Whitelist Server RE-OPENED ~SQUirrellCraft~ 1.6.4 Monster-Modified | 32G RAM |Dedicated|Community Based| 。◕‿‿◕。

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Righton5 whitelisted [DOUBLEPOST=1363530853][/DOUBLEPOST]i fixed that nold, i was in console when u logged

YouDRUNKEN added to whitelist
In Game Name: frogger35​
Age: 16​
Banned Before: yes. my buddy was accused of duping then they banned him and me. I fought them on that charge and they changed it to griefing. When I tried to fight them on that they banned me from the forums and there was nothing i could really do. Since this incident I have never had any problem with any other server.​
Experience with modded MC: been playing FTB for about 8 months​
Goals On Server: to create a big power plant/ automated everything factory​
Unique Skills? creations and knowledge of most mods. I am not very good at building i'm moderate at best. Great community man :)
Thanks you for reading my post :D
Hope to see ya all in game​
In Game Name:thegayhater
Banned Before:nope
Experience with modded MC:yer i have played tekkit for a long time
Goals On Server:to help and play fun and not be grief
Unique Skills?:mods i no and i can build some cool things
In Game Name: Aliphim and laceycarp​
Age: 31​
Banned Before: Neither of us have been​
Experience with modded MC: Yes​
Goals On Server: We want to build everything there is to build in the entire universe​
Unique Skills?: We can build everything there is to build in the entire universe​
frogger35 | Aliphim and laceycarp give us a few mins. changing mod loaders and the like to stop end of stream logging
In Game Name: Ranuu​
Age: 23​
Banned Before: Never.​
Experience with modded MC: Plenty. I've only been playing FTB (Mindcrack) since January, but I was on a Tekkit Classic server for some time before that. The Tekkit server had a lot of banned/restricted mods/items, so I never got much experience with Buildcraft, but I got a lot of experience with RP2, EE2, and IC2 on that server. On the Mindcrack server I've been a part of for a while now, we have Gregtech hardmode turned on, so I've been missing out on a lot of IC2, but have learned to appreciate Buildcraft. I love Forestry, and have found myself spending hours playing with the different farm machines.​
Goals On Server: I'm a builder, primarily, and I want to build large structures and find creative ways of fitting machinery into them.​
Unique Skills?: Oh, I'm not unique at all, but I have a pet peeve about making simple, square buildings.​
In Game Name: xxxxCharliexxxx
Age: 15
Banned Before: No I have not.
Experience with modded MC: A decent amount. I've played a various few mods before the Tekkit pack came to be, and then I played that for a large length of time, joining various servers, as well as experimenting in single player with various parts of each pack, gaining a large amount of experience with RP2, EE2, and IC2, as well as some, but not a lot of Buildcraft. Then I started experimenting with ComputerCraft, but quickly lost interest. After the servers starting getting low in quality, and a lot of items were banned, the FTB mod pack came into my vision. I went onto the Mindcrack pack, joining a server soon after my single player stopped working, (I have no reason why it doesn't work) then I joined a few collected FTB servers. The Latest one was "The Construct" which has undertaken different ownership at various points and created it's own custom mod pack. However, it no longer works for me, so I looked for alternative routes. In that time there, I gained massive amounts of experience with Thaumcraft (Well more than I already had, which was 0), and a bit more with some of the advances in IC2 and RP2.
Goals On Server: To befriend various members on the server, while at the same time learning the few mods I haven't learned about, as well as easier ways in the advances of the mods I know primarily about. I always want to show the maturity I possess even at such a young age, to gain the trust of everyone.
Unique Skills?: I can create small or large structures, depending on what the desire is and also the materials I hold at hand. All the little Handsaws the game gives me also helps me make these structures quite easily and inexpensively. I'm also a helpful assistant, when need be, or can be a leader.
In Game Name: xXPowersaintsXx
Age: 14
Banned Before: Never banned
Experience with modded MC: Ive messed with mods a decent amount.
Goals On Server: To try and learn some of the things that I havent yet learned about the mods in FTB
Unique Skills?: Only unique things about me is I can make simple buildings harder than they really are
In Game Name: LunarCast​
Age: 22​
Banned Before: Never​
Experience with modded MC: Yes​
Goals On Server: I saw the modular powersuit mod and i definitely want to mess with that. Also i want to do some more crazy programming on the turtle​
Unique Skills?: I make pretty cool structures. I won most creative in the previous server i was in. lol​
In Game Name: Abigail423​
Age: 19​
Banned Before: Never banned​
Experience with modded MC: I've played some Tekkit and Feed the Beast Magic pack.​
Goals On Server: Just a nice place to build and mine with other people. Also to learn more about Forestry and Beekeeping and a few other mods.​
Unique Skills?: Nothing big, I'm good with Thaumcraft, Buildcraft, and Industrialcraft. I'm a passable builder.​
In Game Name: HappyGrenades​
Age: 17​
Banned Before: n/a​
Experience with modded MC: Very Experienced, never ftb but I've played a lot of tekkit, as well as my own modpack i made for myself​
Goals On Server: Build cool things, push the limits of redstone using redpower​
Unique Skills?: fairly good with redpower, very good with regular redstone​
In Game Name: asone​
Banned Before: no​
Experience with modded MC: I have lots of experience was a mod on the server the.factory​
Goals On Server: build up, and make myself a nice village /city expansion with running power plants off of steve carts wood cutters and then expanding into more nuclear power​
Unique Skills?: I can build at a rapid rate as well make a decent build, how ever I enjoy building out of everyones way.... I love using steves carts tho and excel at strip mining using them (had a old system where I used 6 full decked out carts to do everything self powering through steam and auto burning wood from a wood cutter cart into fuel for the other carts, was one of my favourite things I've ever made on modded minecraft.​
In Game Name: Fayini
Age: 31
Banned Before: No
Experience with modded MC: Yes
Goals On Server: To get to know other people in the community and to learn more about the mods.
Unique Skills?: I love to help others out and am very organized and friendly.
In Game Name: Dj_Troll
Age: 14 (Mature)
Banned Before: Never
Experience with modded MC: Not much but i am wanting to learn!
Goals On Server: Make friends build cool stuff and just all around have fun!
Unique Skills?: I can PvP well and build decently.