Whitelist Server RE-OPENED ~SQUirrellCraft~ 1.6.4 Monster-Modified | 32G RAM |Dedicated|Community Based| 。◕‿‿◕。

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Sin...... Sinfully KMD????????????????????
tell me its true !
This is very true! :D I spawned in in the middle of no where, and did /spawn (and it actually worked!:O).
Now I'm exploring this amazingly built spawn. Gummy got all professional on us XD
Hey, my IG name is Danius95. So I am 17 y/o and I have never beened banned before. I have played a while on the Mindcrack pack, and it seems fun, so now I want to join a server. And this one seems like a good one. Well, my goal is to have fun, and make it like a singleplayerworld but with people to talk with. I do not have unique skills. But i know the programing a bit. And I love to chat with others ingame. Hmm, if I was so lucky to join, I would play here every possible day. I will also use Ts when I play on the server
aye sin, a tad more professional.
although we still do enjoy a good old fashioned durp around when time permits :)
IGN: Midgardsg
Age: 21
Reason for wanting to join:I'm tired of servers full of griefers and I'm just looking for a community to chill without worrying about being griefed. btw I love squirrels :D lol
Plans/Goals(just curious) Everything. why should I limit myself with some particular mod or item? I'm here to play the game and test out everything
prior experience with MC , Tekkit, FTB: I know almost everything about FTB. mods that i have no idea about: extra bees
Preferred voice chat(incase we need to set something more permanent up) I can use anything
Will you record(if so youtube channel) no
IGN: alfonilinus
Age: 13
Reason for wanting to join: Looking for a good community to acctually exept some people who are actually young and will give them a chance :P, I love feed the beast started a week aproxamatly after ftb launch.
Plans/Goals: My plans are to start up a new FTB series with some people if they feel like it and of course build a huge industrial area :P.
prior experience with MC , Tekkit, FTB: All of it all most since they launched.
Preferred voice chat: skype, but teamspeak fine
Will you record: Yep i will start after I have gotten my mic.
Squirrells cute or pest?: cute usally... I think
It is up and running, there was a slight problem. Gummy poked it with his stick and now she is back and running. lol
3rd time ive had that in the last month(Blue screen 1033), contacted serverhost to ask advice before i go all mouse clicky on it :)
sorry for any inconvenience
In Game Name: supersepo
Age: 25
Banned Before: Never
Reason for wanting to join: I'm looking a server without lag, and this I hope will be the "special one" xD
Experience with modded MC: I played Ultimate hard more, Direwolf 20, Mindcrack and a custom modpack
Goals On Server: Keep learning to do amazing things :D
Unique Skills?: I'm firendly. I'm spanish so my english is not perfect.
How Active are you?: I play every day :)
Will you record?: Nope
In Game Name: xPumPStaRx
Age: 21
Banned Before: Nope
Reason for wanting to join: I'm looking for a server without lag, social players and now one that last long :D
Experience with modded MC: I played tekkit, Direwolf20 and before a own modded version.
Goals On Server: Have fun, build some shiny things and unique systems.
Unique Skills?: Perfection?! :D
How Active are you?: I play every day, 4-6 hours!
Will you record?: Dont think so
In Game Name: Firefly4
Age: 23
Banned Before: Never ever :D
Reason for wanting to join: lookin for an new awesome Server my old one is closing and i need a new Home
Experience with modded MC: im playing modded MC since Buildcraft 1 comes out ... with the annoy mod adding xD
Goals On Server: Have Fun, building automated stuff and an imba Base :D
Unique Skills?: all over Perfection?! and Shiny
How Active are you?: I play every day, 3 - 6 hours!
Will you record?: Not Sry
In Game Name: smashthat
Age: 22
Banned Before: No i´m always friendly :)
Reason for wanting to join: We´re searching a server with nice players and good performance to have fun for a long time.
Experience with modded MC: I have experience with FTb Direwolf20 and some other mods.
Goals On Server: Build a piston door.... and maybe something more difficult :D
Unique Skills?: Everything must be outstanding!
How Active are you?: Every day more then 3 hours.
Will you record?: Nope
Thanks fot the whitelisting ... but the Problem is the Ping to your Server ... but keep it up .. its nice ... we search for a better pingy one near to Europe :D