Whitelist Server RE-OPENED ~SQUirrellCraft~ 1.6.4 Monster-Modified | 32G RAM |Dedicated|Community Based| 。◕‿‿◕。

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IGN: Suktar (I know it's stupid.. story behind it xD)​
Age: 19​
Banned Before: While I've quit playing on servers before, I've never left with negative feelings towards me, and I've definitely never been banned.​
Experience with modded MC: I've been playing minecraft since alpha, but just started trying mods a few months ago (tekkit, then ftb 1.4.2). I've played lots of ftb since then, mainly playing the mindcrack pack since it came out on various SMP servers that ended up either going down, or making changes I didn't want to play with (turning down game difficulty to easy mostly).​
Goals on server: I'm just looking for a friendly and mature community of players I can enjoy the game with. I could always play SSP, but minecraft isn't the same without some socialization!​
Unique skills: I'm not sure I have any particular skills that you couldn't find anyone else with, but I enjoy tinkering with computercraft, always trying to make turtles do things with my own scripts rather than the numerous scripts by others littering the internet.​
How active are you: I'm fairly active, spending atleast 2-3 hours a day on minecraft, if not more.​
Which sums you up? Builder, adventurer, tech, social-butterfly: I've definitely never been a magnificient builder... :p I'd have to classify myself as either an adventurer (I love running around looking for the perfect biome to settle in), or 'tech' (computercraft<3).​
BannedBefore:Nope =)
Experience with modded MC: Have messed around with mods since late alpha and as of late been learning the ropes of bees and gregtech
Goals On Server: Conquer a lot of Gregtech and or make solar Pyrimid make some friends and play with other people
Unique Skills: Self sefcient but willing to team up if need be, good at building and tech and know a lil code
How Active are you: Whenever i can!
What somes me up: Tech Builder!
In Game Name: owenzoe
Age: 13
Banned Before: no
Experience with modded MC: yes i play feed the beast tekkit and voids wrath
Goals On Server: to have Fun on the server and be the best ftb'er in the server
Unique Skills?: i am good at ic2 thaumcraft and technic stuff
How Active are you?: 10/5
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: tech
In Game Name: Jack246Jack
Age: 17
Banned Before: no
Experience with modded MC: I have played about 150 hours of FTB Ultimate but my old server just dissapired so Im looking for a new one :)
Goals On Server: To have a fully automated ME network and maby start Thaumcraft.
Unique Skills?: Im good at tech and automation :) Aswell as supplying the server with any resources they may need :)
How Active are you?: Very very active. I spend most of my free time playing games
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: Tech and social-Butterfly
IGN: shoptime
Age: 33
Never banned
I have been playing with mods on minecraft for a lil over a year. I have been watching DW20 and zerzera on youtube for a long time now. DW20's server play always looks like fun having others to interact with and help build with. I am not a programmer at all but have just started to dive into computercraft to spice things up a lil.
I tend to get home from work and to relax play about an hour or two a night.
I am defidently a Builder, and forgive me now but not a speller! lol
IGN: ZionHikari
Age: 19
Banned Before: Never
Experience with modded MC: What's a 'modded MC'? Just kidding, I used to host a FTB server for a small group of friends.
Goals On Server: Mostly just exploring and talking to people and see what crazy things people can come up with.
Unique Skills?: Not sure I have any since everyone already did everything with minecraft.
How Active are you?: It depends on how many people are on the server, I don't like playing by myself, ya' know.
Which sums you up?: Explorer, tinkerer, computer programmer, inventor, definitely NOT a builder, too much work.
IGN: Suktar (I know it's stupid.. story behind it xD)​
Age: 19​

anned Before: While I've quit playing on servers before, I've never left with negative feelings towards me, and I've definitely never been banned.​
Experience with modded MC: I've been playing minecraft since alpha, but just started trying mods a few months ago (tekkit, then ftb 1.4.2). I've played lots of ftb since then, mainly playing the mindcrack pack since it came out on various SMP servers that ended up either going down, or making changes I didn't want to play with (turning down game difficulty to easy mostly).​
Goals on server: I'm just looking for a friendly and mature community of players I can enjoy the game with. I could always play SSP, but minecraft isn't the same without some socialization!​
Unique skills: I'm not sure I have any particular skills that you couldn't find anyone else with, but I enjoy tinkering with computercraft, always trying to make turtles do things with my own scripts rather than the numerous scripts by others littering the internet.​
How active are you: I'm fairly active, spending atleast 2-3 hours a day on minecraft, if not more.​
Which sums you up? Builder, adventurer, tech, social-butterfly: I've definitely never been a magnificient builder... :p I'd have to classify myself as either an adventurer (I love running around looking for the perfect biome to settle in), or 'tech' (computercraft<3).​

Added to the whitelist. welcome. =)
IGN: Codyy032312
Age: 21
Reason for wanting to join: I love playing Minecraft, but I'm looking for other people to play with.
Plans/Goals :
I love building things on a very large scale, and building massive, complex structures, especially with redstone.
Preferred voice chat: Skype, TeamSpeak.
Will you record: Only if you guys want me to.
Squirrels cute or pest?: I own a pet squirrel. So... Obviously she's cute. :P Her name is Nutella.
This is an apply for my friend: Nordstrom96
Age: 17
Reason for wanting to join: I have two friends playing on the server and I want to join them (Zeph and Arax)
Plans/Goals :
Have fun with friends and build big awesome buildings
Preferred voice chat: Skype
Will you record: Don't think so
Squirrels cute or pest?: cuuuwte:3
Nordstrom96: please resubmit your own application. I would much prefer hearing what you have to think and say than someone else. =)
In Game Name: bendtsenkiller
Age: 17
Banned Before: nope
Experience with modded MC: Played half a year tekkit and half a year ftb, so i am pretty much known of every block in the game xD
Goals On Server: Imma go forestry style just like thejessassin, but also build alot
Unique Skills?: Gregtech, forestry and microblocks
How Active are you?: 4 hours, 4 times a week
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: Builder and Tech, But also play and communicate with the others, thats why i choose a whitelisted one :)

In Game Name:
Age: 17
Banned Before: I have for hacking multiple times, however I don't anymore. I have not been banned for over 6 months now
Experience with modded MC: I have my own private modpack. I know my way around most mods in FTB
Goals On Server: establish my own little group of people to live with
Unique Skills?: I am able to make my way up what I like to call ages fast. I once got 5 64K storage units for AE done in a day legit
How Active are you?: on school weeks barely. However summer starts soon and it looks like I am not going to be busy
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: 10% Builder | 20% Adventurer | 35% Tech | 35% Social
Hello. Any news on my app?
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Reactions: NoobIsMeX
I was sent here by ILoveGregTech. Just started some FTB and he said it might be a fun place :)
In Game Name: ThatJoeKid2005
Banned Before: No
Experience with modded MC: Not much. Just started playing FTB about a month ago and looking for a good place to learn and ask questions to figure stuff out.
Goals on server: To learn the mod pack and play with some some fun people :) Really just want to have a good time
How Active: I try to play as much as I can but I am on mostly on the weekend due to my job. When I can play I go for about 2-6 hours.
What sums you up? Builder, adventurer, tech, social-butterfly: I love adventuring and caving to find and make many new things. I also like gaming with people that are cool and it sounds like this is a really great server
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Reactions: ILoveGregTech
Age: 36
BannedBefore:Certainly not
Experience with modded MC: Been playing FTB for over a year now
Goals On Server: To automate as much as possible so I can kick back and get to know everyone.
Unique Skills: I seem to die...a lot. Other than that I 'm more than willing to help out and contribute whenever its needed.
How Active are you: I play most nights
What somes me up: I'd like to say Tech, I enjoy the logic/process of setting up the big projects
In Game Name: _Sophie​
Age: 21​
Banned Before: No​
Experience with modded MC: Not much, would love to get into it, FTB looks very fun.​
Goals On Server: Explore, build something cool and get at least one of each item in the game (will probably take me years).​
Unique Skills?: I dont know yet :P
How Active are you?: Some days I will probably play for several hours, other days, I might not play that much.​
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: Adventurer!​
Your server is on hard, that is good, and it has no lag you say, that is very good. Really looks to be a good server! I hope people on your server is good at keeping the nature intact, I hate half-chopped down trees and such :(