Whitelist Server RE-OPENED ~SQUirrellCraft~ 1.6.4 Monster-Modified | 32G RAM |Dedicated|Community Based| 。◕‿‿◕。

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Really wish you would have made it more clear that you're recruiting for a server that has a planned reset in a month before I played 8 hours last night and today. That is something that should probably be near the top of your recruitment post. I'm not against server resets by any means; I just don't see the point in starting on a server that is about to reset. And why that wouldn't be explicitly mentioned in a recruitment post disturbs me....
a month? you have that information off myself / a admin? or of a player that was in the game winding you up? i was like always in the console watching it all (as auth servers are down)
you realize that all servers will be doing this when 1.4.7-->1.5/1.6 ?
due to rendering issues and items id changes etc.
it really disturbs me how we are expected to research the players before letting anyone on (hence the whitelist) yet you don't know about where ftb is going , nor did you look into our site where we keep up-to date information. reset was MEANT to be 5-6 weeks ago,this is turning to the 1.3 saga all over again where it hung in limbo for months. and seeing as 1.6 is only releasing snapshots ( fyi skelington horse's look mean!)
this is all happening further down the track, reset was also player voted upon and a world download to be made available at that time, i think were at around 20Gig atm, all thats different here is i keep the players informed of whats going on, instead of you just one day logging in to find everything gone and changed, did asceller handle that wrong... yes, but i have little control over what comes out of his mouth.
But enough of that,i wish you the best in what you do, your build style is very nice, you have been a model member and i would recommend you for any server that you apply for, good luck out there and if you wish to come back after all the resetting crap you are more than welcome to.
In Game Name: Striker12138
Age: 16
Banned Before: No
Experience with modded MC: Played some FTB on some open servers, now I want to try it on a decent server.
Goals On Server: Building a casino.
Unique Skills?: Probably not 'unique' , but I can use CC to make casino games...
How Active are you?: I'm on most nights (Atlantic Zone)
In Game Name:zordor0
Banned Before:no havent played in servers
Experience with modded MC:have played mc since 1.2.5 with (alot of) mods but because i havent played online my knowhow might not be so good
Goals On Server:get a smoothly running base and upgrade it even more
Unique Skills?:not sure if u can call it unique but im fast at learning thing by my self
How Active are you?:try to be active but my work can take alot of my time so there might be times when i cant be online for few days
In Game Name: B45op
Age: 23
Banned Before: Nope.
Experience with modded MC: I have been playing with mods for ages and have run my own small modded server for over a year and a half, recently I shut down the server due to time constraints with keeping our custom pack up to date.
Goals On Server: To play, be happy and peacefully plod along.
Unique Skills?: I am familiar with a load of mods and am willing to help out those who may not have as much familiarity.
How Active are you?: fairly active. I try to be on when I can.
In Game Name:darkstar5786778
Banned Before:nope.
Experience with modded MC:I have had very extensive experience with mods even before ftb.
Goals On Server:Make every single bee there is.
Unique Skills?:Good at automating contraptions.
How Active are you?:I expect to be on during my free time when i don't have school to attend.
IGN: Butters110
Age: 16
Banned before: No
Experience: starded playing mc 2 years ago, played tekkit for a while ,than played ftb (about 4 months now).
Goals: Make a very complex factory and try to learn some more about magic stuff and bees. (Im not good at magic things only ic2, buildcraft, gregtech, nuclear reactors, MFFS,...all stuff like that. About thaumcraft and forestry i only know the basics. )
Unique skills: Mentioned above
How active are you?: Normally i would be very active but we have exams in 3 weeks so ill not be very active than, but after my exams ill be online all the time :)
In Game Name: Mercalus
Age: 21
Banned Before: Nope
Experience with modded MC: I'm a Tekkit convert! :) Have been playing Tekkit most of my modded MC life, most of the mods are very similar to FTB.
Goals On Server: To build a large architectural project with my cousin(style to be determined at another time!)
Unique Skills?: Graduated from the Redstone Academy !
How Active are you?: Plan to be active at least every other day / night
Hi Again

Can you also add my brother to the whitelist I know he'll want to join.
I took teh liberty of filling a form out for him below :)

In Game Name: death_jester_00
Age: 37
Banned Before: No
Experience with modded MC: Same as rriley2011
Goals On Server: to be rriley's little b*tch
Unique Skills?: "jester is a good and obedient elf and will help whenever called"
How Active are you?: as much as rriley tells me to
In Game Name: besuikerd
Age: 21
Banned Before: Nope
Experience with modded MC: Have been playing on several Feed the Beast or private modpack servers
Goals On Server: Making a huge computercraft base
Unique Skills?: Quite experienced with lua. Have an affinity for builing highly productive (not necessarily pretty, I always try my best though) buildings
How Active are you?: Depends on how busy I am with school
All added to the white list. Welcome to Squirrelcraft and have fun. :)