Whitelist Server RE-OPENED ~SQUirrellCraft~ 1.6.4 Monster-Modified | 32G RAM |Dedicated|Community Based| 。◕‿‿◕。

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In Game Name: Richard104
Age: 21
Banned Before: No
Experience with modded MC: I have played FTB for a few months and played tekkit and technic before that on a few servers
Goals On Server: Possibly build a town and create some pretty cool red power related machines aswell as explore some other mods that I don't use.
Unique Skills?: I'm pretty knowledgable about most tekkit related mods and some ftb mods but besides that, not really aha.
How Active are you?: Pretty active. Most days when I dont have uni exams
In Game Name: Reeviero
Age: 23
Banned Before: No
Experience with modded MC: Played alot of Tekkit and FTB on another server. Still learning but really enjoy playing and getting to grips with the machines and what not.
Goals On Server: To become better with the mod and create well working machines
Unique Skills?:Exploration and grunt work
How Active are you?:A few hours a day or at least a few over 3 days,
In Game Name: Merkuryz
Age: 14 (15 in a month)
Banned Before: Never
Experience with modded MC: Basic FTB knowledge. IC, BC, Redpower, Bees, Thaum, the sorts.
Goals On Server: At first, I will need to establish a basic base of operations. Eventually, I plan on contributing to the server by adding building public places for people to get together and just... do things together! Whether it be fighting, or building, or just plain hanging around.
Unique Skills?: If being laid-back, hard working, and imaginative are counted as unique skills, I am abundant in that! Also, I am an aspiring Minecraft builder who will slowly but surely get things done.
How Active are you?: Usually, I am able to put in quite a few hours a week. Unless I am bogged down in homework, in which case, I'll be on less then usual. Also, honestly, I am an avid gamer so I may spend time logging hours in other games. Although, I will always come back to Minecraft!
In Game Name: Lillintu
Age: 29 (30 in 3 weeks -.-)
Banned Before: Never
Experience with modded MC: none really as far as mod packs go.
Goals On Server: To learn how to use ftb as i just started playing. mainly just to enjoy the game with friendly mature people. maybe help towards some of the server builds once trusted.
Unique Skills?: i'm good with world edit and voxel-sniper (terraforming) i'm laid back and very chilled out.
How Active are you?: On just about every day i'm a self employed photographer so i work when i want really.
In Game Name: J64
Age: Fourteen
Banned Before: Nope
Experience with modded MC: I've been on and off playing FTB in the past several months, I tend to spend my time playing one game for a month or two, then just forget about it and play something else for another month or two to prevent boredom. Altogether I'd say I have a decent knowledge of the FTB pack. Plenty of wikis and guides for the things I don't know too. Before I started playing FTB pack I had been playing Tekkit for the longest time. I'm a fan of the various magic mods.
Goals On Server: I'm not someone with the attention span to build some gigantic complex empire, I just plan to have a good time.
Unique Skills?: I can't really think of anything I'm fantastic at. I'm pretty bad at building exteriors too, so I like living in an underground home and hoarding shiny things.
How Active are you?: Depending on my interest in playing that particular day my playtime can range from nothing to 12 hours+. I can guarantee I'll be on a decent amount per week though.
In Game Name: Sinodur
Age: 22, ll be turning 23 soon.. And lets just say i expect presents!

Banned Before: Not that i am aware of.

Experience with modded MC: Fairly experienced with Buildcraft / Industrial craft (See Tekkit)

Goals On Server: To fullfill my unending need to become an super evil scientist that makes experiments on livestock... A death star. Also I want to make an automated bakery.... :3

Unique Skills?: superhuman dedication and I (Think) am funnier then most people. I like to make people giggle. I learn fast and I like to help.

How Active are you?: This is what i might get slapped for. Currently studying pretty heavy and I have a fairly active life outside the computer. But atleast 5 (Productive) hours a week
Sinodur added to the whitelist welcome to the server and have fun.

J64 denied and we hope you find a server that fits your needs. [DOUBLEPOST=1367329952][/DOUBLEPOST]
In Game Name: Merkuryz
Age: 14 (15 in a month)
Banned Before: Never
Experience with modded MC: Basic FTB knowledge. IC, BC, Redpower, Bees, Thaum, the sorts.
Goals On Server: At first, I will need to establish a basic base of operations. Eventually, I plan on contributing to the server by adding building public places for people to get together and just... do things together! Whether it be fighting, or building, or just plain hanging around.
Unique Skills?: If being laid-back, hard working, and imaginative are counted as unique skills, I am abundant in that! Also, I am an aspiring Minecraft builder who will slowly but surely get things done.
How Active are you?: Usually, I am able to put in quite a few hours a week. Unless I am bogged down in homework, in which case, I'll be on less then usual. Also, honestly, I am an avid gamer so I may spend time logging hours in other games. Although, I will always come back to Minecraft!

Denied Sorry and Hope you find a server that will fit your needs
In Game Name:
14 years.
Banned Before:
I have never been banned on any server before.
Experience with modded MC:
I played Tekkit before FTB came out, I am experienced with Industrialcraft, Gregtech, Thermal Expansion, Forestry and Buildcraft.
Goals On Server:
First I'll gather some resources, then i will build a base somewhere, automate machines and other stuff and breed some bees.
Unique Skills?:
Not that I know, I'm good at something but I can't think of anything right now.
How Active are you?
I will try to be as much active as I can, maybe 1 to 4 hours almost everyday.
In Game Name:Kaifas_
Banned Before:im prety sure i wasnt
Experience with modded MC:i have a few months experience of ftb
Goals On Server:try getting pretty far in each mod
Unique Skills?:none
How Active are you?:i can play 3-5h per day
J64 denied and we hope you find a server that fits your needs. [DOUBLEPOST=1367329952][/DOUBLEPOST]

It seems a tad like you're just denying anyone under a particular age regardless of maturity.

Just my two cents.
It seems a tad like you're just denying anyone under a particular age regardless of maturity.

Just my two cents.
im sorry but thats not true i am 14 and i am on the server try going on the ts and talking to them that may help[DOUBLEPOST=1367340098][/DOUBLEPOST]also note to admins i wont be able to come on on mondays much because of helping with cubs
im sorry but thats not true i am 14 and i am on the server try going on the ts and talking to them that may help[DOUBLEPOST=1367340098][/DOUBLEPOST]also note to admins i wont be able to come on on mondays much because of helping with cubs

The fact that the only application out of the previous several that has been accepted was the one of the person who is in his twenties says otherwise, no?

If that's not the case than perhaps she would care to elaborate on these "needs" of mine.
Ooo look multiple posts, lets look into it !
It seems a tad like you're just denying anyone under a particular age regardless of maturity.
Not really, is age considered? uh huh lets take the last 4 as a example look at the last 2 peoples apps.
2-3 words per answer,typos on a xenForo board that helpfully underlines all spelling mistakes, they put no thought or effort into post, there was also lying about there ages in other threads, I agree with that decision hands down.
that leaves you and the 20 y/o as you put it, I like there style and honesty not to mention no warning bells were being set off.
That leave's you.
And.... i actually liked the post well written, also use of colour/font to stand out, even your avatar is something i can relate to, so whats the issue?
there's 2 well known servers you were on in the last few months that you have been in and out of.
not playing for a month or two may also cause issues, with keeping whitelist only populated with active members, and land ownership.
and yeah ill add the age in here as well, Not everyone that we have had in has had a mature attitude, and we are sick of people not understanding rules and constant nagging ie -asking for rain to be turned off, asking for time-day to be used, dying and demanding that we resupply them, honestly the list goes on and on.
while i am not saying that this is who you are, I do ask you to understand where this is coming from.
And at the end of the day, no -one actually has the right to get on, I made the server so i could play / talk to people who I want to, yip that sounds cold hearted and spiteful but that's just how it is, and there is many other servers out there that are just looking to fill there player base, we currently have quite a healthy population, so i don't see the need to let anyone in that i don't wish to.

If that's not the case than perhaps she would care to elaborate on these "needs" of mine.
Really? would you rather she of said go find somewhere that does not fulfill your needs?
There was no ill will in there, don't try to twist it around, all Her comment was saying was Goodluck getting what you want.
There was no malice or sly digs at you in there, and why ask "what are your needs"...... How would we know what needs to be satisfied by yourself? that would vary person to person.

So lets get this summed up.
If it wasn't for the last comment i would of flicked you a PM and got you in. However i will not tolerate anyone trying to undermine any staff, I keep them to a low number as its hard to find people who are not Overzealous and selfish,that sure a similar mindset to myself.
I like the fact your asking why, i like the initial app (most of it) I do believe you are NOT one of the whining ones, otherwise i would not of replied in this fashion and i would of ignored you.
This is what I need from you:
A simple reply stating you understand the rules.
have it contain some-sort of peace treaty with Fay, a simple i understand or something as im not looking for a full blown apology as I believe there was some misunderstanding there, and you will want to get along with her judging by your timezone/play times, she will be one of the ones helping you when you need it.
Like a said earlier i like the commitment that you put in with the replies so ill offer you this 2nd chance, and i will let the others know that can whitelist what my thoughts are so you don't get overlooked.
either way I wish you the best regardless of what path you take
A simple reply stating you understand the rules.
have it contain some-sort of peace treaty with Fay

I understand the rules.


Literal enough for you?