Whitelist Server RE-OPENED ~SQUirrellCraft~ 1.6.4 Monster-Modified | 32G RAM |Dedicated|Community Based| 。◕‿‿◕。

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In Game Name: Purazz
Age: 26
Banned Before: No
Experience with modded MC: Not much, but trying to learn it.
Goals On Server: Build something amazing.
Unique Skills?: Hard working.
In Game Name: Korsovan
Age: 30
Banned Before: No
Experience with modded MC: Lots, also playing in Dungeon Realms Beta
Goals On Server: Chat up friends, build stuff, prank some peeps
Unique Skills?: Angry Zombies approve of me
eek .... korsovan must of been a slip up somewhere, as you dont seem to be on whitelist O_o?... fixed now though sorry about that
and Sintel1911 added on in
In Game Name: Favedyv​
Age: 27​
Banned Before: No​
Experience with modded MC: Been playing single player and with a couple of friends for about 3 months now. Want to join a good community to expand my experience with minecraft. Started out with IC2 with gregtech and the resources for that was immense so switched over forestry and extra bees.​
Goals On Server: Want to learn more about the mods, have fun. Also curious to see what over people can do.​
Unique Skills?: havent quite gotten enough experience with minecraft to know if i do.​
In Game Name: Thelegendofman
Age: 26
Banned Before: No
Experience with modded mc: I played Tekkit for six months before switching to FTB in November. I've been on two servers, one of which shut down due to the admin not keeping up with the server, and the other I left because of griefing.
Goals On Server: I would like to build a mountain base with a nice fusion setup. Alternatively just find some nice people to play FTB with.
Unique Skills?: Automated designs.
IGN: Blenkeirde
Age: 23
Banned: Never
Experience: Messing with Technic since June 2012, Tekkit in August, break over Christmas, switched to FTB in Feburary.
Goals: Fusion reactor in a week, public machine room, continent mapping, ending tyranny, saving the world, hot chocolate.
Skills: Served as a Tekkit moderator on an open server, matriarchal, previously a member of numerous servers, attentive to news and updates, cheery, talkative, of high moral fiber and regular non-moral fiber, often online.
Anti-Skills: Blonde. Sometimes. :D
In Game Name: SeventhOmega
Age: N/A
Banned Before: No.
Experience with modded MC: Started Tekkit a while back. Play a Private modpack but doing this with a friend.
Goals On Server: 1/UUM a minute?
Unique Skills? Nothing really, good at CC? (Ok, partially.)
Hello, I was whitelisted a week or two ago and I have the updated Ultimate Pack and it says Im missing Twilight Forest? How is this possible?
Nevermind I force updated, but it says I'm not whitelisted even though I was accepted, I had never gotten the notification from this page saying I was accepted so I'd ask if you could re-whitelist me.
Cause It would kinda suck since I thought I just haven't been answered all this time, and I was scrolling through the whitelist server promotion page today and I noticed my user picture by this server and was smart enough to check whether I applied recently and was accepted. I would appreciate if you would re-whitelist me, as I said before :)
IGN: Frederickx2

Age: 16
Reason for wanting to join: I want to play on a whitelisted, peaceful server where there would be no griefing my machinery, and no stealing my stuff, I also enjoy collaborating with other members and would also like to record YouTube videos on here
Plans/Goals: To play peacefully, get a few friends and just have fun with it, along with start a FTB video series.
prior experience with MC , Tekkit, FTB: Both Tekkit for a year and FTB since December.
Will you record(if so youtube channel): Yes I will, Three Scared Bros but im making a new channel very soon.
Squirrells cute or pest? (This one really dosent matter ): Cute in the Twilight Forest and they aren't stealing your food in real life.

you have been re-white listed, next time plz provide a link to your app.
In Game Name:glass_eye​
Banned Before: once when my nephew was visiting and placed a block in a parcor event, got unbanned and now no one but me uses my account.​
Experience with modded MC:almost a years worth. mostly ic2, rp, forestry, bc, learning greg tech. and thaumcraft​
Goals On Server:i enjoy helping others learn how to use the mods and how to make them work together to make really epic builds. also i like to get really into the bee and tree breeding his time around, and help others do the same. typically on 1-2 hours a week night and more on the weekends​
Unique Skills?: mature, and angry zombies love my brains.​
I remember your name from Trince, Glass Eye. I was adding the finishing touches to my meticulously-rainbowed sorting machine series when the server closed on me. RIP.

I wonder how many other wayward strays drift this way..