Whitelist Server RE-OPENED ~SQUirrellCraft~ 1.6.4 Monster-Modified | 32G RAM |Dedicated|Community Based| 。◕‿‿◕。

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decent amount of people today nice, move to ultimate forums seems to be working, side note the comp is looking good, no idea what foomans is or how it works....
But im still placing my bets on him since you banned me from entering :P
Well you would have an unfair advantage. lol. I have seen your builds and they are just amazing. lol. Besides it is for players not owners, admins, and mods. lol. I need your help judging. <3 I would totally give you the win over your shark.
In Game Name: stainfd
Age: 23
Banned Before: no
Experience with modded MC: tekkit->ftb 1.45
Goals On Server: bees,applied energistics,modular power suits:mods i havent used yet and plan to use this server
Unique Skills?: i have the unique skill to take 5 minutes to build something then 2 days to fix it
In Game Name: thomboy90
Age: 14 but iam mature
Banned Before: nevaah :P
Experience with modded MC: a lot ran out of things to do in vanilla so started looking into mods ic1 EE1 and all the early mods
Goals On Server: learning my friends the mods
Unique Skills?: making awsome contraptions where you may get dizzy from
How Active are you?: very active i will play mostly with my friends "Mikeytjuh"and "jari1507" because i will do a letsplay on your server
In Game Name: Mikeytjuh.

Age: 15, but pretty mature for my age.

Banned Before: Luckily not :)

Experience with modded MC: A little so far, but me and a friend of mine are planning to do a lets play and he will be learning me a lot of things in the progress of it.

Goals On Server: To be able to understand the mods, and have a lot of fun with my friends.

Unique Skills?: I make people laugh with all my sillyness :P

How Active are you?: I play when i can, but mostly with my friends "thomboy90"and "jari1507"
In Game Name: Mindfields
Age: 16
Banned Before: Not on any major servers
Experience with modded MC: Fairly high, been playing FTB for a while now, but played with a lot standalone mods before
Goals On Server: I honestly have no idea XD , mostly to have fun with multiplayer FTB as SSP is getting boring
Unique Skills?: I consider myself pretty good at pvp, and have a good general knowledge of minecraft
How Active are you?: At least once a day, another server i was playing on hasn't been online as of recently
Mindfields before I whitelist or not I want to let you know that we do allow PVP as long a both sides are in agreement before hand. We do not allow pvp just so you can kill others like on some pvp servers. We have a lot of fun and hope you like us. Just message me and let me know that you agree with the pvp rule. or come onto our teamspeak and talk with me.
In Game Name: JuwanSkinner
Age: 17
Banned Before: No
Experience with modded MC: Been playing with technical mods ever since I started watching Direwolf20 and been playing Minecraft since Infdev.
Goals On Server: Mostly just to have fun and help others. Practice building ascetically pleasing builds.
Unique Skills?: I can make really technical builds but when it comes to things looking nice I usually lack. That is what I'm here to work on.
How Active are you?: If the community is nice and I like the server then I will be really active.
I do not even know. lol.[DOUBLEPOST=1368758810][/DOUBLEPOST]Mindfields added to the white list. Welcome to the server and have fun. :)
In Game Name: KirkWells
Age: 25
Banned Before: Never
Experience with modded MC: Pretty much started with mods when Direwolf20 just started making IC video. I've hosted my own servers, tekkit, bukkit, on my computer, on host servers. Had to learn linux to do that. ;P
Goals On Server: I like to do massive/complex builds. So I recently thought my next project would be to setup an Industrial district. Lots of different factories/buildings. One factory may be for ore processing, maybe another for textiles production.
Unique Skills?: I might not be the best but I'm pretty good at compacting systems/circuits.
How Active are you?: I play about 6 days a week. It's an addiction....
In Game Name: Andyth0mpz
Age: >18...That enough? :D
Banned Before: Nope.
Experience with modded MC: I have a decent knowledge of mods. I saw people like Direwolf/Mindcrack play on FTB, and it got me hooked. :l
Goals On Server: Talk. Have fun. Make a nice house, all hidden and such. Have more fun. :D
Unique Skills?: I urm...Hmm...I can explain things well? I don't know.
How Active are you?: I play a depressing amount. i play pretty much every day, for around 4-6 hours; About 1 hour in the morning and the rest in the afternoon.
Hey, you're reading this! Hey! :D
In Game Name: zavak
Age: 19
Banned Before: Never been banned.
Experience with modded MC: Honestly, I have very little experience... however I've been watching some youtubers play feed the beast and I have come to a realization that I've picked up some of what they were doing and I should be able to squeeze by without asking simple questions.
Goals On Server: Try to reach endgame crafting recipes and have fun with everyone on the server at the same time.
Unique Skills?: Seeing as I am going for a degree in CNC I have very good technical skills and of course I can be very artsy when building a home.
How Active Are You?: I can be active for varying amounts, 1 hour to probably 12 if I were dedicating that much time of my day.
In Game Name: assasin172
Age: 19
Banned Before: Nope
Experience with modded MC: I have about half year experience from SK's server so i have good idea about mods but i want to improve my knowledge of it :)
Goals On Server: emmm I dont have any goals .. so I will make some house and go mining ets.. and building the scrapy machines :3
Unique Skills?: Um I dont know .. if somebody need's help I will help him
How Active are you?: I will be active as much as I can