Whitelist Server RE-OPENED ~SQUirrellCraft~ 1.6.4 Monster-Modified | 32G RAM |Dedicated|Community Based| 。◕‿‿◕。

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IGN: ascheller98
Age: 15
Banned before: I don't know there are a couple people who used to use my account. I haven't personally been banned
Goals: Be involved in the community. 1 UUM/sec
Unique skills: I love gregtech and work hard to achieve something I have my mind set on
In Game Name: rockkillermcb
Banned Before: Never
Experience with modded MC: Yes
Goals On Server: Help Others
Unique Skills?:Team Work, Gathering Resources, Building Large structures
How Active are you?: Very Active
In Game Name: rockkillermcb
Banned Before: Never
Experience with modded MC: Yes
Goals On Server: Help Others
Unique Skills?:Team Work, Gathering Resources, Building Large structures
How Active are you?: Very Active
In Game Name: UltimateExplorer
Age: 18
Banned Before: Never
This is my whitelist check:
Experience with modded MC: Yes
Goals On Server: Being more efficient than my SinglePlayer and making things with other members
Unique Skills?: Good at creating complex (No Lag ;D) Contraptions
How Active are you: I am active and will time to get on.

In Game Name: EmilsM
Age: 16
Banned Before: Was one time, but then got unbanned 20min later ^.^
Experience with modded MC: Played on a DW20 server + FTB Single-player
Goals On Server: Build a nice house and some machinery.
Unique Skills?: Web-coding, bit of JAVA knowlage.
How Active are you?: Very.
In Game Name: EmilsM
Age: 16
Banned Before: Was one time, but then got unbanned 20min later ^.^
Experience with modded MC: Played on a DW20 server + FTB Single-player
Goals On Server: Build a nice house and some machinery.
Unique Skills?: Web-coding, bit of JAVA knowlage.
How Active are you?: Very.
In Game Name: Clarvoyance
Banned Before: Never
Experience with modded MC: Yes
Goals On Server: Help Out, build :D
Unique Skills?:Resource Management, Architecture
How Active are you?: Very Active
Hi Gummy nice to see your server is still so active gz man, I am still on the hunt for that active/fun/lag free server, lol I found some lag free but not active & some active but.....

hope all is well with you & yours mate, keep meaning to drop by & say hi but stuff gets in the way, anyhoo I know how hard you work on your server & have nothing but respect for your efforts just a pity that geography gets in the way, pz man.
heya you old coot you :P
yeah always said i was in it for the long run, got me a shiny new dedicated box to myself/new website, and staff who know what there doing when it comes to ripping these mods apart and making them work with loaders when they really shouldn't :)
I haven't played survival since you were online lawl, always an issue somewhere or a test build to test.
The next build mod/plugins/loader setup we have started, should hopefully be our last for a while, but its still a long road ahead (silly mods dont play nice sometimes)
Hope your doing some good out there imparting your vast knowlage on the unsuspecting masses and i hope you find a home out there in the sea of servers.
ps cheers for the bump :)