Whitelist Server RE-OPENED ~SQUirrellCraft~ 1.6.4 Monster-Modified | 32G RAM |Dedicated|Community Based| 。◕‿‿◕。

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In game name: Araxzor96
age: 17
banned before: i have never been banned before.
experience with modded mc: i have played FTB for like 7 months and allot of tekkit before that.
goals on server: to have a good and stable server to play on with my friend zephyrox, and allot of other things which i cannot decide now. :)
Unique skills: i'm pretty good at the forestry mod and mining? xD
How active are you?: i play mostly with my m8 zephyrox, but we are pretty active. like 5-9/10 hours a day.
In Game Name: McDiscoStick
Age: 23
Banned Before: Nope.
Experience with modded MC: Extensive knowledge, including building large modpacks, configs, mod uses, and a few tricks for efficiency
Goals On Server: Build something BIG (already have 2 in mind)
Unique Skills?: in game: I can place blocks in a neat and tidy fashion :)! out of game: car audio, dubstep remixing, not a lot XD
How Active are you?: Well my wife gets annoyed at how obsessed I am with MC >,> very active..
In Game Name: McDiscoStick
Age: 23
Banned Before: Nope.
Experience with modded MC: Extensive knowledge, including building large modpacks, configs, mod uses, and a few tricks for efficiency
Goals On Server: Build something BIG (already have 2 in mind)
Unique Skills?: in game: I can place blocks in a neat and tidy fashion :)! out of game: car audio, dubstep remixing, not a lot XD

How Active are you?: Well my wife gets annoyed at how obsessed I am with MC >,> very active..
whitelisted welcome on in
Ingame name:


Banned Before:

Experience with Modded MC:
I've been playing around with modded MC for around 3 months now.

Goals on Server:
Really I have no Goals if I do get accepted, I'd rather just go with it, though I have an idea in mind and would like
to work with Bees and Thaumcraft.

Unique Skills:
Currently in real life I'm taking an Art and Design college course, whether you'd consider this a skill, I don't know
but I enjoy building pretty things, for me in MC it's more Looks > Efficiency.

How active are you:
I plan to be pretty active, at least on once everyday depending on what my plans are for that day.
In Game Name:GreenAardavrk53
Banned Before:yes, silly admins and being blamed for somethign i didnt do.
Experience with modded MC:all the time LOVE IT
Goals On Server:make a nice comunity
Unique Skills?:building with skill and finece
How Active are you?:all the time

In Game Name: Gilly777
Age: 27
Banned Before: Nope
Experience with modded MC: Being playing for at least a year, Still dont know everything but what makes it fun.
Goals On Server: Build a really cool base and hopefully learn some computercraft. 1 thing i have trouble with so really want to get into it.
Unique Skills?: Taking a lifetime to get started :)
How Active are you?:Almost everyday for a few hours.
suppose i should post in my own thread :)
My power rooms sorted and i will have some spare time, if anyone needs a hand with anything
In Game Name: nick137
Age: 28
Banned Before: No
Experience with modded MC: I haven't played tekkit that much because the servers where i used to play went down very fast. And i never played FTB before. I hope my lack of knowledgement about FTB isn't a disadvantage for my applicantion.
Goals On Server: Because i don't have that much experience with FTB, i would start with getting some knowlegde about the Mod Pack. I would also use some time just to build a nice house and hopefully meet some mature people, who can maybe help me with my first steps on FTB. When i play a game, then my most important goal is to have fun.
Unique Skills?: Not that i know
How Active are you?: I play nearly every day about two hours.
In Game Name: skizzil
Age: 17
Banned Before: Nope
Experience with modded MC: I Have played with Feedthebeast for about a year and have lots of experience with mods for minecraft.
Goals On Server: My goal on any server is to establish a base near spawn or in, as well as get to know every one and have a good time. I personnely find it cool to be able to look around at every ones contraptions and see/figure out how things tick.
Unique Skills?: I wouldn't say I have a unique skill but I am rather good at figuring out problems with machines. I also like to help others trouble shoot problems.
How Active are you?: I am a fairly active player. I am currently attending school. I play when ever I can. I normaly will spend any were from 6 to 20 hours online in a week.
IGN: iRandomness
Age: 18.
Banned Before: Nope.
Experience with modded MC: Mhmm, for about 2 years now.
Goals on Server: I'll most likely create my own city for people to move into.
Unique skills: I'm a pretty good builder, if that counts? (http://i.imgur.com/T0f4n27.jpg)
How active are you?: Well I'll probably make an appearance for a few hours most days.