Whitelist Server RE-OPENED ~SQUirrellCraft~ 1.6.4 Monster-Modified | 32G RAM |Dedicated|Community Based| 。◕‿‿◕。

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to all the new members that are not in my time zone O/ Howdy and welcome
Also fay / kiwi need to talk when i get up.
have fun
In Game Name: Dogg3h
Age: 18
Banned Before: No
Experience with modded MC: I have been playing Feed The Beast on the Mindcrack pack since that pack came out. (On a server i rented myself, but passed on to somebody else now.)
Goals On Server: Make epic builds with proper aesthetics and make them functional ofcourse, together with a friend of mine! (In-game name Pret, he will apply soon too!)
Unique Skills?: Automation, bees, im familiar with about any mod (unless the mods that are not in the mindcrack pack)
How Active are you?: I am able to play a few hours everyday (lets say 3 to 4 to mention a few numbers)
In Game Name: Pret
Age: 19
Banned Before: Nope
Experience with modded MC: I've played alot of tekkit and played on the server Dogg3h owned.
Goals On Server: Make epic buildis and do alot of caving / exploring together with my friend Dogg3h
Unique Skills?: Automation and buildcraft
How Active are you?: I will be able to play a few hours a day.
In Game Name: SurlyLHT
Age: 30
Banned Before: No
Experience with modded MC: Multiple Survival Multiplayer servers of varying styles, thus far 3 FTB servers and lots of tinkering in Single player.
Goals On Server: To find a stable community to work with and build/destroy/rebuild/have explode/get mad/rebuild again/ect...lol oh and get all the copper I can get my hands on. i never seem to have enough
Unique Skills?: Little bits of everything. Still green in getting used to coordination of all the mods.
How Active are you?: Daily if not every other day.
In game name: harrythebom
Age: 15
Reason for joining: jack (harryclarke2701) had a server which became really laggy and practically unplayable. so we are looking for a new server to play which will be friendly and with out griefers like our old server was.
Banned?: No
Experience: ive played minecraft for about a year and a half, had experience with tekkit for about 5 months and am currently playing ftb for about a month and a half
Goals: have fun, create some epic stuff and build with jack (harryclarke2701)
Skills: i dont have any particular minecraft skills but i have created a hunger games arena before and love playing the game. i am also going to make a youtube series on the server with jack.
Activeness: depends on the day. on a school day i play about 2 hours but on a weekend i play around 5 or 6.
In game name: phili92
Age: 20
Reason for joining: My previous server changed from mindcrack to ultimate and wiped the map, however the server has a various amounts of good mods deactivated(chunk loaders, mystcraft....) so im looking for a new one with an active and friendly community
Banned?: No
Experience: Minecraft since early beta, FTB/Tekkit since 4-5 months now, 100+ hours of learning progress so i can say that im very experienced with certain mods.
Goals: Have a nice time, meet new people, create something big and rebuild my bee empire !
Skills: Well im a good bee keeper and a motivated builder but nothing particular
Activeness: I would say daily !
In game name: phili92
Age: 20
Reason for joining: My previous server changed from mindcrack to ultimate and wiped the map, however the server has a various amounts of good mods deactivated(chunk loaders, mystcraft....) so im looking for a new one with an active and friendly community
Banned?: No
Experience: Minecraft since early beta, FTB/Tekkit since 4-5 months now, 100+ hours of learning progress so i can say that im very experienced with certain mods.
Goals: Have a nice time, meet new people, create something big and rebuild my bee empire !
Skills: Well im a good bee keeper and a motivated builder but nothing particular
Activeness: I would say daily !

I want to let you know that we will be doing a map reset once we switch to the updated ftb. I will not give you a time on that as I do not know =). If you still want to join us let me know. Fay
IGN: nerdygamer1o1
age: 11
reason for wanting to join: my old server has been having problems with lag and ive been crashing alot. It can be hard to find a reliable server but i think this one is reliable.
plans: i would like to make friends,get a team going, and have alot of fun on this server.
expierence: i have played ftb for about a mont or two. i have focused on thaumcraft and buildcraft but i would like to give them all a try.
preferred voice chat: none
will you record: problebly not
squirrells cute or pest: i love to watch them. :)

ative: i will be on daily but i wont be able to get on the next 2-3 days but i will be on alot
IGN: nerdygamer1o1
age: 11
reason for wanting to join: my old server has been having problems with lag and ive been crashing alot. It can be hard to find a reliable server but i think this one is reliable.
plans: i would like to make friends,get a team going, and have alot of fun on this server.
expierence: i have played ftb for about a mont or two. i have focused on thaumcraft and buildcraft but i would like to give them all a try.
preferred voice chat: none
will you record: problebly not
squirrells cute or pest: i love to watch them. :)

ative: i will be on daily but i wont be able to get on the next 2-3 days but i will be on alot

I am going to have to talk to the other mods and admins. Please be patient and I will get back to you. Fay[DOUBLEPOST=1369678377][/DOUBLEPOST]phili92 added to the white list. Welcome to the server. =)
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Reactions: klb2010
In Game Name: rtm416
Age: 23
Banned Before: no
Experience with modded MC: Not too much with modded, but have played Vanilla since Alpha 1.1.0.
Goals On Server: I want to learn from others and eventually teach others what I have learned along with building crazy gadgets.
Unique Skills?: Have a lot of administrative experience with a Minecraft server, and have good communication skills.
How Active are you?: At least 10 hrs a week in a normal situation. Just as a note, I already applied on the website but figured why not throw one here as this is how I found out about it.

I already applied on the site but I figured I would here too, as this is how I found the server.
In Game Name: Axed713
Age: 24
Banned Before: No
Experience with modded MC: Built a fusion reactor in 11 days.
Goals On Server: To hang out and build some neat stuff.
Unique Skills?: Annoying Fayini.
How Active are you?: 17+ hours a day when I didn't have a job. Prob 2-4 hours a day now.
In Game Name: patryksuper9
Age: 23
Banned Before: No
Experience with modded MC: Technic pack since it was released, after that FTB since it was released (I got bored with vanilla a long time ago ;) ).
Goals On Server: Make awsome contraptions, cool shops.
Unique Skills?: I can lick my elbow.
How Active are you?: 2-4 hours daily, sometimes less when there's alot going on at med school.
In game name: harrythebom
Age: 15
Reason for joining: jack (harryclarke2701) had a server which became really laggy and practically unplayable. so we are looking for a new server to play which will be friendly and with out griefers like our old server was.
Banned?: No
Experience: ive played minecraft for about a year and a half, had experience with tekkit for about 5 months and am currently playing ftb for about a month and a half
Goals: have fun, create some epic stuff and build with jack (harryclarke2701)
Skills: i dont have any particular minecraft skills but i have created a hunger games arena before and love playing the game. i am also going to make a youtube series on the server with jack.
Activeness: depends on the day. on a school day i play about 2 hours but on a weekend i play around 5 or 6.
I am going to have to talk to the other mods and admins. Please be patient and I will get back to you. Fay[DOUBLEPOST=1369678377][/DOUBLEPOST]phili92 added to the white list. Welcome to the server. =)

plz if its because of the age i act much older than other people my age. i dont do anything stupid :P