Whitelist Server RE-OPENED ~SQUirrellCraft~ 1.6.4 Monster-Modified | 32G RAM |Dedicated|Community Based| 。◕‿‿◕。

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In Game Name: Default_Name_1
Age: 20
Banned Before: Absolutely...not
Experience with modded MC: Tekkit, and various bukkit inclusions
Goals on Server: Really? I have no clue. I gotta be in the zone. World Domination be a super hero/villain/cancer survivor.
Unique Skills: Improvising and lying about my skills.
How active are you?: Do you want like a schedule, or something? Let me email my minecraft planner to you guys. About sometimes a week. oftenish.
In Game Name: Nexxhar
Age: 21
Banned Before: Nope
Experience with modded MC: Voxelmodpack for playing on The Voxel Box as well as Tekkit experience.
Goals On Server: Setting up a base, experimenting with some new ways of making power, afterwards focusing on community projects.
Unique Skills?: Definitely building. Here is the album of the build I've recently been working on http://imgur.com/a/j8gw1
How Active are you?: I play too often, almost every day.
In Game Name: sexy_foxy
Age: 19
Banned Before: no
Experience with modded MC: oh yeah
Goals On Server: fusion power
Unique Skills?:handstand pushups
How Active are you?: if not occupied with school stuff, very active :D
In Game Name: abouttabs
Age: 18
Banned Before: no
Experience with modded MC: I play with mods for over two years, started on tekkit, went to FTB last year, I am always trying to get to know all the mod in depth and use them as a wwhole together, I also enjoy CC Lua (not the greatest, but usually get the job done)
Goals On Server: I enjoy automation and making big workshop, get to know new people and have fun
Unique Skills?: I can build a box rather quickly :), no seriously I enjoy complete automation...
How Active are you?: That depends on time, I am going to be quite bussy in school now ( yes idiotic time to apply to get on a server I chose), but usually I get on couple times a week for longish sessions (3-6 hours) an if there is free weekend.... :)
IGN: KingCullen
Age: 16
Reason for wanting to join: I'm looking for a Server that I can learn from other players experience with this mod pack as well as mature players who won't do stupid things.
Plans/Goals: I want to learn all of the cool mods and I also want to meet cool new people:D
Prior experience: Over a year of playing Minecraft, a couple months spent playing Technic/Tekkit packs or similiar (1.2.5), playing FTB since 1.4.2 beta pack release. I know my mods well enough

Preferred voice chat: I can use any :D
Will you record: No
Squirrels cute or pest?: They are Awesome!
In Game Name: iKalito
Age: 24
Banned Before: Nope
Experience with modded MC: Played Tekkit, Played all of the FTB packs, watch Mindcrackers + Direwolf20
Goals On Server: To meet new people and record a YT series
Unique Skills?: I have the ability to record and edit game footage for Youtube
How Active are you?: 16+ Hours a week
In Game Name: Draconis46
Age: 27
Banned Before: Never
Experience with modded MC: Played Tekkit for quite some time until switching over to ftb when it launched its beta. Watched most of direwolf's stuff along with some mindcrack ftb stuff
Goals On Server: To create interesting contraptions and buildings within a community of other players
Unique Skills?: Not very unique but mechanizing pretty much everything I do is an entertaining challenge that I usually pursue
How Active are you?: 2-20 hours a week depending on work and rl commitments.
In Game Name: ExtremistDAN
Age: 17
Banned Before: Nope
Experience with modded MC: Have been playing tekit and volts for about a year until i recently discovered feed the beast.
Goals On Server: To Build Relationships with my fellow minecraftians and generally have fun and make people laugh
Unique Skills?: I have the ability to die to the same zombie ten times in a row. Adept with Tc and moderate with Rail craft and Redpower
How Active are you?: Fairly active, i spend most of my day at the PC xD
ExtremistDAN added to the white list, welcome. =). Also noted on the Squirrellcraft forums. :)
In Game Name: LordDeTracy
Age: 26
Banned Before: no.
Experience with modded MC: Tekkit, and ftb beta
Goals on Server: Build a base
Unique Skills: Adapting and trying out new designs
How active are you?: Daily most of the time
In Game Name:Pgary1723
Banned Before:no
Experience with modded MC:Vinilla yes but ftb sitll learning
Goals On Server:Have fun and meet new people.
Unique Skills?:Nice builds!
How Active are you?:Onlinine omost everyday
IGN: RikkiRoosie
Age: 26
Reason for wanting to join: I really with this mod pack and have a friend who recently was whitelisted here.
Plans/Goals: Just enjoy playing. Wether its building a cool base or trying out new redstone builds.
prior experience with MC , Tekkit, FTB: I have played Minecraft for a while as well as Tekkit and FTB modpacks.
Preferred voice chat: Any tbh. I have Vent, Skyp, TS, and even jumped into the new RazerComms beta
Will you record:No