Whitelist Server RE-OPENED ~SQUirrellCraft~ 1.6.4 Monster-Modified | 32G RAM |Dedicated|Community Based| 。◕‿‿◕。

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In Game Name: WinneonSword
Age: 14.5 (14 and a half)
Banned Before: No, I have not been banned before. Proof: http://whitelist.mcf.li/check/result/3300b31a9cb77dfce04099fe962eb09874011edb
Experience with modded MC: I have past experience in FTB/Tekkit, allthough I'm pretty secure and stuck with vanilla at the moment.
Goals On Server: My goal is to be helpful if I can, whilst having a fun time and a good experience on the server.
Unique Skills?: I have experience in LUA (used in ComputerCraft) and also a bit of experience in IndustrialCraft and Buildcraft. Not so much Redpower though, but hopefully I can change that. :)
How Active are you?: I'm extremely active on Minecraft itself, but I'm currently stuck with Vanilla and the main server I participate in. I would like this to be my secondary server where I can hop on and have a fun time with you people. :) I cannot guarantee that I can be on every day, but I can most certainly try.

I am not a priority, so please take your time on my application and everyone else's in line. I just thank you for taking the time to read my application, and thank you for this opportunity. :)

I know everyone is anxious about the 1.5 update, but you should all still come on and have some fun. Find a new game, make something new, try a different mod before the new map. Let's see who can build the biggest funniest....but appropriate build. See the forums for more information.
In Game Name: Ichirou27x
Age: 13
Banned Before: never.
Experience with modded MC: I've downloaded mods before ive played tekkit for a few months and FTB for a month or 2 now ive also been trying to set up a server for me and my friends to goof around on with mods (sadly it hasnt been working out theres always a problem)
Goals On Server: Make servants *cough* i mean friends, Build factories a home be a dictator and watch everyone from the server bow before me.
Unique Skills?: i can flyyyyy :D oh and im good with pipes
How Active are you?: i try to get on when i can i wont be able to get on offten during the week because of homework, sports and stuff
It is okay Gummy, been a bit busy so I understand. Besides you can not help yourself sometimes. lol.
In Game Name: Jeff9219
Age: 21
Banned Before: Never, But I have Banned others :)
Experience with modded MC: Been Playing most of the Core mods sine their earliest version. i.e have played Industrial Craft, Redpower and Buildcraft as long as they have existed.
Goals On Server: Learn the newer little mods i have yet to play with (the one's not in the Direwolf pack for example), To build something awesome, and to Have alot of fun with alot of awesome people.
Unique Skills?: VERY proficient in many of the major mods in the pack especially Railcraft, Redpower, and ComputerCraft. Prior to FTB being a modpack I ran my own modded server for years (server disbanded during the 1.3.1 update do to loss of interest of core players due to lack of a RedPower Update, So I know my way around a minecraft server (what causes issues/Lag/Basic Troubleshooting, also have done a few internship web Developer so familiar with the software and hardware needed to run a server/website from a hardware and software aspect as well.
How Active are you?: I play around 3 to 4 times a week for 4-6 hours a time on average, I am a film student/independent filmmaker so during shoots I tend to not play minecraft at all, but other times i play regularly.
In Game Name: Minecraftboss18
Age: 14
Banned Before: Nope
Experience with modded MC: Yep
Goals On Server: To make a awesome base and have evrything
Unique Skills?: ok with bee's and thaumcraft , good with IC2 and Thermal expantion
How Active are you?: 3 hours on weekdays, 4-5 hours on weekends.
Thanks for your time, Minecraftboss
I gotta say gummy today was really fun when we were messing around... I was laughing so hard.. And Fay thanks to you too :)
Can't wait for the reset maybe we could build something together? :P
In Game Name: xDavidKing
Age: 13
Banned Before: Once, for accidentally nuking
Experience with modded MC: Been playing ftb for a few months. and minecraft for 2 years , and Tekkit for about 2 months
Goals On Server: To have fun (:
Unique Skills?: Im good with thaumcraft. and i know a little bit about machines (:
How Active are you?: Very active. since i got my own pc i play everyday for about 10-12 hours
In Game Name: Aliphim and laceycarp
Age: 32 and 31
Banned Before: Neither of us have been.
Experience with modded MC: Been playing with a lot of the standard stuff off and on since before FTB was around. Been playing IC2 since a little after it's release, along with RP and a few other popular ones.
Goals On Server: We'd like to find a stable place to play with good people. We've had a streak of bad luck with servers either shutting down or becoming barren. We setup a server for ourselves but it's a little boring with just the 2 of us.
Unique Skills?: Hmm I don't know what we would be able to describe as unique, but Lacey's the artistic one that designs stuff and I usually just farm materials or build the machines and power infrastructure.
How Active are you?: We both play every day for at least 30 minutes but usually more.
Thanks for your time.