Whitelist Server RE-OPENED ~SQUirrellCraft~ 1.6.4 Monster-Modified | 32G RAM |Dedicated|Community Based| 。◕‿‿◕。

  • This section is now closed. Server owners can remake their threads in the new server section here. If you are looking for a server you can use both this section and the new section for the time being.
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord
GN: MinerNiko

Age: 14, almost 15.
Reason for wanting to join: You seem to have a nice community, and I'd like to give my part to it.
Plans/Goals: Making a good life for me, and helping the others, just having a good time.
prior experience with MC , Tekkit, FTB: Minecraft veteran, Tekkit-Noob, FTB- Decent, played since the start of FTB.
Will you record(if so youtube channel) Yes, MrNikosChannel
Squirrells cute or pest? (This one really dosent matter ) Cute.
IGN: Loveair

Age: 31
Reason for wanting to join: to play with mature players and learn the mods of FTB without having to worry about griefers hope to join the community with you!
Plans/Goals: to create super buildings for people to enjoy, and create complicated machines and anything esle i can come up with my imagination grows as i learn!
prior experience with MC , Tekkit, FTB: experience with tekkit and minecraft learning on youtube about FTB mods still learning :)
Will you record(if so youtube channel) dont think so ill let you know if i change my mind
Squirrells cute or pest? very cute espeically red squirrels :) although very rare in england and only live in certain parts of the uk :)
Loveair added to whitelist.

We Will be changeing server hosts within the next week or two.
It will still be in LA And plenty of warning will be given before we change the map over etc, for more info refer to our site / teamspeak or ingame chat
cheers all
Application form:
IGN: sphiNx1231
Reason for wanting to join: Playing alone is a little bit boring at times! Looking for an active and fun community join and play with. Also looking to join a whitelist server so that nasty griefers can be avoided!
Plans/Goals: Set up a highly functional and aesthetically pleasant base, help out people who need it (or who just want to do a big build, or whatever ;) ), and generally escape from reality!
prior experience with MC , Tekkit, FTB: I've played MC since 1.3 and have a strong background in vanilla redstone. after that I played technic and tekkit, but was frustrated with the lack of updates to content. I have been playing FTB since the current launcher came out, first in FTBBeta pack, then (and still) DW20. As far as these packs are concerned I have a pretty decent mastery of most of the mods. I have no experience with the Ultimate pack, but I am excited to try it out and learn some new mods.
Will you record(if so youtube channel) Not at all likely!
Squirrells cute or pest? (This one really dosent matter ) Cute, except when they try to make me crash my car!
IGN: QuantumZeruul

Age: 31
Reason for wanting to join: I have little minecraft multiplayer experience and I'm looking for a good comunity to grow with.
Plans/Goals: Massive Projects, Cool Buildings, Learn the Mods more and find more fun and interesting interactions between stuff.
Prior experience with MC , Tekkit, FTB: I played Tekkit single player for a while, and once I learned of FTB I dropped that and migrated over to that. Been playing that Single player for a while now too, and even recording it for Youtube most recently.
Will you record(if so youtube channel): If people want me to and/or don't mind, sure. Youtube.com/QuantumZeruul
Squirrells cute or pest? (This one really dosent matter ): Cute, especially once you give them something like an acorn to chew on :)
IGN: Crittlez & Calliqt
Crittlez: 19
Calliqt: 21
Reason for wanting to join: We are looking for a server to be able to enjoy the game together whilst being in an active and sociable community. We enjoy both the creative and social aspects of the game and hope to find a server which enriches this.
Plans/Goals:Crittlez: Build a nice base of operations whilst exploring the vast game that is the Ultimate Pack, probably go into the more technical aspects of redpower and comp craft once i have all the essentials up and running ( i love building with redpower)
Calliqt: fairly new to the game so more excited to be able to enjoy the game as a whole, learn the game and enjoy it as a summary.
prior experience with MC , Tekkit, FTB: Crittlez: 2 years MC, 1 year modded, 6 months tekkit, 3-4 months on FTB
Calliqt: 2 years minecraft, 3 months tekkit (lately)
Will you record(if so youtube channel) If it comes to it, but no plans at the moment
Squirrells cute or pest? (This one really dosent matter ) Depends, not if they have tnt :S
Note: i hope its okay if we apped together, cheers.

Reason for wanting to join: new to ftb want to learn but played minecraft for a while
Plans/Goals: learn mods i have not know about
prior experience with MC , Tekkit, FTB:no i dont but want to learn
Will you record(if so youtube channel) no
Squirrells cute or pest? (This one really dosent matter ) cute
Crittlez | Ace93463| Calliqt | QuantumZeruul added to whitelist.

keep in mind we are in the process of moving to our new box.
  • Xeon Quad E3-1240v2
  • 32GB DDR3 RAM
  • 1Tb SATA3 HDD
  • 120Gb SSD
  • so if theres any issues please tell myself or an admin and we will get on it, as most of our attention will be on setting this enviroment up before the transfer (all world data etc will be transfered over)
IGN: kyleboo321 and bildgebear
Age: 17 and 14 respectively
Reason for wanting to join: We're looking for a server where we can freely practice ALL the mods and interact with other players. Plans/Goals(just curious) Kyle: To breed bees like mad because I love them. Bildge: To mine the world dry and build cool buildings.
prior experience with MC , Tekkit, FTB: been with vanilla forever, Tekkit for 2 years, then FTB as soon as Beta came out, was on another server till they removed too many mods.
Preferred voice chat(incase we need to set something more permanent up) Skype.
Will you record(if so youtube channel) Some day I hope (: (I'll inform you if we do!)
Squirrells cute or pest? (This one really dosent matter ) Squirrells are the cutest, FLUFFIEST critters out there! <3
Just wondering as to why bildgebear and I are no longer whitelisted. Did it happen when the server switched over, or did we do something wrong?
IGN: Righton5
Age: 16
Reason for wanting to join: Wanting to play with others on this pack as i really don't know much about how to use the mods correctly. And to find a good Ftb community, maybe.
Plans/Goals(just curious) Probably mostly Thaumcrafting to be done.
prior experience with MC , Tekkit, FTB: Played with some friends, Always ended with fireworks and explosions.
Preferred voice chat(incase we need to set something more permanent up) Probably Ts3.
Will you record(if so youtube channel) Nope.
Squirrells cute or pest? (This one really dosent matter ) Hm, Something between those?
In Game Name: YouDRUNKEN
Age: 17
Banned Before: No
Experience with modded MC: Few years, mainly technology mods like buildcraft, rp2.. and so on
Goals On Server: Hangout with the community and maybe create some cool things
Unique Skills?: I'm very experienced with mods, big time automation, and love helping out.