions and I got basic knowledge in almost every mod in the Ultimate pack. Other than that I don't have a super advanced or unique knowledge or skills.
How Active are you: I'll try to play as often as I can, this means around 2 hours on school days and now when there's summer vacation right around the corner I'll be able to play a little bit more.
Which sums you up: I'm more of a Tech guy than anything else.
In Game name: KoncreteLiquids
Age: Exterior late 30's... Interior still rockin the early 20's
Banned before: Once from an Unreal server because a mod (owners brother) said there was no way I could beat him without cheating, so I did... without cheating... several times...
Experience with modded MC: Not much, I cannot play MC solo... So very little vanilla exp and here is my "modded" exp...

Misguided Theorem - Server crashed about every 3 hours, would be offline for days. played for about a month because I liked the people on there
RecTech #1 - Was on for 2 days when owner decided to restart
RecTech #2 - Played for the last month, Owner deleted and restarted with a custom pack with no warning. After looking into his history it seems about a month is the most he will play without either wanting a new server or new world.

Goals on Server: First and foremost is to have fun, second is to learn mods! I am not that great at the game so I spend a lot of time looking at how other people build things. Then I try to build it
Unique Skills?: I don't die often? If I do it's pretty epic
How Active are you?: I usually log 2-3 hours a day (some of that time is alt+tabbed looking at wiki's or youtube trying to figure out how something works) but often I go for 10+ hours when my insomnia is being a brat...

Call me a necromancer if you will, but ive only just noticed this post. I would like to add that KoncreteLiquids was not part of the first RecTech server (Which lasted for over 5 months) And during the second map we had, Koncerete was rarely online (A few days here and there.) The only reason i am posting this is to stop the blatant slander against my server.
@ Recaran fair enough, thats between you two. i have no issues with either of you so far :)

--> To all those awaiting whitelisting and all members that dont actually go to our site.....
Or at least it is at the typing of this message, ill go though the apps , in morning after i know things have stabilized for certain, till then my friends good night
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Reactions: Recaran
Call me a necromancer if you will, but ive only just noticed this post. I would like to add that KoncreteLiquids was not part of the first RecTech server (Which lasted for over 5 months) And during the second map we had, Koncerete was rarely online (A few days here and there.) The only reason i am posting this is to stop the blatant slander against my server.

Your history is as follows,
Applied to a server and accepted in Jan 2013...
Changed to a different server and was accepted in Feb 2013... As of this point you did NOT have your own server
Started your own server in March which I did app to and join, was on for 4 days when you restarted the server to go to gregtech hardmode, I remember this specifically because you asked me "Koncrete, as the newest member to the server would it bother you if we reset?"...
I was the most active person on the 2nd server, including the almost 96hours straight I played immediately after restart. except for the week I was in the hospital and after I started a new job.

I ended up not being re-whitelisted when you said you wanted to drop FTB completely because it was "boring" and too "laggy" and go to Tekkit, when you asked if I would stay on the server I said I don't know, I've heard bad things about the tekkit crew.

The next day your server was offline, and stayed that way for almost a week because I checked almost hourly from the time I was off work till I left for work the next morning. When your server did come back online I was removed from the whitelist so I app'd to this server. I have had pretty decent playtime on this server and I am sure the mods/owner would also say I have been very friendly and helpful where I can be.

Beyond that, if you have any further trash talking to do then you can take it to messages
So, I can't get to the site. It just doesn't load. Anyone know why this is or how to fix it? Been like this for awhile now, before and after I reformatted my computer, on all browsers also....
In Game Name: Soulfuris
Banned Before:No
Experience with modded MC:Recently started playing Feed the Beast, played around with several other mods before, but nothing serious. Looking for a stable server with mature players who wont act like idiots.
Goals On Server:No major plans, just building and experimenting with some different things.
Unique Skills?: Very lucky at finding good things:)
How Active are you?: Usually at least an hour everyday, or at least every other day.
Which sums you up?Adventurer
In Game Name: acters124
Age: 16
Banned Before: no, by no I mean I dont normally enter servers because I'm shy...
Experience with modded MC: I know the stuff, but I can get lost in what each item does.(I never caused a crash in my ssp worlds)
Goals On Server:build, survive, have fun, make a friend?, and get a diamond
Unique Skills?: I like to use my cobble stone to build houses?, I'm unsure :(
How Active are you?:if I don't lose my stuff too much I can be very active.
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: I'm not too much of a social butterfly, as I said I will use cobble stone to make 9x9 houses, unless I have a suitup armor I wont live my house much, Im not so techy :P
sorry if Im wasting your time!
added Actersa24 to whitelist after our teamspeak convosation

to all apps before this, get in touch with myah and we will begin the whitelisting process

O fyi the servers been up for a while now, i dident want to broadcast it in here till now
In Game Name: Srien
Banned Before:Nay
Experience with modded MC:I'm both a Minecraft hipster and a FTB hipster
Goals On Server:Have fun and accomplish something
Unique Skills?: Very good at with redpower machines and just plain old awesome of that counts
How Active are you?:I'lltry to get on every night aside from the weekends
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: Builder-Adventurer-Tech-Awesome
In Game Name: TehKnight117
Age: 14
Banned Before: Nope.
Experience with modded MC: Been playing for 4 months on FTB and 2 years of vanilla.
Goals On Server: Have a fun time.
Unique Skills?: Great at doing bees.
How Active are you?: Pretty Active since it is summer.
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: Adventurer and Tech.
In Game Name: Bloodwi11
Age: 24
Banned Before: No
Experience with modded MC: Custom Modded Servers for a Year, FTB, and a Year of Vanilla; I have ran several modded servers and been a mod on a few.
Goals On Server:Server Economy and possibly make some new friends while i play.
Unique Skills?: Automation & Diverse Knowledge of Mods. Im willing to help if needed knowing how time consuming it is as a staff member of a server.
How Active are you?: Revolves Mainly around work but otherwise i play as often as possible
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: Tech & Builder