Whitelist Server RE-OPENED ~SQUirrellCraft~ 1.6.4 Monster-Modified | 32G RAM |Dedicated|Community Based| 。◕‿‿◕。

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IGN: wizzatan
Age: 24
Reason for wanting to join: Really just need an online server to play for feed the beat, I enjoy the mod pack and I'm pretty damn good at it. I want to be able to show off the things I build and learn from others builds, I have 30 hours of hardcore that I want to use on servers
Plans/Goals(just curious): Build everything in game
prior experience with MC , Tekkit, FTB: Been playing minecraft for about 2 years now, started modded minecraft about a year ago. Pretty damn good at both, and currently play a ton of both.
Preferred voice chat(incase we need to set something more permanent up) Skype or Teamspeak or Vent you pick.
Will you record(if so youtube channel) Sure, I was actually thinking about it.
In Game Name: CrazzyL
Age: 18
Banned Before Experience with modded MC: Nope.
Goals On Server: Meet some people and cure my loneliness from playing by myself, also learn more about the game and have some fun.
Unique Skills?: Meh, none that are outstanding.
How Active are you?: Depending on my position of the server, potentially could be a frequent player.
In Game Name: nosillla
Age: 26
Banned Before: nope
Experience with modded MC: yep, played on ftb mindcrack pack for a while and learned pretty much every mod on there besides thaumcraft
Goals On Server: play with friends and have fun building stuff
Unique Skills?: nope
How Active are you?: almost daily
In Game Name: 2122000nrm
Age: 14
Banned Before: nope
Experience with modded MC: yep, played on ftb direwolf20 pack for a while and switched later to Mindcrack
Goals On Server: play ftb and build factories/powerplants
Unique Skills?: nope
How Active are you?: Almost everyday
In Game Name: tcrawleyman
Age: 17
Banned Before: Never
Experience with modded MC: Much more than id like to say :) I played dw20, mindcrack and ultimate for a respectable amount of time.
Goals On Server: Join a server that has a group of people that lasts for more
Unique Skills?: I know MFFS, Logic Pipes, some RP2, arboriculture, apiculture, PowerSuits, Steve's Carts alot, BC, Factorization, Twili Forest alot, IC2(Gregtech is evil), Power Converters, and prob more. Like i said more than id like to say!
How Active are you?: As active as i can be as in 2-3 hours a day during week prob 4+ weekends. Would also like to say please whitelist me soon current server has died from tyrant owner.
tcrawleyman | CrazzyL | nosillla | added to whitelist.
2122000nrm if your still interested flick me a msg, as i see you have applied to erm all the servers :P
In Game Name: munkie986
Age: 22
Banned Before: nope
Experience with modded MC: a few weeks with FTB, still in my early learning stages, but getting better each time I play.
Goals On Server: Have fun, learn more about the mods within the FTB pack, and make unique/interesting contraptions/machines ^.^
Unique Skills?: I'm fantastic at digging straight down (into lava >.>), but really, I'm decent at IC2, thermal expansion and buildcraft.
How Active are you?: I play most days after I'm home from work (2am(ish)) for a couple of hours, than a good 10+ hours on weekends.
IGN mcgamer2232
Age 8
Banned Before No
Expirence with modded MC Pretty good
Goal on server Get all machines
Unique Skills Good builder and Redstoner
How Active Ill be on around 7:00 central to 11:00 central
I am a youtuber too
In Game Name:crazyliam09
Banned Before:no
Experience with modded MC:yes
Goals On Server:make gravi chest plate
Unique Skills?:building with micro blocks
How Active are you?:all the time
alright the "new beginning" thread has run long enough and the general vibe is for a world reset. i will begin the required steps involved in this, but this isnt going to be a case of delete map heres a new one........ o no sir, myself and some of the players have been working on a new system, a new way of playing the game. stay tuned for more info. (more detailed description will most likely hit the squirrellystudios before here as thats the nature of it.
anyone affected (negativity) by this should contact me directly and we can talk about alternative solutions, but this is whats wanted in general, and im swayed to agree with them.

In Game Name: Mephy04
Age: 27

Banned Before: no
Experience with modded MC: yes - experience with hosting my own FTB server with two other players, really liked and got into GregTech, looking to see what Ultimate has to offer
Goals On Server: have fun, build lots of stuff, play with two other friends on this server
Unique Skills?: not that I can think of right now
How Active are you?: casual gamer
In Game Name: Duhman4u
Age: 23
Banned Before: no i havent and i don't plan on it
Experience with modded MC: tons of experience
Goals On Server: to establish good communication and gain friends and play minecraft
Unique Skills?: nope
How Active are you?: always
PS....i would like to know if its okay to post videos of the thing i do to my youtube page if i get granted access to the server
In Game Name: Craiorch
Age: 20
Banned Before: Nope
Experience with modded MC: Havnt played vanilla really since tekkit came out so i know most of the mods.
Goals On Server: I wanna make a base that is fully runned by bees.
Unique Skills?:Not unique but i can be asked about almost any of the mods.
How Active are you?: Since i am waiting to join the army i got plenty of time so everyday.
alright the "new beginning" thread has run long enough and the general vibe is for a world reset. i will begin the required steps involved in this, but this isnt going to be a case of delete map heres a new one........ o no sir, myself and some of the players have been working on a new system, a new way of playing the game. stay tuned for more info. (more detailed description will most likely hit the squirrellystudios before here as thats the nature of it.
anyone affected (negativity) by this should contact me directly and we can talk about alternative solutions, but this is whats wanted in general, and im swayed to agree with them.

In Game Name: qwarf
Banned Before:no
Experience with modded MC: old tekkit , ftb
Goals On Server:get most advanced machines
Unique Skills?:applied energistics and red power bulids
How Active are you?pretty active