Whitelist Server RE-OPENED ~SQUirrellCraft~ 1.6.4 Monster-Modified | 32G RAM |Dedicated|Community Based| 。◕‿‿◕。

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In Game Name:crazyliam09
Banned Before:no
Experience with modded MC:yes
Goals On Server:make gravi chest plate
Unique Skills?:building with micro blocks
How Active are you?:all the time
Hey Martyn
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Okays for people trying to get whitelisted to this server i wouldn't waste your time all it does 24/7 is lag then after 4 hours of lag you will get loads of end of streams errors then to find out the server has crashed and for a dedi that's pretty messed up also to add to the rant :) Gummy whats your problem unwhitlisting me and then banning me for you having a grump ? all because i asked about the new map haha anyways good luck to the rest of you :)
Okays for people trying to get whitelisted to this server i wouldn't waste your time all it does 24/7 is lag then after 4 hours of lag you will get loads of end of streams errors then to find out the server has crashed and for a dedi that's pretty messed up also to add to the rant :) Gummy whats your problem unwhitlisting me and then banning me for you having a grump ? all because i asked about the new map haha anyways good luck to the rest of you :)
dude really? trying to degrade the reputation of this server just because it lags a little? tell me a server that DOESN'T lag and then come complain here.
Also, maybe if you read the rules and actually kept up with the site (in the OP) then you would know not to talk about the new server.
So don't come around trashing someone's server that they spend lots of both time and money on just because you don't agree with the person who bought/paid for it.
As to everyone else I would recommend still applying. There are a lot of great people on this server, and as said above sure it lags a little but just as much as any other server would.
Happy crafting :)
dude really? trying to degrade the reputation of this server just because it lags a little? tell me a server that DOESN'T lag and then come complain here.
Also, maybe if you read the rules and actually kept up with the site (in the OP) then you would know not to talk about the new server.
So don't come around trashing someone's server that they spend lots of both time and money on just because you don't agree with the person who bought/paid for it.
As to everyone else I would recommend still applying. There are a lot of great people on this server, and as said above sure it lags a little but just as much as any other server would.
Happy crafting :)

Lags a little hahaha ive been on many servers less laggy than this one and dude i don't keep up with the website only ever used it to talk to boava but still he had the wrong attitude all he could of said was check the site but anyways by all means apply and join the server then re read my post :)

Also to add i never said i disliked Gummy in anyway i've just put me review out their and other people can take it or leave it.
Lags a little hahaha ive been on many servers less laggy than this one and dude i don't keep up with the website only ever used it to talk to boava but still he had the wrong attitude all he could of said was check the site but anyways by all means apply and join the server then re read my post
OK, after this I will stop because the intent of this thread is to apply for the server not bicker about it, but I can't resist telling you that you're wrong. I've been on a LOT of servers and this doesn't lag much especially considering how nice Gummy has been letting all of these people on and the number of mods we're running. As to the not reading the rules that's your fault:
Found in the OP:

"Must make an effort to get on with current/future members via in game, TeamSpeak or the Website"
So next time before joining a server read about it maybe?
And however much lag there may be does not negate the fact that you shouldn't trash someone's thread because you don't like the server they run

Peace out
OK, after this I will stop because the intent of this thread is to apply for the server not bicker about it, but I can't resist telling you that you're wrong. I've been on a LOT of servers and this doesn't lag much especially considering how nice Gummy has been letting all of these people on and the number of mods we're running. As to the not reading the rules that's your fault:
Found in the OP:

"Must make an effort to get on with current/future members via in game, TeamSpeak or the Website"
So next time before joining a server read about it maybe?
And however much lag there may be does not negate the fact that you shouldn't trash someone's thread because you don't like the server they run

Peace out

Now you have got me all wrong this was my review of the server not intended to trash also "Must make an effort to get on with current/future members via in game, TeamSpeak or the Website" for the rule i've spoke to everyone on the server and on TeamSpeak (Spent many hours on teamspeak) so by all means keep up with adding the wrong rule :) secondly i never said i didn't like the way he ran the server i have put in over 200 - 300 hours into this server but if i didn't like how he ran it then why would i do such a thing ?? Also everyone has their own view of things this is my view just because you don't like my view doesn't give you the right to sit here and tell me i'm wrong. (But what do we except from internet trolls :) ). Anyways like i said apply and then see for your self
Now you have got me all wrong this was my review of the server not intended to trash also "Must make an effort to get on with current/future members via in game, TeamSpeak or the Website" for the rule i've spoke to everyone on the server and on TeamSpeak (Spent many hours on teamspeak) so by all means keep up with adding the wrong rule :) secondly i never said i didn't like the way he ran the server i have put in over 200 - 300 hours into this server but if i didn't like how he ran it then why would i do such a thing ?? Also everyone has their own view of things this is my view just because you don't like my view doesn't give you the right to sit here and tell me i'm wrong. (But what do we except from internet trolls :) ). Anyways like i said apply and then see for your self
Breaking my rule from above. I am on the server or else I wouldn't be making these statements.
And you can have your opinions but that doesn't give you the right to trash gummy and what he has done
Just so you don't say "I never said I didn't like the way he ran the server" again here's my evidence that you did:
" waste your time"
"all it does 24/7 is lag"
"that's pretty messed up"
" Gummy whats your problem"
if that's not saying that you don't like the way someone runs their server then I don't know what is.
Breaking my rule from above. I am on the server or else I wouldn't be making these statements.
And you can have your opinions but that doesn't give you the right to trash gummy and what he has done
Just so you don't say "I never said I didn't like the way he ran the server" again here's my evidence that you did:
" waste your time"
"all it does 24/7 is lag"
"that's pretty messed up"
" Gummy whats your problem"
if that's not saying that you don't like the way someone runs their server then I don't know what is.

Nice twist of my words i said it lagged is that a effect of what gummy has done ??? (i wouldnt know)
i was saying its pretty messed up for a dedicated server with 32gig on it with what 9 people online to lagg as much as it was before i got banned.
i asked gummy what was his problem all i said was about the new map and i got unwhitelisted and banned ??? how is this to do with the me saying the server is bad ????

Also to add my review was to warn people of the lag of the server and attitude of the owner not once have i trash talked about anyone else on the server or anything to do with the server from which gummy has done.
Nice twist of my words i said it lagged is that a effect of what gummy has done ??? (i wouldnt know)
i was saying its pretty messed up for a dedicated server with 32gig on it with what 9 people online to lagg as much as it was before i got banned.
i asked gummy what was his problem all i said was about the new map and i got unwhitelisted and banned ??? how is this to do with the me saying the server is bad ????

Also to add my review was to warn people of the lag of the server and attitude of the owner not once have i trash talked about anyone else on the server or anything to the server gummy has done.
I'm not going to continue arguing with a 12 year old over your opinion.
Gummy clearly had a reason to kick you or he wouldn't have and you rightfully have an opinion about that but as I said a million times before that doesn't give you the right to bash him/his server and brainwash people with your "anti server joining propaganda"
As you said people definitely have the choice as to whether or not to sign up on this server, but all I ask is that next time Darky you consider what you are saying before you say it.
Cheers everyone signing up hope to see you soon :D
I'm not going to continue arguing with a 12 year old over your opinion.
Gummy clearly had a reason to kick you or he wouldn't have and you rightfully have an opinion about that but as I said a million times before that doesn't give you the right to bash him/his server and brainwash people with your "anti server joining propaganda"
As you said people definitely have the choice as to whether or not to sign up on this server, but all I ask is that next time Darky you consider what you are saying before you say it.
Cheers everyone signing up hope to see you soon :D

to the point this is a public forums if he doesn't want people to see the bad reviews then he should remove his post and me trying to brainwash people haha nice going with that one :) ( too add again for this slow person this is my review) this is my final post for this as its near 2:30am and i've gotta be up with my son in the morning so yeah good luck with the server and by all means dont listen to me go check it out for yourself :)
Age: 15
Banned Before: no
Experience with modded MC: I have played since tekkit
Goals On Server: to have fun
Unique Skills?: tech
How Active are you? at least 4 times a week
In Game Name:Lordvolf
Banned Before:No
Experience with modded MC:Yes more than a year and a half
Goals On Server: Make an epic base and get to endgame tech
Unique Skills?:Building in/around/under water
How Active are you?:4 to 8 hours+ a week
well thats one way to get bumps..... sheez. ILoveGregTech as much as that conversation made me grin, i can handle myself bud.
it does 24/7 is lag then after 4 hours of lag you will get loads of end of streams errors then to find out the server has crashed
been running at 20 tps (sometimes dropping to 19.? for a long time, last crash i had was before xycraft was removed so thats also weeks, before you were even whitelisted.
the end of streams ill give you that one, there has been a few cases of that , hence why we have all agreed to a map reset, in the future.
Gummy whats your problem unwhitlisting me

my problem ? none to be honest, but if i have to clear things up for anyone then fine.

2013-04-11 13:29:18 [INFO] [G] [Member] Dark_Dider: mr gummykins
2013-04-11 13:29:27 [INFO] [G] [Owner] Gummy_Hermit: what ?
2013-04-11 13:30:00 [INFO] CONSOLE: Forcing save..
2013-04-11 13:30:01 [INFO] CONSOLE: Save complete.
2013-04-11 13:30:05 [INFO] Dark_Dider issued server command: /tell Gummy_Hermit when is the new map coming out ?
2013-04-11 13:30:05 [INFO] [Dark_Dider->Gummy_Hermit] when is the new map coming out ?
2013-04-11 13:32:19 [INFO] [G] [Member] Dark_Dider: okay ......
2013-04-11 13:32:45 [INFO] [G] [Owner] Gummy_Hermit: ........... back at you
2013-04-11 13:33:09 [INFO] [G] [Member] Dark_Dider: really
2013-04-11 13:33:16 [INFO] [G] [Owner] Gummy_Hermit: really
2013-04-11 13:33:20 [INFO] [G] [Member] quostin: Ping Pong!
2013-04-11 13:33:40 [INFO] [G] [Member] Dark_Dider: well im out and yeah you can take me off the whitelist :) cya
2013-04-11 13:33:47 [INFO] [G] [Owner] Gummy_Hermit: u already are

you asked to be taken off so i obliged.... don't see why your now asking about it?
Personally i had no problem with you, and you have good understanding of the mods in use, and were a friendly individual to everyone,
But aside from all that you can have your opinion but that is all it is, also as a piece of advice this isn't the first or probably last server you will try
to tell the owner and staff how to run there server. you also did it on M's server previously, and telling me to remove protection plugins and take down
the white list because you don't like it seems a little disturbing.
you want a server run your way, that's simple, in fact were you live makes creeperhost a very good option for you, and if you go down that path then all the best to you
I hope you find the amount of investment into it as rewarding as i do, as i have met so many people through this that are simply astonishing, friendly and generally make it
worth the while. Unless of course you get the players who are constantly whining, secretly backstabbing other players ( all /tell commands get logged... but you knew that diddent you)
then trying to play it all off as the poor innocent player that the server owner just picked on.
But that dosent happen very often and when it does myself and normally the community that surrounds FTB pick up on it and deal with it, by whatever means necessary.

All The Best

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Reactions: ILoveGregTech
In Game Name:aleksfreed
Banned Before:no
Experience with modded MC:yes
Goals On Server:make gravi chest plate
Unique Skills?:building coll house
How Active are you?:every day
This server is running Ultimate pack? Why is it listed in the Mindcrack forums? You might get more/better results listing the thread correctly.
This server is running Ultimate pack? Why is it listed in the Mindcrack forums? You might get more/better results listing the thread correctly.
there isnt a ultimate thread, hence why we all stayed in here most of us were running mindcrack, if you are refering to the "other" section. you dont get much traffic down there and i do state in the title
that we run ultimate. i get what your saying though. as you came for a specific service that we dont offer, hope you find the server your looking for though :)

you should see a doctor there ninja :P

added aleksfreed Lordvolf REALxxPRINGLES added in to whitelist. make sure to visit the http://www.squirrellystudios.com/index.php?forum/ for all recent and upcoming changes
in relation to server(s)

In Game Name: Grymnyr
Age: 20
Banned Before: Nope!
Experience with modded MC: Played Tekkit for a few months until that got boring, then I moved on to try some Better Than Wolves, but quickly got tired of that. Moved on to FTB about 1-2 months ago playing mainly DW20 and a smattering of Mindcrack.
Goals On Server: First and foremost I want to experience and contribute to a good community on a friendly server. I heard you guys are starting a map reset soon, and that would be perfect for me as I would like to start out at the same time as everyone else :]. Also, I haven't really played any of the Ultimate pack yet, so I'd like to learn it in a multiplayer setting where it's easier to get and give help and advice.
Unique Skills?: Maybe nothing unique, but I consider myself an accomplished builder. I've built a view complex "wizard towers" and hourglasses, but didn't get any screenshots before the server I built them on went offline.
How Active are you?: I usually play for at least an hour daily. I'm a college student so the amount of time and the number of days per week will fluctuate based on schedules.
In Game Name: Zzerling
Age: 18
Banned Before: Nope!
Experience with modded MC: like 4 months. been playing vainilla from november 2010
Goals On Server: building big with other people, get the most of FTB
Unique Skills?: Expert redstone Engineer
How Active are you?: tons of free time so that's ur anwer :)