Whitelist Server RE-OPENED ~SQUirrellCraft~ 1.6.4 Monster-Modified | 32G RAM |Dedicated|Community Based| 。◕‿‿◕。

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In Game Name: Whisperduke
Age: 30
Banned Before: Never!!
Experience with modded MC: I have experience with FTB plenty but I am out of the loop on so much. I started back during Direworlf20's first lets play series.
Goals On Server: Do it all. Build it all. Helping those around me. Good times and good people.
Unique Skills?: If anybody could be a masterful people person. That's me. I learn fast and I share faster.
How Active are you?: I could easily put in 5 hours a day and more on the days I'm not at work. I work late nights so sleeping is rough.
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: Social-Builderfly-Adventurer.
IGN: nerdygamer1o1
age: 11
reason for wanting to join: my old server has been having problems with lag and ive been crashing alot. It can be hard to find a reliable server but i think this one is reliable.
plans: i would like to make friends,get a team going, and have alot of fun on this server.
expierence: i have played ftb for about a mont or two. i have focused on thaumcraft and buildcraft but i would like to give them all a try.
preferred voice chat: none
will you record: problebly not
squirrells cute or pest: i love to watch them. :)

ative: i will be on daily but i wont be able to get on the next 2-3 days but i will be on alot

Hello Nerdygamer,

A lot of the people on the server are in their mid 20's and older. We don't have anyone your age that plays.

While we do try to keep a good variety of ages, time zones, etc, we don't feel at this time that the server would be a good fit for you.

Good luck in your search!

In Game Name: Oxyorum
Age: 19
Banned Before: Not once. you are free to verify that on any ban tracking site.
Experience with modded MC: I have played FTB Ultimate, Mindcrack and DW20 substantially, also Tekkit Classic. Most of my MC time has been devoted to modded MC in some shape or form, though that may change with 1.6.
Goals On Server: Build what I want, relax from work/college, talk to people occasionally (kidding).
Unique Skills?: I am REALLY good at working around things, though I don't know if that is relevant. Aside from that, I'm good with coding, in and out of minecraft.
How Active are you?: Quite active. However, due to my commitments to the server for which I work, I cant play on here daily. If that's an issue, I understand. Know that I will be on here at least a few times a week, however.
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: Badvetech (Builder-Adventurer-Tech)
IGN: Ean52
Reason for wanting to join: My friends are on this server and say good things :)
Plans/Goals: Have fun and build stuffs
Prior exp. with MC, Tekkit, FTB: About a year of MC, tiny tiny bit of Tekkit, never played FTB
Preferred voice chat: Skype
Will you record? No
Squirrels, cute or pest? Both!
IGN: Redmalice
Age: 24
Reason for wanting to join: I have friends on the server and have always been interested in joining an FTB server and they say this is a great one
Plans/Goals: having tons of fun and creating works of minecraft art
Prior xp with MC, Tekkit, FTB: over a year of normal MC on xbox and PC and a fair amount of tekkit recently and waiting for some FTB
Preffered voice chat: Skype
Will you record: nope
Squirrels, cute or pest? i am a squirrel! soooooo..cute it is!
In Game name: mashpotato25
Age: 12
Banned before: never
Eperience with modded MC: Very Eprienced beyond the level
Goals on server: To learn new things
Unique Skills: Very creative crafter
How active are You: Almost Every day eccept wedness days
Which sums me up: Adventuere social butterfly
IGN: davidmeow
Age: 12
I wanted to join because I like SMP but don't have any Ultimate servers so I thought this would be cool.
Plans/goals: SUCCEED, build & make cool stuff.
I know alot about the mods but don't have too much experience actually doing it.
I dont have voice chat programs.
I will not record.
Squirrels are both cute and pests (something can be both, you know).[DOUBLEPOST=1369791168][/DOUBLEPOST]Oops, sorry. Never banned before.[DOUBLEPOST=1369791205][/DOUBLEPOST]Oops, sorry again. I am a builder.
In Game Name: PrjctCld
Age: 24
Banned Before: Never
Experience with modded MC: Very Little, but im excited to learn.
Goals On Server: Build with my friends, Rikkiroosie and LordDeTracy
Unique Skills?: Redstone master
How Active are you?:Active as i can be
Which sums you up? Builder and Adventurer​
Hello davidmeow and mashpotato25

A lot of the people on the server are in their mid 20's and older. We don't have anyone your age that plays.

While we do try to keep a good variety of ages, time zones, etc, we don't feel at this time that the server would be a good fit for you.

Good luck in your search!

(copied letter from workwork)
never banned
new to server play but have played tekkit for a year and ftb single for a good bit now. I play on average 2 to 3 hours a day. Wanting to be a part of a comunity and further my knowledge of the game.
In Game Name:
21(November 15)
Banned Before:
Experience with modded MC:
I have a history in tekkit. I played Mindcrack for almost a month and Ultimate since its alpha release. I am still not 100% on all of its more technological mods, however, but am learning slowly.
Goals On Server:
My goal is, in short, to build, make friends, and learn[more about the mods]. I am in search of a friendly and active server where I can work on improving my builds, show them off, and work with and see others'.
Unique Skills?:
I can confidently say that I have potential creative talent when it comes to building, as I constantly seek to improve on it. Creating art and music is within my hobby range. I also thoroughly enjoy creating skins for myself and others. All my players skins are self made as I can make them to my own picky specifications. I don't honestly have anything that I would consider "unique," however.
How Active are you?:
My play time tends to be a bit random, honestly. It ranged from a couple days in the week to nearly every day with no set preferred times or days. I work at home so I basically set my own schedule.
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly:
I guess that I can consider myself a creative builder leaning on the social side. I thoroughly enjoy hanging out, visiting, and getting visitors. (Just ask and respect my area as I will do for you.) Although, I do tend to be pretty quiet when I am concentrating on my builds.
I have access to Skype, Steam, Ventrilo, and TeamSpeak3. I do, however, prefer the latter two as they have much nicer net coding in regards to voice chats. (My internet connection is very moody at times .)