Whitelist Server RE-OPENED ~SQUirrellCraft~ 1.6.4 Monster-Modified | 32G RAM |Dedicated|Community Based| 。◕‿‿◕。

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In Game Name: rriley2011
Age: 34
Banned Before: No
Experience with modded MC: I've played FTB since it was released and Tekkit before that.
Goals On Server: Build something tall and epic and then look down upon my domain and smile :)
Unique Skills?: I'm good at automating and I built this on my last server (Clicky)
How Active are you?: I'm on most evenings (GMT)
In Game Name: tommyterrific
Age: 32
Banned Before: Never
Experience with modded MC: I ran a small FTB server with friends for several months earlier this year. Learned a lot about FTB and wish to improve upon that knowledge. So much potential.
Goals On Server: Factories, Towns, Innovations. The sky is the limit. Biggest goals are to learn more and have fun and be a productive and enjoyable member of the community. Really looking for community more than anything.
Unique Skills?: Figuring things out. I'm very analytical. I'm not very creative in the abstract but things come to me as I'm working through it.
How Active are you?: Nearly everyday. Probably average 10-20 hours a week.
taken from squirrellystudios.com
IGN: EpicFaceBlocks
Age: Young but i'm mature (im kinda nervous around giving out my age)
Reason for wanting to join: I have been looking for a ftb server since my old tekkit server shut down, been looking for a server to roam around in this reason
Plans/Goals(just curious): Building a small factory for myself, not gonna pollute a lake or anything.
prior experience with MC , Tekkit, FTB: I played a lot of tekkit in the past!
Preferred voice chat(incase we need to set something more permanent up): TS, Skype, G+, anything really
Will you record(if so youtube channel): I will do a steam occasionally (johsketch on twitch)
Squirrells cute or pest? (This one really dosent matter ): Cute but can be a pest at times

whitelisted welcome on in
In Game Name: zorghungry
Age: 20
Banned Before: No
Experience with modded MC: I have played Tekkit in the past until the server I played on shut down.
Goals On Server: Have fun and build cool mechanisms and structures with an IRL friend who is playing.
Unique Skills?: I am pretty creative in structure ideas and can mine the same thing over and over and over again without going insane.
How Active are you?: Fairly active. On my old server I would play every day for at least a few hours.
zorghungry welcome on in

Have Fun
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Reactions: ILoveGregTech
In Game Name: N1njaM1dget
Age: 36
Banned Before: never
Experience with modded MC: been playing tfb since xmas so just been dabberling with all of it
Goals On Server: just to chill out and have some fun
Unique Skills?: im a ninjamidget lol still learnign most things but always willing to help out where i can
How Active are you?:very very
N1njaM1dget added to whitelist

Welcome on in..
FYI i totally need to fix up my stamp pic O_o... always tomorow :P
In Game Name: meir21
Age: 20
Banned Before: no
Experience with modded MC: yes have played FTB in several servers looked on a lot of videos and played technic pack befor
Goals On Server: dont have any yet but wish to build cool stuff with others
Unique Skills?: lilbit of programing and building
How Active are you?: not sure yet cus of work but will be most of my time when i'm home at the server
In Game Name: wisdoms​
Age: 20​
Banned Before: nah​
Experience with modded MC: Been playing since pre-technic launcher days​
Goals On Server: survive​
Unique Skills?: Communications / Industrial-Craft / Planning ahead / systematic progression​
How Active are you?: I'll probably be on 3-4 times a week​
In Game Name: Niconalle
Age: 16
Banned Before: Nope
Experience with modded MC: i have been playing tekkti for some time but now i am playing ftb cuse its better
Goals On Server: take over the word. but in a nice way
Unique Skills?: im very good at beeing bad
How Active are you?: if i get a good start then i will be logged in every day
In Game Name: martinpizza
Age: 16
Banned Before: Nope
Experience with modded MC: I have been playing tekkit in the past but I lost interest
Goals On Server: Build a factory of some kind
Unique Skills?: Nope, there is nothing unique about me
How Active are you?: I am not sure yet.
In Game Name: Gooblob
Age: 18
Banned Before: Nope
Experience with modded MC: Extensive with older versions of the mods, have catching up to do with the new ones
Goals On Server: Have fun and build an automated sorting system
Unique Skills?: I can help people out and have been playing Minecraft since '09
How Active are you?: I will be active on weekends for the next month or so, but once the semester ends I'll be on a lot more.