Whitelist Server RE-OPENED ~SQUirrellCraft~ 1.6.4 Monster-Modified | 32G RAM |Dedicated|Community Based| 。◕‿‿◕。

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In Game Name: jikarlji
Age: 19
Banned Before: nope
Experience with modded MC: I played mindcrack and ultimate for some time
Goals On Server: I would like to build some nice village, maybe some railway :)
Unique Skills?: I am not sure that I have any... I can record videos to youtube, or stream my gameplay.
How Active are you?: It depends how much free time do I have. Usually 2-8 hours per day. :)
In Game Name: blight000
Age: 15
Banned Before: Nope
Experience with modded MC: Over 2 years of experience i think.
Goals On Server: Build a great base that looks good and do stuff with all mods available
Unique Skills?: Cant really think of much unique...I have a LOT of experience with mods though.
How Active are you?: Quite active, 4-6hrs on school days average. Longer on weekends.
In Game Name: accapulco
Age: 25
Banned Before: No
Experience with modded MC: over 9000
Goals On Server: Im looking for a community not just a place everyone goes and does their own thing since the description states there is a town section Id like to join for that. We're playing multiplayer minecraft and I enjoy seeing people and their creations around me rather then having everyone fly off 3000 blocks in different directions, do their thing and never see each other. I am an experienced player and Im looking for a like-minded community where we can build awesome looking creations.
Unique Skills?: Im a perfectionist I like to build good looking structures. I make use of redpower's block cutting and use different blocks in my buildings.
How Active are you?: Its summer baby, all day =).
IGN dkittrell
Why I wanna join : I want to find an active ftb community . My current server isn't active and gets boring when I'm the only guy on every day
Ftb experience : I know most mods pretty good. I am more experienced with bees than any other mods but in always trying to learn more . I started playing minecraft about 2 yrs ago and started with ftb last November roughly . I'm on usually every day after work and most weekends
Can you record : yes and I plan on it
I prefer Skype but if you want team speak I'm willing to re download it, haven't used it for a while

Ps sorry if I missed anything I'm posting this on my phone and it wouldn't let me copy the application
In Game Name: DeckadeNemo
Age: 30
Banned Before: Nope
Experience with modded MC: All Tekkit Packs
Goals On Server: To have fun and not play alone all day...
Unique Skills?: I like to experiment with a lot of things and try new mods. Ingenuity.
How Active are you?: Almost Every Day.
In Game Name:Aritchey
Banned Before:No
Experience with modded MC:I have been playing for almost 3 years and know most mods in the pack.
Goals On Server:To have a fun experience playing ftb ultimate with other people!
Unique Skills?:I am very good at advancing through tech very quickly.
How Active are you?:I play almost everyday when I am enjoying the game.
IGN: bulletproofheart
Banned Before: No
Experience with modded MC: Alittle
Goals On Server: Hang with friends and have a good time
Unique Skills?: None that i know of yet
How Active are you?: Mostly weekends
My IGN is harryclarke2701
im 14 almost 15 years old (however is sound like a five year old i have been told)
i have never been banned from a server before
i have played tekkit, volts, mindcrack, direwolf20 and yogcraft so yes i would say i have had alot of expirience with the moded packs.
My goals on a server would be to make a building near spawn where people can go to and get started by using the machines there or just taking some materials (i have seen direwolf20's episodes on forgecraft 1 and 2 and i want to sort of copy that idea it seems fun)
i dont have any unique minecraft skill however i have a few friends that would be interested in joining a server with me and two of them have their own little youtube channels so they hope to make a ftb youtube serise.
i am very active: i will play up to 8 hours a day but normally two however i do go on holidays a fair bit in the school holidays.

also just to anyone out there reading, if i get accepted into the server would you like to help me build the building at spawn or would you help me build somthing else i dont really mind just wana team up.