Whitelist Server RE-OPENED ~SQUirrellCraft~ 1.6.4 Monster-Modified | 32G RAM |Dedicated|Community Based| 。◕‿‿◕。

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In Game Name: Fahrun
Age: 22
Banned Before: Me? With a face like this? Never!
Experience with modded MC: Plenty! Been playing Minecraft since it only had a Creative mode and Playing FTB and other modpacks a litte after their inception.
Goals On Server: Contribute to the look and social aspects of the server! I enjoy playing with others and helping those new to this experience. Given enough
time I like to build quaint, good looking structures. I like to contribute to group projects :D
Unique Skills?: Bow-staff skills.. Computer hacking skills.. Er.. I'm kind of a jack of all trades with a heavy focus on the mods themselves. I find I can quickly advance through the tech of most common mods and have a great drive to improving.
How Active are you?: When ever I'm not working. I'm playing MC :D.
Which Sums you up?: Those all sound like good things! Personally.. I think I fall mostly under Tech and Social. I like to advance in the mods and help others do the same while providing my own typical chatter :D

Thank you for considering my Application, I hope to hear soon because this server sounds awesome!
Fahrun _Sophie Vauny1 ThatJoeKid2005 added to the whitelist. Welcome to the server. =)

[DOUBLEPOST=1370904637][/DOUBLEPOST]bendtsenkiller denied. Good luck and thank you for applying.
IGN: Eisodus​
Age: Eighteen.
Banned Before: Never.
Experience with modded MC: A fairly decent amount. I've played with both FTB and Tekkit enough to have a pretty good understanding of their respective core mods (Not so much with Redpower, however... Even vanilla redstone aspects still baffle me). I'm still learning, but I think figuring out how to use the mods and experimenting with them is part of the fun. Joining a server would be great for this, as I have a much greater incentive to get better at the game when I'm contributing in a way (I like SSP, but it gets boring after awhile). As an aside, I've been playing MC since Alpha 1.1.2_01.
Goals On Server: If there's still space in your "Town Plot system," then I would definitely enjoy taking a crack at starting a project there. After I get my own base up and running, of course.
Unique Skills?: I've been told I have a knack for building aesthetics and interior design.
How Active are you?: Since I have nothing much else to do this summer, I'll probably be on a lot if I decide to stick around. A few hours a day, at least.
Which sums you up? Builder, Adventurer, Tech, Social-Butterfly: I've always leaned more towards the building aspect of Minecraft, but given that I'm getting more and more acquainted with the technical aspect of FTB I may start to gradually incorporate that more and more into my play style, and even combine the two for fun and profit.
Age: 16
Banned Before: Account was compromised a few months ago and someone ran around hacking on it. Not sure how many bans he managed to get.
Experience with modded MC: I have ran a FTB ultimate server for 3 months before that had many bukkit pluggins. I have been playing feed the beast since the 1.4.2 Beta A pack
Goals On Server: To create a fully automatic wither killer
Unique Skills?: I am a walking encyclopedia, after reading over any games wiki I can tell you the drop chance of any items. I try and know everything there is to know about any thing I play so I can play it to the best of my abilities
How Active are you?: Depending on the day I can put in possibly up to 3 hours each day this summer. Though in a few days I am going to china and will only play a bit
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: Builder, I love to build stuff and I love for turtles to do it for me.
IGN: OmegaStarAlpha
Age: 36
Banned Before: Never
Experience with modded MC: I ran a Tekkit server last year and have tried a dozen ftb servers I didnt like this year.
Goals On Server: Build play have fun with others
Unique Skills?: Jack of all trades, master of none. I try to be unique in all my builds and projects
How Active are you?: Too active at times, many hours a day.
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: All of the above
Okay everyone. I am trying to go through and check your apps but I need you to put your IGN in okay. Just message me and let me know please. =) Then I will review your apps. Thanks

In Game Name: kpdoney1
Age: 17
Banned Before: Nope :)
Experience with modded MC: Ive played FTB for about 1 year so I know my way around the majority of the mods and before that I played a good amount of technic and tekkit.
Goals On Server: One of my goals on the server would be to create a small town with a large amount of automation.
Unique Skills?: I always enjoy playing with and meeting new people.
How Active are you?: Im a fairly active player I will most likely play for 3 or more hours a day
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: A cross between a Tech Guy and a Adventurer :D
In Game Name: Nessnesn64
Age: I am 15 years old.
Banned Before: Never been banned before.
Experience with modded MC: I've played many different versions of modded minecraft. I've played Tekkit, Voltz, a few of the early Ftb releases, and Aether II.
Goals On Server: Set up a laboratory with a wide range of machinery and computer-craft
Unique Skills?: I've gotten pretty good with redstone since I started minecraft, and try to make things as compact as possible.
How Active are you?: I'm usually on every-day, unless something irl pops up
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: I'd have to say Tech.
I'd like to add that I was recommended to apply by Kenny608uk.
In Game Name: Saffirastorm

Age: 52

Banned Before: Never Been banned

Experience with modded MC: 6 months on FTB, 3 years on MC

Goals On Server: To meet new people, make new friends, and have fun, explore new builds and designs

Unique Skills?: I am great at interior design and landscaping and I have great interpersonal skills

How Active are you?: I am very active, 6 to 8 hours a day

Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: A bit of everything I think
In Game Name: kpdoney1
Age: 17
Banned Before: Nope :)
Experience with modded MC: About 1 year of playing different packs in Feed the Beast and Before that large amount of tekkit and technic.
Goals On Server: One goal I would have for the server is to build a medieval style town to live in and under the town to have all the electronics so that it does not ruin the ancient feel of the town. One other goal I have on the server is to meet many new folks and join a nice community.
Unique Skills: I will bring many skills to the server such as a great sense of humor and a good knowledge of many feed the beast mods such as computercraft and gregtech.
How Active are you?: I will be able to be on the server for at least 2 hours a day most days a week but most likely a lot more.
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: I a cross between an Adventurer and and a Tech guy with a small touch of building.
IGN: Ringwraithe
Age: 30
Reason for wanting to join: looking for a stable server with a well selected set of plugins that help form a well balanced economy.
Plans/Goals: build build, looking to get into AE for sorting, crafting.
Prior experience: 1 year minecraft/ tekkit.
Preferred voice chat: teamspeak
Will you record: No
Squirrels cute or pest?: i saw a video of one waterskiing lol
IGN; wolfpack32
Age; 15
Banned before; Yes and no, I do have a ban on my account because I lent my brothers use my account. I later learned that it was obviously a bad idea and was awarded with a ban. I promise it will not happen again.
Experience with modded MC; Yes I've been playing FTB for a year now.
Goals; Build and expand; learn and have fun.
Unique skills; Uh... I learn quickly and I can memorize multiple crafting recipes at a time.
How active are you; I tend to travel a bit during the summer but I am on as much as I can when I'm home.
What sums you up; Major Techie, adventurer, and slow to be social with a new community but I can become quite active.
Nessnesn64, kpdoney1 denied
Ringwraithe, you used the wrong application form, please reapply with the right one :P
Saffirastorm whitelisted, welcome
In Game Name: DarkJDL

Age: 24

Banned Before: Nope.

Experience with modded MC: A ton, I can grasp anything super fast.

Goals On Server: Do I need a goal or can I just make one up as I play? Ideally I just want to have fun.

Unique Skills?: I learn fast, I can teach people how to use stuff? Not so useful for this server though. Making secret passages? But that's not so unique, you got me in a pinch here. I'm good at thinking?

How Active are you?: It depends, If I like it there, I might as well be the most active person, if not I probably won't be active.

Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: Builder(although not pretty stuff), Adventurer(although I usually settle down a main base of operation before travelling, better be safe than sorry.) Tech(although, GregTech Tires me, I'll more often do over complicated stuff just for the enjoyment value), Social-Butterfly: Meh, it depends if I have anything to say.
so I guess 20% 20% 40% 20%?

Edit: Oh yeah, reason to join: I'm bored I'm looking for some entertainment.
Name: Ringwraithe
Age: 30

Banned Before: never

Experience with modded MC: yes, i come from tekkit

Goals On Server: I tend to build in a larger, more realistic scale than usual

Unique Skills?: I know how to play the game, i know how to build things to look the way they should, and im a team player.

How Active are you?: active enough, im applying here because my previous server keeps crashing. i need a more professionally run server.

Which sums you up? Builder, deffinately

reason to join: looking for stable server with a good economy plugin set..