Whitelist Server RE-OPENED ~SQUirrellCraft~ 1.6.4 Monster-Modified | 32G RAM |Dedicated|Community Based| 。◕‿‿◕。

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In Game Name: Vlukav
Banned before: No
Experience with modded minecraft: Started with small mods around two years ago, then graduated to BC, IC, and EE. Paused for a while, and returned with FTB (the map). I know almost all of the mods in the ultimate pretty well.
Goals on server: To have fun, it gets really boring when I'm alone in my singleplayer world.
Unique skills: In minecraft? Can't think of any skills yet. In the real world, I'm really good with math for my age.
How active are you?: Play everyday for a couple of hours. Sometimes, when I need to do a lot for school, I can't play.
In Game Name: Gimpansor
Banned before: No
Experience with modded minecraft: Started with Tekkit a long time ago, made my own personal server and played on that. Migrated to FTB when it came out and played that through several iterations on my personal server with a few friends. Not so much into forestry and IC2 anymore, but I absolutly adore Applied Energistics.
Goals on server: I am very curious how other people build their bases and solve problems and to some degree I do want to show off my own ;)
Unique skills: In minecraft? Building crazy factories :P
How active are you?: Depends on IRL workload, really. At least a few hours a week though.
Gimpansor welcome aboard :)
In Game Name: Joey0wnt
Age: 15
Banned Before: Nope
Experience with modded MC: Over 3 years
Goals On Server: Having fun with Other people and no griefing :)
Unique Skills?: i love forestry bees and i am good with pretty much everything
How Active are you?: 4-10 on school days and like 14hours in the weekends
Other things: Blight000 is an good friend of mine and he told me about this server
and i might record some videos on the server but it will be in dutch for my youtube channel

In Game Name: Mondaine
Age: 28
Banned Before: No
Experience with modded minecraft: Almost the same as Gimpansors. I'm one of his friends who played for quite some time on his personal server and of course, I too adore Applied Energistics :) but who wouldn't.
Goals: I share Gimpansors' curiosity for how other ppl build their bases. I'm always looking for some inspiration.
Unique Skills: Solving Gimpansors' hunger for energy! Keeps me quite busy to power his monstrous factories.
How active are you: At least a few hours a week.
Reason for wanting to join:
Building and wanting to play with others
I plan to make a cool place, help others, and maybe make a public power station
Prior experience:
I've been playing MC for a couple years, FTB since release, tekkit since it was 1.7.3.
Preferred voice chat:
Will you record:
Squirrels cute or pest?:
squirrels are adorable
In Game Name: cocoaguy
Age: 17
Banned Before: no
Experience with modded MC: I am very good with mods especialy thaumcraft 3 but i am not very familiar with Greg tech
Goals On Server: to help myself and others on the server
Unique Skills?: i am ok at making frame machines and know almost all of thaumcraft by heart
How Active are you?: i try to get on for at least 1 hour a day
cocoaguy denied. Good luck.[DOUBLEPOST=1369510015][/DOUBLEPOST]Joey0wnt dexman545 Mondaine added to the white list welcome to the server. Have lots of fun. =)[DOUBLEPOST=1369510048][/DOUBLEPOST]J0rdHardwell Denied. Good Luck.
In Game Name: Elgriton
Age: 17
Banned Before: no
Experience with modded MC: tons! I know a lot about most mods, except gregtech..damn gregtech
Goals On Server: Go somewhere and do my own thing, but I am more than willing to share anything and everything I have( Within reason, of course)
Unique Skills?: OK with computercraft
How Active are you?: very
Hello! My name is Curry, also known as the gamer TheNotrub, and I am here to get white-listed.
I am also friends with DUHMAN4U.
In Game Name: thenotrub
Age: 23
Banned Before: NO
Experience with modded MC: I've played FTB, Tekkit, Reg MC, etc
Goals On Server: Build, help friend with videos
Unique Skills?: builder, leader, etc
How Active are you?: exclusively active :)
In Game Name: loopdeer
Age: 16
Banned Before: No
Experience with modded MC: I've played Tekkit in the passed, but I am still new to FTB (have used some of its mods in its past versions)
Goals on Server: I just want to have fun and learn to master FTB
Unique Skills: Nothing that could be considered "Unique"
How Active Are You: Very active during weekends (when I have time basically)
In Game Name: bulletproofheart
Age: 14
Banned Before: No
Experience with modded MC: I thought modded MC ment hacking from my last app, I play tekkit and FTB
Goals On Server?: Have fun with my friend DUHMAN4U
Unique Skills?: Good at team work. being there when needed.
How Active are you?: I am on daily.
In Game Name: jacket_buttons
Age: 28
Banned Before: Never been banned
Experience with modded MC: I've played modded minecraft on and off. I played on another server for a few months before it went down. I've played minecraft since before the nether update and a few mods here and there.
Goals On Server: To have fun. I mostly enjoy playing with other people and enjoying things as a group.
Unique Skills?: I'm an artist. I do mostly animation professionally but also like to do illustration.
How Active are you?: I mostly will be active weekends and sometimes in the evenings weeknights.